This is a map of public saunas in Finland.
What is wrong with this nation? Do they have an urge to sit naked with each other? What do they really do in their saunas all day? Dear I say...? No.. it can't be.. could it be...?
This is a map of public saunas in Finland.
What is wrong with this nation? Do they have an urge to sit naked with each other? What do they really do in their saunas all day? Dear I say...? No.. it can't be.. could it be...?
Yes, wwe are homosexuals
This is why I like Finland
I knew it.
What happens if you go in a sauna with shorts on? We do that in Norway.
If the staff do their job you will be told to take them off.
If not you might gather some angry stares from other bathers
Why though? I wouldn't be looking at others' benises, so it would still be fair game.
Do you also shower with shorts on? It's gross.
Possible toxic fumes from the shorts material.
Nobody gives shit about your benis so why not be naked like others?
gross. enjoy your balls boiling
Are saunas unisex?
In Norway it's common to have a very hairy body and to be shaved around benis and on balls. Wat would finns say about that?
Depends, usually in swimming halls they are not, so they have a cock too so its not that weird to see one more cock in a room full of cocks.
And if its unisex the women have probably seen cocks before and again, you are not the only with benis there.
>What do they really do in their saunas all day?
That is the ideal to me. I just suspect everyone will be judging anyway. Maybe Finland is nicer than Norway, dunno what you think of foreigners, especially with close relation to Sw*doids.
What the fuck. I have all hair on my benis and balls long and thick.
But sauna is fucking amazing...
Even without naked friends in there.
Public saunas are gay. Private saunas are nice though, imagine coming home from a cold winter day and relax in your own sauna, top comfy
>hating someone in a shared sauna
oh jeebus, you truly do not get it
Everyone likes nordics here, nobody really hates the swedes.
Imagine it is as same as being norgayweian and travelling around the country just fix saunas with dane gloryholes.
Only thing that differs are finns not being faggots and Sauna being a sacred place, more than church
The sauna is blessed by Jesus himself
wtf i love finland now
We arepretty hairy too.
proper built saunalava, vesi kappa, leili varta. seems legit. only thing worrying is the lack of sauna vihta
What do you do in saunas? Sit there in the heat?
it's a health and relax procedure. you sit there until you sweat and then take throw the water on the keris thereby creating leil/löylü and then some sadomaso procedures involving beating yourself with viht/vihta pic rel
also it's a time to do deep talk with your friends and parents
ebin juttu mange
Finnish cocks...
For simplified its cleansing in so many ways, also feels real good when its -30 outside
This guy tried to bang my mom once.
what happens when your get an erection?
the degenerate roleplay thread it two blocks down
not really possible in the heatenings imho. believe me i have tried on many occasions to bang chicks. you can't. it's too hot. if you want, go take a cold shower and do it in the waiting room
Fuck you
i wanna take a sauna with some autistic finnish lads
Others taking distance/ mocking/ laughing/ beating the air out of you or maybe combination of those
Debends pretty much how you take it, so ur never been in public sauna?
You get a swedish passport and deportation.
i guess that makes sense
so all those sauna porn videos i've seen were actually filmed in a fake sauna, fug
no, they're not that big here.
Theres no saunas even at swimming halls?
Sounds comfy in a weird way, it's a shame they're not a thing here
i'm not saying it's completely impossible just the temperature has to be really low, like 50C or so, if you want to. you get too much blood flow in your skin tissue to get a proper erection
there are but you're not allowed in naked. my gym has one
my friend has a sauna and when we're drinking and saunaing he always insists that we all go in naked (only when we have guys night) - is he gay?
The only places that have saunas here are high end gyms that cost upwards of $100 a month. Saunas are for fake snowniggers that cant handle the cold. I regularly shovel snow in my driveway in shorts. The cool air on my balls invigorates me.
>taking chroline full of pants to almost 100c sauna
Can you evem throw water to the stoves there?
Am I high or did I get dyslexia while reading this
both. what now? the sauna cleaned after every use or do you just sit on the layers of ass sweat from the previous people? Also how do you feel about foreigners in saunas? I really wanna try it, never been to one.
