>be american
Be american
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That thing will fuck the whole northern hemisphere.
Wouldn't the whole world collapse, at least economically?
>Be entire planet
You think Yellowstone erupting will be enough to finally scare the immigrants away?
You'll get a huge wave of suicidal shut ins.
>race riots
>mass shootings
>no health care
>no paid annual leave
>shit minimum wage
>comparatively high crime rates
honestly I'm baffled America gets any immigrants at all, why go there when you can go to Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Europe?
That's what I'd like to know quite frankly. Is really difficult for Mexicans to catch a flight or boat to Canada or something?
Considering most of our immigrants are from Latin America, I assume it has something to do with the longevity of their rafts.
Feels good man
Des kilomètres dessous la surface, dessous le volcan, il se repose. Il attend, attendant bien caché au milieu de la pierre fondue, au milieu du magma, où les chercheurs dessus lui ne peuvent le découvrir. Dans le noir obscure, il attend. L'humanité peut maintenant rester content, en sécurité dans son ignorance. Elle ne sait pas sa terreur, elle ne sait pas le monstre qui attend sous ses pieds. Pourtant, le jour nous approche où l'amérigoblin arrivera, et le monde brûlera. Dios mio, sauves-nous de el goblino de las americas.
are equator countries get wintered too??
Can't wait to emigrate to Argentina
This would be a literal end-world scenario. It would cause a volcanic winter that would kill off most vegetation in the northern hemisphere; not to mention the massive international schism that would result, possibly leading to warhead detonations.
I dunno do I look like a science man?
>look up yellowstone news
>daily express is the only """source""" reporting on this
It's fake, senpaitachi.
>the desers of Australia cool down and become rich farmland
>being the only first world country left we colonise the pathetic tribes of the old world and install and ethnically Australian elite and use their resources to live in paradise
Nope, at worst it will cover the totality of America in ashes, alongside some parts of Canada and a tiny bit of Mexico, and mayyyyyybe cause some harsh winters for some months, but that's about it
>be american
I thought you were referring to this
We're unironically going to become a superpower at some stage and the thought of that gets me wet.
We're approaching India levels of delusion here.
I have australian heritage (probably). I will immigrate back home then.
At least Indians acknoeledge their country is CURRENTLY shit, unlike amerilards
wtf how?
can't come soon enough
Colonies can't be superpowers.
His dog fell in and he jumped in to save it
The whole world will be screwed.volcanic winter,a lot less air flights,no fruits or veggies, wildlife decimated.
But at least global warming will be over
we peaked in the early 2010s the housing bubble and mining are masking our huge trade deficit when they go theres nothing to support our service ecnomy and we'll probably become slightly less lazy spain
>the whole world will be screwed
Nah brah, I'll be fine.
Screencap this.
i have some british heritage and since they are former brits too, that makes an australian sorta?
The earth spins, my friend.
That's now how what you think works this way actually works
It is still safer than latin america and compared to latin america you get paid a lot more, in dollars, which you can send back to your family.
t. knower
>Americans are wiped out
>the volcanic ash shoots up into the upper stratosphere and causes a massive global cooling by reflecting the sunlight
>temperatures drop to pre- industrial revolution levels for the next ~100 years
I see no downsides to this. Make it happen! For the love of god
I mean technically the levels would be pre industrial revolution so you're not wrong.
Might be a tad bit bumpier a ride than that. Tambora was much smaller.
What are you implying? A mini-ice age? Bring it on. I for one would welcome our glacial overlord
Yellowstone is God's failsafe to exterminate the American virus if it gets even more out of control
End of Earth
He is well overdue then
Really easy to slip and fall down.
It's harder to get into Canada.
>tfw northern arizona
>just out of the zone
>caused average global temperatures to decrease by 0.4–0.7 °C
Far cry from the end of the world. America would indeed be fucked though.
can I come too please?
rev up your silt striders
>obliterated midwest
seems like we lose nothing of consequences, bread may be a tad pricey though
seulement le canada acceptera les asiatiques
who here /safe/
everyone who isn't a greasy burger for starters
Worldwide volcanic winter when?
>honestly I'm baffled America gets any immigrants at all, why go there when you can go to Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Europe?
A big, long land border
>why go there when you can go to Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Europe?
fairly certain that those places focus heavily on the merit-based point system, whereas the US has a lottery
the skilled or wealthy migrants would have a greater chance to find acceptance in the commonwealth realm than in the US
you realize canada is like right next to america
This type of shit happens a few times every year. It's usually Chinese tourists being dumb in the park and getting killed
All will die, not just americans
Three major elements
1.Latitude is low.
2.Taking too much sugar.
Well, on the bright side, this could delay a few decades the effect of global warming