What tanks does does you country use?
>100 Leopard 2A4s
>100 Leopard 2A6s
What tanks does does you country use?
~300 active Leopard 2A6/A7 + ~100 reserve
T90/T90A - 350+
T80BV/T80U - 450+
T72B3 (2013 and newer) - 832+
T72B (1985 to 2013) - 1100+
roughly 2700 in use and 17.500 in storage (T64A and older)
are spare parts for these tanks interchangeable?
Why does Russia field so many different designs instead of just replacing them with one new generation entirely?
T64, T72, T80, T84
Kekity kek
few batallions of leopard, and couple 50's i remember a bill was proposed by our mil background president in 2010 to add m1a2, congress rejected saying jungle already good defense. and tank ain't gonnna much helpful in here... well got sukhoi instead.
>are spare parts for these tanks interchangeable?
I believe most parts are interchangeable between in the same family (like T72xxx)
>Why does Russia field so many different designs instead of just replacing them with one new generation entirely?
Lack of funding.
T-14 - 100+
T-90 350 active, 200 in reserve
T-80 450 active, 3000 in reserve
T-72 1900 active, 7000 in reserve
T-64 and older ca 9000 in reserve
>Why does Russia field so many different designs instead of just replacing them with one new generation entirely
Older designs are updated and exported.
Replacing thousands of tanks is very costly and Russia can't afford to do that (unless these tanks are exported)
Also we have program to modernization old T 54/55, T62, Type 59 to modern level. 125mm soviet or 120mm NATO cannon, reloader, 850 horsepower engine, active and dynamic protection, thermal sight n shit. But it's only for export
M-48A5K: 400
T-80U: 80
T-80UK: 3
K-1: 1027
K1A1: 484
K-2 :100 + (100)
Megatron. AKA a Challenger 2 with an extra protective and camouflage skin.
142 Leopard 2A4s
105 Leopard 2A5s
232 PT-91s
528 T-72s (in storage)
The Soviet Union was a superpower that could mass produce tanks, meanwhile modern Russia has weak industrial capacity, so they can't abandon one design straight away or they won't have enough tanks to defend all borders.
How many of those 20k are operational and not
just rusting away in storage.
250 Leopards 1A5
128 Lepard 1A1
91 M60 Patton
Tanks aren't much useful for us, that's why we have a fuckton of amphibious APCs.
89 M-60
59 SK-105 Kürassier
Russias numbers dont surprise me, tanks are basically a necessity for stopping any army from marching across the great europan plain and into Russia in a matter of days.
18 Leopard 2A6 (being upgraded to 2A7) that are leased from Germany. Originally we had 445 Leopard 2A4/2A5/2A6s, but they were deemed largely unnecessary after the end of the Cold War. Mostly true but it still hurts seeing these beauties go.
I was surprised by the number of tanks.
Even though 80% of tanks are in reserve.
>How many of those 20k are operational and not
80-90% of tanks in reserve are combat ready assuming you have enough time to perform maintenance.
I often see very old military trucks being sold from storage (aka reserve), they are not that bad, you can drive them with little to none maintenance despite they were manufactured in like 60s and stored for 50 years.
>I was surprised by the number of tanks.
>Even though 80% of tanks are in reserve.
Oh man, could you imagine the costs if they werent in reserve though. Imagine trying to maintain and fuel up 20,000 active tanks, that'd burn a hole in Russias wallet.
>80% of tanks are in reserve
Actually about 90%.
300 T-90, 200 T-90A and 50 T-90AM
450 T-80U
1200 T-72B3, 900 T-72B and 100 T-72BM
what are the rest 2000?
T54, T64, T72, T90
>modernization old T 54/55
Rossiya still use old T54?
the oldest tanks in reserve are T62Ms
You forgot the boredtank
There were even T-34s in storages till 2006.
>10000 T-55s and T-72s in super secret storage caves
You sure that's Tanko and not Tanko2?
that's PT-91
we are too poor
Britain is in Estonia right now with some Challenger 2s.
We use all. In storages we have even WW2 stuff.
Good solutions for countries that do not have enough money for new Leopards/T90 but have a lot old soviet or chinese tanks.
Let's modernize the horse-drawn transport and T-34
And where is the industry, if the factories that produced the tanks did not close? There is simply no money.
It is the PT-91M bought from Poland.
Originally Oplot was the victor of the trials beating T-90 but since the prime minister wants to get close to the EU he override the military and ordered PT-91M and A400M planes out of nowhere.
Oh well at least the army gets some free ponies from Poland.
170 Leopard 2A6 HEL
183 Leopard 2A4
501 Leopard 1A5/GR
400 M48A5 MOLF
101 M60A3 TTS
Not him but i liked the idea of taking old T-72 chassis and making them IFVs. Wish they done this here with the Urutu.
Theoretically, it is possible to modernize T-34. But the operators of this tank can only pay with the bananas
How the hell would you improve a T-34 to be any kind of useful weapon in a modern conflict?
Slap remote control, put a huge bulldozer and use it as meat shield to bait ATGM positions.