do you like japanese girls?
canada. yes!
do you like japanese girls?
canada. yes!
>tfw no japanese gf
Where can I find a "normal" Japanese girl who will date a white man? They're all like coalburner analogues from my experience.
They are very girly and have class.
American girls are trashy fat thots with cellulite ass hanging out
t. Knower
be a normal japanese person
1 go to japan
2 there's no step2
They scream too loud when having sex, sound like cats
>tfw have a Japanese gf
not really, they are just like the women anywhere in the western world. Japanese guys are bro-tier though, I made a few friends while I visited japan.
Yes! although they are a bit shallow.
>this is what weebs stroke their pencil dicks to
t. Jealous
>they are just like the women anywhere in the western world
I've been to America. Women don't wear dresses. They walk around in pajamas and yoga pants. They wear short shorts even if they are fat. It was horrible
>mfw no Momo gf
Feels bad
exceptionally good post
>do you like japanese girls?
for rape?
yes :)
american women are not human, so no surprise.
Japan doesn't belong to girls you idiot.
>front row with glasses
That's a girl?
Yes. I find some Japanese girls very cute
But Japanese woman (probably the woman of all developed country) is luxurious.
what do you mean by this?
i think he's saying having a japanese gf costs a lot of money.
people say the same about chinese and korean gfs.
as long as you are white (Eastern Europe included) Jap women are easy
Ah, I heard that as well. I also heard that they are good wives and mothers.
I wonder why it would cost a lot of money though.
Kek, I see that post frequently but still, haven't got one, maybe because I still post here instead going outside
Isn't that some kpop slut? I see her face all the time on /wsg/ kpg, wtf??
Also this
plastic gooks
whiter than you pajeet
>bombing your own shitty nationality in your own post
A bold play, to be sure
No they aren’t very attractive
80's Japanese women > contemporary Japanese women
yes but unfortunately 8+/10 asians would rather go for a 5/10 white guy than an 8+/10 curry or asian
Why do I always want fuck every Japanese girl as hard as I can without consideration for her feelings but still want to cuddle her afterwards?
Fuck you
Uh all nontraditional girls date out. Get use to it.
Tradional ones are the nationalist ones
Its more western country born
But they do cheat remember travelporn jaymes schuttie the mma fighter....he cucked a jap couple an hot false rape accusation cuz he called when she cheated
How do you tell the difference between kpop sluts?
green = would bang
yellow = maybe
I hope the neighbors think I'm raping her desu
that whore isn't wearing any pants
Yes, but I think japanese girls should marry japanese men. Race mixing is wrong.
All Japanese girls I met were super arrogant.