1. Your cunt
2. Do you think Russia should join EU eventually?
1. Your cunt
No, the EU would become Russia-led and it would work against western interests.
>western interests
you mean american?
>western interests
Like what?
Sure. We'll give them a good ol' purge like Poland and all the other former communists, and then finally Russia's vast wealth will trickle down to the average Russian.
the problem is not communism, it's oligarchs
1. Flag
2. Yes. Assuming it meets the Copenhagen Criteria
not backing genocidal dictators and democracy in general
Hopefully, it would fuck up the current establishment in Brussels and make those Turkeks mad as hell
This is the most reasonable post in this thread.
And as they don't fulfill the criteria needed to join, they can't join.
Same shit. Most leadership in former USSR states had to go after we did some research and realized those fucknuts had infiltrated pretty much every aspect of government.
No doubt everyone currently in power in Russia will be politely told to leave and surrender all they've stolen from the Russian people. They really don't want that to happen though.
LMAO there are still executions going on in rural Russia.
They will never be part of modern Europe.
aren't you the same guy who likes Hitler?
what the fuck are you talking about?
>aren't you the same guy who likes Hitler?
All the Hitlerboos love Russia and think you guys will "save the white race" whatever that means.
so you think European powers and not Russian people should decide who rules Russia?
We don't want rapefugees and cuckold males thank you
By excluding the communists? Yes. What, did they let Germany vote for the Nazis after WW2?
Then why not Turkey, since they were further down the path anyway ?
Can't you see how heavily they conflict with even the most basic things we'd call common EU security ? And values, yes, they count too.
And the disproportionate power they would wield in instiutions they're lobbying against ? ,
and the fact they lead a competing trade block that's not been as successful...
It is pure science fiction.
Fuck off, we are Russians. Neither Europeans, nor Asians.
You really think it's better to be a woman in Russia than in Sweden?
EU was a mistake
so you mean if the guy in the middle isn't allowed to compete, Russia can join EU?
Turkey can join too after they meet the Copenhagen Criteria. Why would that be an issue?
Depends on the city
Can you elaborate please. If Russia was to join the EU, how do you think it would compromise EU security?
maybe in denmark
I wouldn't mind Turkey under those conditions, but they're even less likely to meet them than Russia, especially with where Erdogan is taking them.
That guy on the left was literally in the KGB, are you saying there's no way he has ties to communism?
Why do Russia need to join EU?
Even if it would happen, Moscow will become one of the decision making center along with Berlin, Paris and Rome
yeah sure thing kiddo. it's not like hitler said russians are subhumans and tried to genocide us.
if you hate russians you are literally hitler.
Maybe if they turn into a democracy and stop playing games with geopolitics.
because op is a volga german
Every person who was an adult in Soviet Union had some sort of ties to communist system.
Same is true to Germany during the nazi time
Boris Yetslin was a member of the communistic party and after collapse of the USSR he even wanted to make the party illegal. So what?
A guy who probably would have gotten 15% of the vote and come 2nd was not allowed to compete.
Over the centuries, the biggest fear of Russia has always been an invasion from the west, that is the reason why Russia tried to create a belt of buffer state.
By joining EU, Russia would secure its western flank, removing its biggest insecurity
every poll said he was at 2% max.
yes, but only after australia and and equador
Yes, if they meet the necessary criteria . Russians are Europeans and I wish to someday live in a world where ALL Europeans live in unity.
Why ban him then?
He managed to get twenty-something-percent in Moscow which scared the heck out of them.
t. kike subhuman
I've read somewhere that Putin in the beginning of his first term wanted Russia to join NATO. And on one meeting with Clinton he shared this idea and Clinton said that he would support it.
>not backing genocidal dictators and democracy in general
That's not true. The EU has done multiple anti-communist purges in the past. I don't know the details but basically you get some fresh faces that aren't part of the current regime.
I don't think the EU would ever prevent a democratic election.
I heard that aswell. Though I think that America isn't intersted in an united Europe.
