>7 Minutes ago I heard several loud bangs outside which caused my room to shake
>I thought it was my autistic neighbor
>mfw it was actually several houthi missiles fired at Riyadh minutes ago.
It's over boys. I will miss you Sup Forums.
>7 Minutes ago I heard several loud bangs outside which caused my room to shake
>I thought it was my autistic neighbor
>mfw it was actually several houthi missiles fired at Riyadh minutes ago.
It's over boys. I will miss you Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 the Saudis claim that devout Muslims were firing rockets at Mecca again
BASED houthis
good luck saudi user
It was houthi missiles fired at Riyadh according to the news.
based yemenis
Do it again bomber houthis
I hope the houthis kill you all. Allah Syria Bashar w bas, wahhabi scum.
>tfw have 8 cousins, 8 brothers and 2 sisters fighting in Yemen
God willing we will overthrow the Saudi government. Allahu Ackbar
Be save.
Damn stay safe saudibro
pray to the jew to come to rescue
They sold them iron dome.
>be one of the richest despotates on Earth
>have unlimited access to state-of-the art American weaponry
>enormous manpower pool of willing serfs to draw from
>still can’t even defend your capital from a bunch of illiterate goatherders
How is the Saudi military THIS incompetent?
They aren't just some normal goat herders. The missiles they used were ballistic missiles.
>Good at warfare
1) irani missiles given to houthis
2) US superpower couldn't defend NYC
Iran suporrts Yemen? Are they shia as well? (sorry I'm retarded when it comes to the middle east).
>irani missiles given to houthis
based shia sandniggers
>hear loud smashing sound
>think a nigger is breaking into the house
>its just 20 kg snow that fell down on my car
fucking sun i swear
They are not Shia and no Iran isn't supporting them
they are predominantly shia
any type of diaspora in america are always the worst posters
60% are sunni
bye my friend
they are mostly shia led
Link to the news?
For fuk sake. Please dont come to Europe for savety reason. Just go to Qatar or another sandbox country please.Ps be save my man
Where do you think hes gonna come "be safe".
Houthis are predominantly Shia and there is a sizeable shia population in Yemen, around 40% btw.
I don't think the news stations caught to it however there were tweets about it.
I was going to leave this country next year anyway.
>Iran suporrts Yemen?
There are multiple factions in Yemen, one is the Houthis, who are Shi'a and supported by Iran. They control an area in Northern Yemen near the Saudi border
stay safe user
is the rest of your family going to stay?
>UK flag
Either top tier bait or the absolute state of the UK
>absolute state of the UK
its this unfortunately.
>American """"""""""""""""""""""technology""""""""""""""""""""""
No wonder they can't even compete with Chinks nowadays.
I hope they hit you, you muslim pig
where are you going and why?
I am not muslim though
I haven't decided yet and it's for Uni.
I'm going to show you something, promise not to laugh at amerimutts, k?
Iranian missiles maybe but still operated by LITERAL peasants
Meanwhile the Saudis have access to the best military tech in the world from the US
>I am not muslim though
Why were you defending Muslims in that thread earlier today? The one asking Europeans about how many minorities there were in their schools?
I hope you are ok
why do americans defend israel if they are not jewish?
I wasn't defending muslims in that thread. I mentioned that the differences between races don't amount to much thats all.
Yeah I think I am good.
Houthis are islamists tho
Them and 90% of middle-east.
Dude, it's just silly to heard ANYTHING about "tolerance" while Saudi Arabia is literally a country in which, as I understand, even people with arabian, but not saudi roots have less rights.
I hope they kill you and your degenerate king next time :)