British bulldog mentality
need him back quick time
repugnant beast
just had my first blowjob
tasted horrible
The virgin "african american"
The Chad British Black
Even if you are a billionaire it won’t make up for being less that 6ft tall
this cat looks like a russian dude I know, it's uncanny
ctfu manlet
god i wish that were me
She wants a man called Frum
are you guys going to have sex today?
the lads
housing prices in the uk suddenly make sense. my state is larger than your country
nor is he a human
watching a French movie lads
keep it down to a low roar
god i wish that was me
whats this
dont understand what all these political labels like "neoliberal" and that mean
haven't enjoyed a post this much in a while
pet rock needs xanax
good posts
pet rock needs to be roped
fuck off pierre
Im right wing but pretend to be rasheed for laffs
in tears
Keep posting
pet lisicki is concerned for his "pet rock" that i use to beat him
my xanny man fuckin bailed on me now my one chance with the qt is ruined fucking dickhead
yes lads arse
why do the continentals like sex so much
>British Black
>not Afro-Saxon
its amazing how clearly you can think after a wank
>Tfw 95% of /brit/ probably couldn't identify this band without using google image search
Feels good not being a pleb.
>Saturday night and the wageys are all in and in a good mood
love you lads :)
cat know that in the thread the (you)
american politics, hmmmm
I want Emma Watson to fart whilst sitting on my face.
weather is sunnier and hotter
bulldogs are over. invest in pugs.
>Doctors at a hospital in Medellin, Colombia, were presented with a patient who was in bad shape. The 41-year-old man was HIV-positive and off his medication, was having breathing problems, and was dealing with a tapeworm infection. Tumors on his lungs indicated that the breathing trouble was likely due to previously undetected cancer, but there was something odd about the tumors. As one of the man’s doctors put it, “It looked like cancer, but the tumors were composed of cells that were not human.” The tumors—which had attacked the man’s lungs, liver, and adrenal glands—were confirmed by DNA testing to be composed of tapeworm cells. Apparently, the man’s compromised immune system had allowed a nonhuman, invertebrate form of cancer to take hold in his body. Doctors were unsure how to approach treatment, but they never got the chance to try. Within 72 hours of his bizarre diagnosis, the patient was dead.
Feeling devilish
Might do something risque under the cover of the night :)
but Australians have more sun and still aren't as liberal about sex
rolling stones
I'm a manlet and I hate women
not a virgin though haha
what is this
what IS this
rape someone?
do more drugs first
gonna need a definitive answer on this slag lads
red hot chilli peppers
WOAH mama
kind of cringe, but the lyrics are technically correct.
the gf
gf just faxed me this
go for it
Post pics of your willy for the lads
If the age of consent is 16, how come there is no (legal) porn of 16 year olds then?
Genuine question
your go-to dish you like to cook lads?
i'd say no but then again i had a wank earlier so i'm not feeling desperate
jews keep all the cheese pizza to themselves
even ghosts can get sex and i can't
nowt for me to decide
She's actually quite a sexy girl, lad. Post her nudes.
most porn is made in america
There'll always be an England
And England shall be free
If England means as much to you
As England means to me
like your eyes ;]
Once got felt up by a succubus. Not even kidding.
because the age of appearing in porn is different
England means nothing to me
how do i make my face look larger?
This is some youtubers gf? i do vaguely recall having a rather obscure wank to this video some years ago
stand closer
>you will never EVER attain this
why even live