why don't meds fuck their women?
Why don't meds fuck their women?
i thought you are an actual dane
but you are that nigger shitskin
We fuck your women instead
Western women are sluts, plus they prefer black men
Why don't you fuck your women?
non meme answer: no direct policies to aid families. We should take example from France
op is a nigger shitskin in denmark
>We should take example from France
and home grow your own nigger population?
>Denmark STILL never heard about contraception
this is a nigger shitskin
you should begin fucking your women
else you'll die out
niggers like you made me hate your kind
you are not the innocent people you pretend to be you filthy shitskins
Didnt you have an ad campaign telling people to sex?
too busy having homosex
Their waiting for the black man to take care of that
no money and jobs
No thats me.
Why don't you fuck your women?
We can always make more Portuguese by mixing Germans with Moroccans
We're gonna go extinct in 50 years and we deserve it, we're a meme country
Sex is too exhausting
L*tin women are intimidating
They beat me up and tried sexually molesting me at a fiesta.
Now I dislike l*tin women
why Denmark thinks his any better?
Better than l*tins
Because the picture you presented show that we are?
that 1/4 of baby will thanks you for sure
seething meds