...... edition
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Fuck Drumpf
nth for NEED a latina gf
kill the germanics
wish the """dane""" would go to sleep tbqh
nth for don't bully!
My name is Ping Ling Zhao, I am a Canadian Investment Banker and I first immigrated to Canada from Beijing
nth for get /extraflags
I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish the dane would be my pal tbqh
Who here is a proxy?
*dane raises his hands*
but its only 5pm for him
that left hand is terribly drawn
>gosh user you're so creepyyyy
>like i'll never be your gf if you're like that
I believe every word in this sentence except "Canadian"
the dane doesnt know her emasculating comments only make me harder
really want to cum on your face
umm stop being a thot?
stop bullying canadians
You need a girlfriend if you want to succeed, user
I hate Canada
Shut the fuck up you worthless sack of shit.
Death is pure
Canada is a sissy cuck nation. You should be angry about it
>small breasts+wide hips+thick thighs
canada looks so cute when she gets angry
you dont need rocket appliances to learn how to play hockey
Every time you see a ___, you feel the need to _____
Every waifu you drop in this thread sends a serboshit on life support
No, it’s the land of rocks, trees and water and it’s damn fucking fine. Love this place.
Hey you just described Zando's body wow
watching "dark" again
>small breasts
ok /cum/ i have to go to work pls behave while im gone!!!
if any of yous look like this I want you to be my gf
You are part of the problem
Heh. Cuck. Fuck you cuck.
hello are you watching it in german?
yeah sure
how about getting ANY girl interested in you to begin with?
then you can start worrying about manchild shit like tit size lol
My only requirement for a gf is that she is not a boy (sorry Zando and dane)
>Yells a friend, in the middle of class
is zando the perfect girl? wow
yeah, with english subs. tried watching it in english audio before but the voice overs are horrific and really take away from the casts acting
*screams back*
oh i'm watching k-on! very cute show
Explain how this is a bad country then.
yaoi on ice!!!
Darling in the Franxx
I like this dance.
Especially that part during the chorus where they throw their heads down.
Yes I skipped through all the dubs and only the French one sounds OK desu.
English one is really shite.
Wonder what S2 will be like. Ending was a bit poopy desu.
>the girls start laughing at you guys
anime is for feeble minded people with bad taste
truer words have seldomly been spoken
*acts cool*
>bitches all come asking if they can watch with me
who cares lmfao
*kisses u*
cum has gotten so much better since i started filtering ya'll
Why do white men obsess over Asian women?
am i filtered?
they're the best
pic related, me and my GF
a lot of netflix originals have had some pretty shite endings. seems like their just trying to pump out material regardless of quality.
overall, i enjoyed dark though
we need to invade canada to stop them from race mixing with asians
because feminism ruined white women
White women? Big fan.
do you ever peek at filtered (you)'s? Me: never
she aged like milk
>tfw no jewess gf
what other boards do you all lurk/post on?
>Sup Forums
can literally scrape the makeup off her face with my fingernails
Nobody gives a fuck about you shitstain motherfucker. I’ll squash you like a roach if you say that shit again
peek dammit!!!
consider yourself filtered meanposter
Dinner is served
who was in the wrong here
She is crafty, I would be proud
i wish we had city-states everywhere like ancient greece
anyone could live under any policies they want. that way we would only have to squabble over resources instead of ideology too desu
/tg/, sometimes Sup Forums, sometimes /vg/ if there's a game I'm playing
the gf
thoughts on this bum?
Except the Greeks realized that was shit and evolved from that by inventing the empire.
>greeks invented empires
>inventing the empire.
they realized it was shit cus they got fucked by empires
No the sumerians did. But they also had city states that they realized were shit.
>greeks invented empires
neither ancient nor modern m*cedonians are greek
thighs are non-existent. 5/10
Nice numerals
The Greeks are just island Egyptians.