
coke zero edition

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>coke zero

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Black people are cool

2nd for kill everyone in this thread


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hugs from behind...

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my guy pretty like a girl

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coke zero > all

it's not coke zero. it's an entirely separate thing/formula to compensate for decreasing sales in diet coke.

t. finance student doing an equity report on coca-cola

this is so smart, it will fly over most peoples head

How come no one shoots him?

>diet coke
>actually coke

>drinking the carbonated jew
this is a fatty free general

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The King of /cum/.

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mutt uprising when

He's advocating for proper public safety. Ensuring every American citizen he comes across is ready, willing, and able to handle a situation that may involve an active shooter. He's true patriot.

Nah, he's been shit since he started making miscellaneous videos and begging for money.

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If Trump loses in 2020

It tastes exactly the same as Coke Zero though

they are two different products. i actually prefer the diet sodas to regular ones. only because i don't consume a lot of sugar, so regular sodas sugar content is overpowering for me.

The Dörito Führer will last a thousand years

lol was not expecting that finale

that may be true but it's still intended to be the successor to the original coke zero, which is no longer on the market to my knowledge
shame too cause I really liked the old color scheme, though I will admit the new formula tastes better
t. diet coke expert
t. pleb with no taste

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How's your saturday night going, /cum/?

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can't complain

spent the day at the uni library, came home and masturbated

Going to hit the bottle tonight (by myself ahaaha)

i'll have to find some and give it a try then. fun fact, apparently they're also supposed to launch four new flavors of diet coke soon too, like orange and cherry or something, didn't look much into it.
also they're launching an alcohol/coke beverage in japan

oops meant for

>diet coke expert

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Just had a /cum/ now I'm watching some qts eat food on YouTube. A wonderful Saturday evening

Am I the only one who throws food out the window near the alley at night?

I talk to foreigners on a Rhodesian farming forum using hand held device powered by lightning and radio waves while recovering in between intervals of lifting heavy metallic objects of which I do to acquire higher levels of musculature in order to give myself an advantage in the life goals of survival and reproduction.

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Should have been productive but I wasn't. At least I made some good chocolate lava cakes

just so you know, flags for municipalities have been added for your state, feel free to try them
(made them myself xD)

i pour leftover coffee and ramen water out the window of my bedroom because im too lazy to go upstairs, but it gets absorbed into the grass so i couldnt give a fuck

This is why I hate Japan

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>apparently they're also supposed to launch four new flavors of diet coke soon too
they already did, and I've already tried them all. in my opinion,
mango > orange > lime > cherry
(to be fair though I don't like cherries in general)

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wierd, I hate japan because japanese people live there


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you have an issue

>it gets absorbed into the grass

Are they any good or is it like all the other flavors they've introduced in the past?

who are whiter americans or mexicans?

have you had the flavored redbulls? if so, would you say they're comparable?

I like throwing cats out of windows because they always land on their feet

do liquids just sit on top of the surface of the ground where you live

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mexicans by like 0.1%

>le human race
Real life is more like skyrim in that there are multiple hraces to chooe frome

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at least that issue isn't obesity
mango is great, I'd place regular diet coke right between orange and lime though
a long time ago so don't really remember what they tasted like
I do have one of those flavored zero cal monsters every now and then though if that counts

my bad, i read it as coffee grounds and ramen, as in noodles.
pls 4gibme

Im a prettier girl than all of you. Also whiter than all of you.

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>U.S. will lose their last bit of freedom, the right to own guns

The world is truly coming to an end.

>What a tiny wiener!
>You're pathetic, loser!

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rancid whore

Indeed, the world is going to shit. Thankfully there's still 4chinz to keep us occupied until our sudoku.

mexicans, once i (illegaly) go to the usa >:D

unironically got denied on my background check to buy another pistol today. no idea why. no criminal history or anything. obviously it was a fluke of some kind, but still unsettling

el goblino futuro...

it's cool 2bh phamalam

does that mean you're an i****?

Are you sure you aren't on a watchlist of some sort?

would you say that those monsters flavor is comparable to the new diet cokes?

4chin will come up you know
Allah forbid you browse /k/ or Sup Forums
Also since I just said Allah and replied to you, you will be listed as talking to Jihadis.
The land of the free, eh?

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>tfw witnessing the only country worth living in become Swedn 2.0

I want to try american hot dogs

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positive. bought a new gun not even a year ago. i was trying to buy from a newer place, it must have had something to do with the agency they use

People of color deserve to die

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Stop evading my filter.

comparable in what way? they're two different drinks so it's kinda hard to compare the taste between the two, one tastes like an energy drink and the other tastes like coke


I can't get fortnite to work on my computer

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youd know if u had extraflags

what's the matter

>see this

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oh, i just meant flavor wise. i guess you truly are a soda connoisseur

>My name is Ralph, I'm 27 years old and I drink soda for a living

not sure whenever i try to launch it a little box pops up and says unreal engine has crashed

no need to be rude

Got depressed and ate a whole pizza (medium), now I feel even worse thanks for asking. Papa John's fyi.

Stop being a fatty. A girl could probably beat you up.

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Sorry to hear that friend. What's bothering you?


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The only good coke is mexican, normal, and cherry

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post toppings

desu can't even beat my sister at arm wrestle

well overall I'd say monster has the better variety (also helps that they have more actual options), especially since the plain zero monster flavor tastes like ass whereas the colored cans actually taste good for the most part
diet coke on the other hand is a decent flavor in and of itself, and the flavorings just go that little extra distance to enhance it and make it go from merely "alright" to "pretty good"

wow, unreal

maybe you should start a blog channel like the report of the week, but with sodas only

Does she have sex appeal?

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im sure youre prettier than her tho

I see, noted. Coca cola actually has a decent sized holding in monster, and there has been talk about them outright buying them out. Perhaps that's why they are trying new diet flavors.


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>10/10 face (w/ makeup)
>8/10 hairsyle
>10/10 tits

You tell me

Just finished "Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou", lads.

Pretty comfy anibe to be honest. While there were some overly cliche parts, and some parts did suffer from "generic anime male protagonist syndrome", for the most part it was nice, and the ending was cute. For a 12-episode series, pretty good, recommend/10.

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>people who drink diet variants of soda

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Impossible she's a woman