You sit on a towel
But aren't the Finns stereotyped as introverts I don't get it
this is a map of churches in Poland.
Yes, we are Catholic freaks.
>What is so right about this nation?
What has this to do with anything, finnish introvertmism means more like hunter, not some american virgin with anime posters on his wall
Not in western Norway.
saunas are comfy
most saunas outside of the nordic barely make it past 70 celsius
that's not really the optimal solution. if the bench is too hot it's more appropriate to take a sauna flap with you to sit on. if you sit on the towel it will be sweaty and you still have to use it afterwards to dry yourself when you have been to the showerings. comes down to personal preference, but i prefer a clean towel.
finnish introvertism doesn't carry into the sauna. it's more of a public space being polite and not poking your dick in other people business thing.
You don't have to sit on the towel which you clean yourself with, just take an extra towel
Nah I meant it's strange how you got memey pics about Finns staying away from eachother at bus stops but don't mind going naked in public saunas with strangers but I guess it's a cultural thing
yes that's also a thing. if i go to sauna at my home with adult female relatives it's normal to take a towel and then swap it for a clean one when showering. but if you're at a public sauna with men you don't always have the luxury of that.
Would another bulgarian break empty vodka bottle on another head and stole his money and kidney in the church?
Quess thats just cultural thing
Why do Estonians use the Western Finnish vihta and not the East Finnic vasta found among Karelians, Veps, Ingrians etc?
The Finnish autism memes really are true...
No need to be a fucking bitch lmao I am not saying going into saunas is bad nor I am ridiculing it
How do you hide your boner if you're in the sawna next to a cute girl?
we use shortened version: viht.
This AmeriBurger gets it
I gave you perfect example all you do is whining like a bitch, Sauna is our church
Is it true you could pass out if you jack off in a sauna?
the reason i guess we use viht/vihtlema is because the process of beating yourself releases the anger 'viha' of the birch tree at our body. 'vasta' would mean 'against' in our language. so we could theoretically use some expression like 'viha vasta keha' or 'anger against the body', but that is arcane
hide it in a bagina
vihta is more common, never ever heard of "vasta"
You probably do if the heat is high enough.
Viha is anger in finnish too, vasta is against too. That's why you bind the vasta counter-clockwise, against the direction of the sun.
East finns use vasta.
Vasta= Against
we don't do it counter clockwise or 'vasta-päeva'. we just gather the heat anger from the top level of the sauna with viht and bring it down to our body to give maximum pleasure. when you switch hand to carry the viht you do it other way around
why is there a line of saunas along the border with russia?
Isn't it ironic that the favorite activity of one of the most introverted nations in the world is sitting naked in a small hot room sweating, along with other naked people?
A defensive sauna front.
Vasta naineet=just married
Tulla vastaan=come halfway/happen by
Hot springs are much better desu.
i'm not a big language genius, but it seems in your etymology using the viht/vihta you pay more attention to the contact towards body. the moment it hits your body or it becomes 'vastu kehä' is more important than in my etymology the energy it carries, which is anger 'viha'
I also like 9/11
Not that much. I love going to sauna with my father and brother whenever I'm visiting my parents. It's the one place where we really can catch up and talk about our lives in a more deeper sense
Nicely derail derail
For Russian tourists
The fuck is going on along the northern border with Russia? Maginot Sauna line?
Do people even live there?
without e-stating how long do you normally spend in a sauna? and at the different temperatures
If that's a town per every village, that's very very normal actually.
What happens if you accidently get a boner in sauna?
couple of hours at 80-100C depending on the sauna. the construction affects things heavily. then it's either venting and letting the temp go down to 60-70C so grandparents don't die when they take the second heat wave or re-heating to keep going while you dip into an icehole or river/lake if you're near water to cool off and go for another round.
pro-tip: no alcohol if you don't want to pass out after an hour like a jackass
Overpopulation. Don't you have any natural parks?