Pochinki edition
Pochinki edition
who is you
fugg :DD
gara goba XDDD
Erdoğan pulled the ban??
first for ethnic albania
hello, lad
korfu is rightfully shqip
efendi? or turkbey? either way welcome back
technically he's not wrong
sarbi ma gaza
CANNOT argue with that
ivo hristov was right
I used to think we dislike Albanians cause of Islam but it's because Albanians are subhumans
For instance, I would have no problem living in Sarajevo. All the muslims there are human slavs, it'd be comfy.
But Albos it's a racial problem
They call me big dick bandit
nigga no1 cares stop projecting your asshurt every other post of every thread
i'm up for it
dumb frogposter
And I'm up YOUR MOM
>the sole mention of haxball literally inflames albanians' prolapsed, hemorrhoid-ridden anuses
Wait, so roaches werent banned by Hiroshima for spamming Kara Boga, but Erdogan blocked Sup Forums?
pass tatarlo
>hemorrhoid-ridden anuses
We actually use a bidet like Western Europeas do, and don't have hemorrhoids
portable bidets (aka ibriks) don't count as bidets, ahmed
Only muzzies and gooks use bidets nigga
don;t mind the bullies albro
>bolekar delusions
иcтo и зa мeнe, caмo нa мecтo тoa aлбaнци и иcлaм, зaмeни co кpиcтиaн и мaкeдoнци
whats a bolekar
>maqekar internet
chinks and muslims are unironically more hygenic than westerners
nfakt asht bolekars
t. Ahmed Chung
gee it sure is boring around here
we need more albanians
do you guys like olives?
i don't
bitch ass nigga
>when team shqip wins 3 games in a row so bjurmbej switches the map and immediately restarts on a 1-0
i want to like them but i can't
>maqekar internet
make hummus and put some chopped olives in it
Hi guys I am Roma why do you people hate us? We are peaceful people who just want to live our lives just like you
>We are peaceful people
please inform my local Roma about this, I don't think they know
/brit/ will hear about this
Kalamata olives best olives
are you really or just LARPing?
>3 vs 2 (shqip had bad lag btw)
>we still win
masallah...cCc Bulgaristan cCc 66666
that was the last time i'm hosting haxball for you whiny underage faggots
I didn't have lag, I just wanted to be close to you
>tfw lost 3/4 of the games i played in
the only common factor was i
it's comfy as fuck though that you guys organise games like this
pretty fun
did you at least collect our ips?
xpozed wouldn't waste his time with kiddie stuff that 10 year olds get off to
but i bet he has pentested his neighbors wifi
Gee, it sure is boring around here
there is this cute lithuanian girl in my course, how do i ask her out?
I knew donplaya before that video, i was at the shoot in skopje. We got those those rollers from tinex . half of it was shot in aerodrom close to me
We need more albanians
donplaya kinda looks like sashko dbi
i never thought i would hear that from a fyromian
the same way you would ask out any other girl
h-how do you do that?
good taste lel
Oзб вo aepoдpoм e oвa? Ce миcлeв дeкa e кapпoш вo близинa нa фaкyлтeтитe...
There seems to be a new balk pol thread
talk to her and when the time is right ask her "netflix n chill?"
bole = testicle
kar = dick
bolekar is similar to bulgar hence the name , bolekae
Ne brat se e snimano u karpos ali pola bese u aerodrom, potocno micurin kaj eden drugar i ne bese objaveno
Donplaya pred videovo bese skroz autist i nepoznat raper dojden od bitola i probuvase da se probie u sk. Ja se cudev kako od ednas stana dobar
go to her and say 'tranlo, you got the wrong general, come back to balk with me'
Im a pure albanian, retard
Ahaa znaci ipak ne sum bil vo greska za Karpos hahaha.
Abe si hustla covekot ko sto vika on. Gledav intervju edno vika deka neso so IT se zanimava, im zemal pari na glupi amerikanci lel.
A od muzikava ima videno nekoj denar, nastapuva negde ima album..?
Ayy you learned how to use a comma, that's an improvement.
tell her: "I got your mum locked up in my basement, shag with me if you want to see her again"
works everytime
shut the fuck up triangle head
i will fuck the first macedonian i see
You found a time-machine?
Дoбaaaaaap кeк
fyromians BTFO`d
>tfw woke up 5am this morning
>tried going to sleep 3 hours ago
>couldnt fall asleep and just shitposted on Sup Forums instead
>got out of the bed and made coffee
guess ill be up for 36 hours today...
>>couldnt fall asleep and just shitposted on Sup Forums instead
ugh, sitting in bed before getting up is the worst shit ever
day ruined if it begins that way
the pol balk thread is so shitty, like recycling balk memes that havent been funny here for years
>unironically browsing Sup Forumseddit
most users there are redditors unironically, bro
someone posted the roll an albanian meme, but the thumbnail lmao
Its shame that Sup Forums gets like 70% of the website's traffic. Its full with redditors who can't say nigger on their platforms and they come here.
Also, there are people who unironically go on Sup Forums in the current year
b for balk