BUF edition
The true redpill is actually white
think I'm going to have to start getting cash out and leaving my cards at home when I go out. Once the 4th pint is gone my self control is too. Onto the coke, the cigs, the 4 more pints. Awful.
just cracked my mum in the fucking jaw because she won't cook a full English
Don’t be racist I literally can’t help myself it is in my blood to be mean to them.
i used to do this lol now i just accept it and wake up with 100 quid spent from the night b4 and no memory of hours
Thread theme
Typical Englishman you are lad.
>Women lose 88% of their eggs by age 30
>The monthly chance of having a live birth drops to 15% at age 35, 10% at age 40 and 1% at age 45
>Meghan Markle: 36 years old
thank fuck we'll never see a halfcaste child born out of the Royal Family, she'll be too infertile by the time Harry wants a kid
I don't even know how I spent £50 last night. Didn't even drink much.
wasnt funny when u wrote it in the screenshot and not funny now fuck off you neurotypical rat
if the 6,8 has a bf Im buying rope for myself
Not sure what to do today
w*lsh subhuman detected
wish i wasn't good looking lads
fuck off you filthy sheepshagger i'm not
Americans are so violent
Thats a cute pepe
good luck champ
Sheepshagger detected.
on average it would take them 8 months to conceieve mate
How did this even happen
part of me doesn't mind being friendzoned because I'll still get to be around her
she's probably pregnant right now
>imagining the state of rorkes who aren't able to read lazlo krashnorkai in the original hungarian
why are you even alive?
die you w*lsh subhuman
big fan of the aberfan gimmick
Hungarian is rorke itself what are you talking about
>talking to any women under a 8/10
raise your standards mate
How do you not know
I'm not the most handsome lad haha not ugly either but I think we're similar
ahh yes the seminal modernist of his generation with its strong anti communism and anti fascism themes is truly the author for the british rorke
Hate Krauts for ruining nationalism lads.
men don't have standards
What would you do if a lone female officer tried to arrest you?
Agonise every minute just waiting for the girl in work to message me.
It never comes.
I've never asked or brought it up
that would sort of seem desperate
im a mong
Mosley was pan-European twat
reckon mosley should've hung desu
you fucking what i can't even remember the last time i saw an 8 out of 10 in person how fucking low is your rating system that u even get to interact with these people or are you a model photographer/movie star
pic related
>Many of the village's residents suffered medical problems, and half the surviving children have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder at some time in their lives.
She’s not replying because she thinks you’re some grandad melt who still uses sms
It's not desperate, whenever I was chatting a lot with a girl (who in fact had a bf, but we still flirted a lot anyway), she would ask if I had a gf and would then ask a lot why I didn't have a gf
why would you put time into any women that's not worth the time, she needs to be at least an 8/10 to make it worth it
ordered a kfc lads
the cat wants delicious food from my bag
can guarantee you have never got with an 8/10 on a non retards rating scale
>associates with alt right
>complains when he gets locked up
has the whole world gone mad?
been in bed for 15hrs now
I hope he is neutering them
Unrealistic that it’s not a paki rapist.
t. munterhunter
I'd like to point out that any "girl in work" post from here on out is NOT me, the user that got married.
I realised the moment I got married that it was all just nerves from getting married, I love my wife and I have no feelings for the girl in work. I am happy to remain just friends with her.
Thank you.
the 6.8 is NOT a munter she's very cute and pretty just slightly wonky faced
t. autist no standards retard who thinks average rating is 8/10
ex is coming over soon lads
can't shag her i think cause green discharge is coming out of my cock
engcuck pakis are STILL mad over welsh superiority
>A number of fans booed the Dutch national anthem before England's 1-0 victory, an act manager Gareth Southgate described as "unacceptable"
everything's gone mad
right but you're not married are you mate
be quiet
they're alt right mate. stop moving the goalposts
what are you doing for a honeymoon?
Hey /brit/, i met a bong last night. I asked him where his from and he told me that he's from liverpool and then proceeds to chuckles . His wife then told me that he's actually from London, not liverpool.
Is liverpool a prestigious place to live in? Why does he claims that he's from there?
ah yes, some weirdo is pretending to be me again (married lad)
shagged the girl from work again last night, the missus is doing my head in recently
got to play with the breasts and have my willy licked by an extra qt proto-porker last night
w*lsh people are cuckold subhumans who are under the divine authority of the crown
How is Southgate England manager
Find it baffling
did she need a microscope gooklad x
Are you some kind of twat who watches Channel 4? Anyone can see they're not ethnonationalists
Men aren’t supposed to be over 5ft 11
Anything above that is too tall and a disability
jewish hands
all dissenting opinions to the current gestalt should be silenced with force
to be fair one male cop against a gang would get rekt too
think he just giggled because liverpool has the word "poo" in it lol
what's wrong with channel 4? and carl loves the ethnostate
PJW is proudly alt right
well he's not wrong
Liverpool is a shithole mate, then again so is london.
hahahaha I get it because he said Liverpool! unreal banter haha nice one lad
I once text a girl American Football lyrics after we "broke up". And by "once" I mean, a few months ago lmao. Occasionally I remember how much of an utter CRINGE I was and I can't help but laugh.
you're under the divine authority of allah
Not sure yet
who should I bet on to win the World Cup?
woke up at 6am
laid in bed for two hours thinking about my essay that's due monday
four hours later i've finished my essay and it's beautiful
>ywn live in an egalitarian northern Serbian city
which song
thinking about buying a ps4 or an xbone
not decided which yet