After all, NATOs official goal was state as "Keep France in, Russia out and Germany down"
> twenty-something-percent in Moscow
that was in 2013 before putins approval ratings skyrocketed
pic related was from a survey carried out by an american university (so that you can't dismiss it as "russian propaganda")
>The EU has done multiple anti-communist purges in the past.
Do you have any sources where I can read about thouse EU anti-commie purges?
No it doesn't, lmao.
The absolute delusion in the state of Russia
Diplomacy is not only between world powers. Eastern Europeans won't allow a unified Eurasia. We won't get split by you again for gas deals that aren't even a large % of your consumption.
So how exactly do their satisfy their paranoia by ''securing their flank'' other than influence in Poland, Romania, Baltics ?
Only in books, sadly. I might have found something here, but I can't read Polish:
the kikes are our friends.
europeans are our enemies.
I guess Sweden now must be more dark blue
I am not sure i can follow you train of thoughts.
How would Russia joining EU lead to Romania getting split?
I dont want any of their influence whatsoever. It took a while to eradicate their tentacles from our insitutions and it's rarely been better.
We have to learn to live together regardless. You can either have them as your friends or your enemies.
I think you are confusing Russia with Soviet Union
we are the same country
If hitler could tolerate slavs and gained popular support with them maybe the eastern front wouldn't have gone so badly.
you are not a country. You are an delusional diaspora
russia is the official successor state of the ussr
you are not a russian though
We looked up to the USSR, that's how trash our national communists were. It's post 2008 Russia that's the trouble, not measily historical grievances.
Romania-Russia trade has increased by 20 something % since the sanctions, while respecting the sanctions. We can be business partners as long as the diplomatic and strategic situation is set.
We have our own interests in Eastern EU, and those align well \with core interests of NATO, and despite feelsy vibey counterfactual media, they're EU interests too.
i am russian as fuck
you are a german citizen and ethnically german
there is nothing russian about you
citizenship doesn't change my bloodline
ok. can you please explain how post 2008 russia is trouble?
>We can be business partners as long as the diplomatic and strategic situation is set.
That just it. Those things change. Think ahead, what will things be like in 100 years? How were things 100 years ago? Quite different, no?
you are volga german
russians dont see you as one of their own
>muh georgia (pic related)
>muh crimea (woah referendum how bad)
>muh syria
Yes, in 36.
The EU already works against western interests.
Kremlin bot ITT. +15 rub.
Not really. It's in our interest to be this way instead of being at constant war with each other.
fuck off nato shill
Are you a Russian as well?
The EU keeps ther money in US economic. Are you forget?
1. Germany
2. Yes but only in a few decades to 100 years.
Russia is too big and Europe is not unified enough. Right now it would be one giant dominating a bunch of dwarves.
Right now we would be joining Russia and not the other way around.
>not backing genocidal dictators and democracy in general
Like ISIS and Israel?
Russia has the economic power of Italy.
They wouldn't be the most dominant power for a while
you retarded nato shill
russia has the largest population in europe and that means it would have the most representatives in the eu parliament. so it literally would be the most 'powerful' or 'influential' country in the union
But military power and dominance equal to the USA.
Also do not underestimate russian natural resources. Some oil made a bunch of incest dune coons into an economic powerhouse within a few decades and unlike them, Russians are no savage sandapes.
Parliament is about political affiliation, not member states. No one country has any real influence in that sector.
Unironically yes
FUCK am*rica
countries with a larger population have more mep's
currently germany has most of them but russia would outnumber them by a large margin
also russian parties are all the same when it comes to foreign policy
Yeah it's worse in Moscow and also worse in every part of Russia except even worse
Which is mostly irrelevant due to reasons already stated. Russia needs to have more reps than every other member state combined so make a serious impact.
Fuck Russia
not it doesn't. around 20% of the eu parliament is already pro-russian so russia could have a pretty big impact when they also get the right to vote on resolutions
You are not even European
Go back to jungly
No. That's not how it works. Read up on the yellow cards.
Dont call me or my compatriots(volga german) ever german or russian again
Im the successor and descendant of atilla and ghengis
May my offsprings reclaim all lost territories of the former Greater German Empire and connect the mainland with Königsberg and former Capital city of Volga german assr Engels
... and fuck Poland