>no culture
>shitty cuisine
>boring history
>weird accent
>disgusting climate
>annoying posters
i fucking hate fatstralia
No culture
Other urls found in this thread:
Denmark still hasn't made a single good post
>no culture
fuck off they have British culture, which is far stronger than yours
Beautiful women tho. The only good thing.
i don't recall any muslim pedo sex rings in australia
they have cute animals
i could sneeze and it would have a larger impact on the world than your average dane's entire life
>beach culture+outback culture
>famous for delicious free range beef and lamb. seafood from tropical seas in the north and cold waters in the Southern Ocean
>speaks the most useful/important language the world has ever known
>tropical climate
>who gives a shit about Sup Forums?
>entire region suffers from autism. everyone is boring and humorless
>some of the worst cuisine in the world. "Nordic restaurants" in other countries don't exist.
>terrible gutteral language
>frozen hellhole 9+ months/year
>who gives a shit about Sup Forums?
A fucking hate nordic autists.
>takes a random Australian off the street and begs them to become royalty
>nn naah we..re fuckin you're women
lets bash France and Denmark once and for all. Napoleonic wars 2.0
>an autistic boy attempts to be humorous
Give up on trying to be funny. Nordics are incapable.
The Anglo legacy far surpasses yours. Also, do you know which language we are speaking in right now?
What even is Denmark? Even Belgium is more relevant.
you're speaking english, a language that originated in denmark
Why do brits and aussies blow each other in threads so often
I agree with op
From people who originated from Denmark, so in reality you're insulting yourself if that's the case.
They are more diverse than you Bjork.
>Danes are anglos when it's positive for Denmark
very good post, danebro
Seconded every single point and saved a pic
As it stands right now, France could probably defeat the entire Commonwealth excluding India. You'd just beg for our help as you always do.
>you're speaking english, a language that originated in denmark
Because they're our m8s. A foreign concept to Americans, I know.
agreed, I hate fucking bogans and australian culture. White australians are the most obnoxious people on earth, I moved to an asian neighbourhood just to avoid them.
but that's not what I said.
Brits only culture is subjugating and colonizing. Now that you lost all of that, you are shit, you having nothing but shitty teeth and subhuman accents. Shut it you goblin.
What a shit thread. We should bomb Copenhagen to the ground again for this autism.
but he is not wrong
australians are worse verison of amerifats
Gotta start by removing your crown jewel colonials from your cunt before you start up the Empire again lad
>British culture
This is the equivalent of a Nintendo fanboy trying to associate himself with pc gamers. Fuck off mate, you don't get to hop on a boat and associate yourself with us so easily just because your country is going down the shitter.
That little quokka has a deceptive grin.
im globglogabgalab. i love books.
>Copenhagenization refers to the practice of confiscating the warships of a defeated enemy. It first occurred when the British fleet under Admiral Gambier landed Army units equipped with phosphorus loaded Congreve rockets for the Second Battle of Copenhagen in 1807
Imagine this being the most relevant thing to come out of your cunt
You're retarded. It's more or less indistinct from UK/NZ.
Shut it goblin, let history forget your nation and "culture" ever existed.
>It's more or less indistinct from UK/NZ
we are just as close to the USA as we are to the UK
>You'd just beg for our help as you always do.
Australia has literally only ever entered a war due to obligations to other countries. It has always been the exact opposite of what you posted.
Not doing a whole lot to dispel the "Americans are braindead fuckwits" meme.
>Australia has literally only ever entered a war due to obligations to other countries
what did he mean by this?
Wog, chink or pajeet?
paki, indian or pole?
>fast food culture
>suburban sprawl
>weak populace that is addicted to tv
we literally modelled our capital on a US city
>no culture
Please explain the culture you fucking have that's somehow more than ours. You just seem like the average consumer of American culture to me.
>shitty cuisine
What to denmarkians have exactly?
>boring history
Who gives a fuck about history, what does that have to do with how good your country is? I'm sure India has a lot of history but you wouldn't want to move there.
>weird accent
Danish sounds retarded.
>disgusting climate
You're right, our country would be better if it was cold and rainy like the rest of Europe.
>annoying posters
Someone hurt your feelings?
Those brain dead fuckwitz are white poeple. Like you, a fuckwit. You all have a lot in common.
Terrible post
Does Australia has the style British pub culture?
Australia has working class British culture with a few quirks mate, this is not a controversial statement
Literally what the fuck was World War 2 you mong we literally had our territories invaded and the Big Strong Americans are the only reason we weren't BANZAID
Yeah, call them hotels though
Why do you call them hotels? Like Hotels you sleep over in?
I live there
It's most comfy
yeah dunno really, I think lots of them used to be genuine hotels with a pub attached but then they sold the rooms off to become offices or whatever
Yah. Its been pretty killed by it costing so fucking much and a lot of the newer ones being sterile betting shitholes but its still there.
where do you live they have hotel as part of the official name but ive never heard anybody call them that in my life.
But are you Aryan?
100% pure Frisian phenotype
They're literally all called that. There's the Claremont Hotel, the Orient Hotel, the Victoria Hotel, the Federal Hotel, the Ocean Beach Hotel, the Cottesloe Beach Hotel etc etc etc
Might be different in the Eastern States then?
yeah in the name but its kind of like if theres a restaurant called Pajeets Indians dining you wouldn't say the end bit.
Nobody would say lets have a few drinks at the hotel or mention the hotel bit saying it
nah you'd say you're going to the local or shorten the name, but it you had to describe the place you'd say it's a hotel. I've never heard anyone say pub in my life beyond describing a menu as being pub food.
Might be different for the rest of the country though, we're a little odd here.
Why are my 2 favourite countries fighting. Stop it please or else I am gonna cry :(
>>shitty cuisine
think again, sweetie
if you're a pussy
real men eat it with Vegemite. Its called a black gnome sting.
Do you come from a land down under?
holy shit even worse
>no culture
>shitty cuisine
>boring history
>weird accent
>disgusting climate
>annoying posters
i fucking hate shitmark
Real men use Marmite
saying that doesn't stop people from coming here, unfortunately
if you anally insert Vegemite and vomit it out while you have severe internal bleeding from being fucked by a horse that thick black paste is marmite