
Please tell me about life in Siberia?

Is it harsh even by Russian standards?

Attached: Siberia.jpg (930x648, 126K)

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One of three deadliest fire-accidents in history of Russia

>siberians burn
who cares?

> Ha ha, people burned alive in Russia
> better make fun of it


this, fuck nu-humanity.

Attached: accident selfie.jpg (615x409, 37K)

What happened to that Belarusian hooker in Thailand? Is Drumpf finished yet?

A perfect illustration of amount of degenerates posting on Sup Forums.

That's mostly due to the Reddit influx lately

Attached: lol.png (1034x83, 6K)

Awful. I only heard about it when the news first broke and the news reported only a few casualties, so I thought the fire had been somehow contained.

What else to expect from a hohol on a proxy

Why so butthurt? Everyone laughs when there's a massage in the US

Most of dead are children
Time to celebrate!
Dead r*ssoids are a blessing but dead r*ssoid children are a party!

You guys normally install fire sprinklers?

Fire sprinkler money was pocketed by igor to buy new mercedes.

sprinklers do not guarantee 100% safety against fire

>You guys normally install fire sprinklers?
The designer of the fire safety systems has been arrested. Looks like they made the shittiest job.

New building come with fire sprinkler systems, older buildings have dedicated water outlets and fire hoses in multiple places on every floor.

Just die, Pekka.

It's Sup Forums, what do you expect. Just go over to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/ or /x/ to get a general idea of the kind of people who actually visit this site.

The main problem of these "malls" is their floor plans: most of them are built in soviet times as factories and later refurbished as a malls.
They are so huge and it's easy to get lost in

Yes. Moscow and Petersburg like different country in comparison with Siberia.

I haven't visited /x/ for a while and now you reminded about it
>first thread I see is pic related
can't make this shit up

Attached: lel.png (1497x237, 58K)

All the malls here except for maybe one were built in the last 15 years.
t. Chelyabinsk

Same here-the Empire State Building only has standpipes

>be russian
>get burned

Also most fires are contained by the interior wall systems design long enough for sprinklers to help and people to get out. Something like this thing converted from on old factory is going to be more of an open box with half assed walls and shit that aren't going to stop anything.long enough.
Also the alarms not going off, fire exits being blocked and the mall staff's criminal level of failure didn't help either.

Who says he's making fun of it?

>64 dead russians

All of the building are routinely inspected by fire-fighters officers and checked for code violation.
Taking into account Russian reality and amount of corruption I believe they didn't check anything since they were very likely bribed to pretend that everything is in order.
After every accident like that Russian officials initiate out of schedule checks to deal with code violation.

Pay no attention to the neckbeards, I truly hope that all of our Russianon friends and their families are okay.

Whatwere the other 2?