a useless country
A useless country
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Fake Italy
Budapest is beautiful and I like Bela Bartok's music
post some pictures of budapest and some of bela bartoks music
Hungary is a powerful friend and good ally to have, they're fine
t. Mohammad bin Abdul Al-Mahmudson
I am a Greek
Anyone know How to play hungray in hoi4? I always gets locked between italy and germany and cant expand ;_;
I also don't understand purpose of Hungry
t. Selim Uzun
Say that to my face and see what happens, wh*teboy
t. Ikibey
Hungary will lead Europe to new glory
Gypsy boss Orban will save the white race.
lmaooo right bro fucking dumb gypsy all hail based aryan merkel
Ain't she a beauty?
Didnt they invented smoked paprika?
also the ball point pen, binoculars, electric railways, the transformer and the hydrogen bomb, among other things
No culture lmao
Love them, best bros!
Norway more like Noway!
Also nice proxy (((Engelbrecht Kleinmann)))!
what do you love about them?
>Radu Romanian calling someone Gypsy
Oh the irony!
Whiter than you Mohammed.
How they always stay true to their culture, and how protective they are of the European people.
For example, they build a village for ethnic French people who are fleeing the ArabAfrican multicultural catastrophe that is going on in France.
They are also letting in hundreds and hundreds of young Dutch girls who are also fleeing the multi culti shitshow in Cheeseland.
Ps: The Hungarians are happy about that, aleady know two Hungarian guys who have dutch girls.
And they are also working on importing Boers from South Africa, to protect them from genocide.
And they are the one who closed the (((refugee))) route, and the ones who made the V4, to destroy the EU slowly so that they can bleed the EU out (money wise).
And they are also an inspiration to Aryan countries around the world.
Kek ^^ classic one!
hungarians are aryans?
Yes, the whole asian thing was invented by Ashkenazi Jews (Khazar Turks).
Check the DNA, Hungarians are R1A, and have the least Asian genetic influence in Europe.
Germans, Greeks, Slavs, Scandinavians and Romanians have up to 5% Asian DNA average.
you seem to be retarded
90% of Ashkenazi yahudis are of Greek origin
haplotrash is useless
Greeks are pure Caucasians
Found the Jude!
Gas yourself Eli Bromberg!
Made Khazar, is pissed because the Goyim knows!
How is it to know that 99% of your people are inbred?
You are the worst kind of Turks, hope your cousins the better Turks kill you off!! ;)
Chances are higher that you are a yahudi.
>90% of Ashkenazi yahudis are of Greek origin
Source? Fairly certain it's been solidly established that Ashkezanis were Khazars
nobody cares
>Fairly certain it's been solidly established that Ashkezanis were Khazars
According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.
tha chad austrian vs the virgin romanian.
heads up for my alpine fren for standing up for the glorious magyar nation. Liberation of Transylvania when?
5% asian
catholics are false christians
This. Romanians are the true KARA BOGA.
>liberation of Transylvania
lmfao what are you weak faggots going to do?
call us gypsies until we surrender?
nobody cares
useful country
AML 90? It's little bit outdated for nowadays warfare.
just for display
we slaughter wh*Te animals with our bare fists
friendly reminder that this is what the hungarian opposition looks like
if i had time and care, i would translate
All Africans descend from a lost Dacian tribe that migrated South.
Why are Eastern European always so patriotic?
rude.Hungary is awesome
what is awesome?
lack of that sense of guilt which brings self-hate
I am Greek
nobody cares
Unironically kill yourself, Sellner.
But you guys did nothing wrong unlike Western European cunts
Do you like your country?
tajikistan > hungary
NOT Egypt
>muh sellner boogeyman
>Whorshipping a half-türk LARPing as full blooded Austrian
nobody does. stop projecting.
He still looks whiter though.
Everybody already knows your secret, Türk.
Are you the same iranian-turk who posted once about outer body experiences and immortality? If you are then you should stop visiting /x/ and read an actual book.
i have no idea what you are talking about
tough i think i should visit more boards, especially /biz/. they seem to have fun memes.
what do you work there anyway? and how does your expat work pay? thought about going somewhere in the middle east myself.
>people still getting baited by your shitposting
He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek because he was rejected by his kin on Sup Forums. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming
Here is his story
Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"
That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life
>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine
If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?
I'm a studente :DD
>thought about going somewhere in the middle east myself
are you hungarian or romanian?
money i guess
try to invade Romania or yugoslavia if Italy declares war in them
Then come to the gulf. That's where most of the yurobean expats come to when they want to make money.
I am Greek
meant for
the balkan monkeys post this trash only when they get very angry
are you romanian or hungarian?
I had to chek twice to acertain myself it wasn't a japanese flag
I am Greek
I am Greek
No one is bullying Hungarbros on my watch
alter, bist du nazi?
I am Greek
No I am Greek
I am Greek
I am Greek
I am Greek
I am Greek
>turk having a mental breakdown
I am a Greek
this country of very good!
no bully!
>produced Ferenc Liszt
We are all Greeks and Grekettes here, my Greek brother.
>eating the powdered jew
poles finally having a smaller, poorer, dumber, more miserable nation than they are
pay up gádzsó
sarmato-gypsy pride forever!!!
we FIGHT the remainders of the E""""""""""""""u"""""""""""""""""