Nathan Bedford Forrest edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking hate British people
Want to share a post love sweaty cig with her.
This is for Waffleboy, you know who you are.
>tfw they took down his monument
no you don't
be quiet
Did you see that thread on /his/
shit gimmick kys
*points finger at you*
virgin freak
i want the 2 of us to fall in love and then have her quite smoking or else i end the relationship
white girls got flat asses
Yeah. Im thinking he's back.
post bumhole
i-is it me?
don't reply to me as if you operate on my level x
it's 404'd, check the catalogue
love cute girls feet
want them on my cock
who here /individual/?
stop posting this ugly slag
chocolate best
Want her to give me that Jewish disappointed look when I don't get the raise. Then hate fuck her later that night.
no you're not
be quiet
Flat bums are the last stand of implicit white identity
use desuarchive
shit trap
crap show
men who wear ties are slaves
Do I know you?
>Beard and band t shirt
Literally me.
reckon Flanders should be part of the Netherlands
I want to tongue her asshole.
god what a fucking shitty thread, pull yourselves together you little twerps
diddly doodly
t. Homer
i think you're right desu
h-hello this is my first time here
man is born free, and everywhere he wears a tie
fuck off paki bastard
A picture of me
Please be nice and don't bully me.
Hideous ngl
I know you, Waffleboy.
*barfs on your fresh linen*
Rafter yourself.
Look at her face. It's perfect. The slight hint of humor mixed with disdain. Get's my dick so hard.
i want to take on her on holiday to south africa and have a nigger come harass us for spare change and then beat the living shit out of him and have her witness it. she'll then complain that i over reacted and that my rage and violence was racially motivated, but i'll tell her that it was not. we'll continue fighting in the car on the way back to the hotel and once we're back in our room she'll realize that what i did was a sign of true masculinity - a man protecting his woman (and that it was not racially motivated, even though it was) and then we have hot passionate sex.
I think he means high capacity assault knives
this isn't some kind of ruse cruise, is it?
wish it was summer so i could wear fun clothes
always said this was a Roberts general
I said no bullying
The mutt meme is offensive to people of mixed race background
That's a pretty top tier fantasy. Not even going to lie.
just had an epiphany lads
the only drugs that are denoted legal by toilberg are the only ones that are designed to craft you into a more efficient toilslave
>alcohol makes you briefly forget about toil and make the most of brief toil respite, but has setups repercussions the next morning when you are reminded of impending toil
>tobacco provides a nice boost during toil, and then gives you cancer once you pass your prime toiling years so toilberg can replace you
>caffeine allows sleep-deprived toilers to make it through the day and get more toil done
think about it lads
Want to cuddle her while she whispers sweet nothings into my ear.
most prescriptions too, e.g. adderall
gak should be legal too then
So this is Dave...
-Angry and abrasive at all times. Seems to look for arguments and is obsessed with leftypol. genuinely believes they organise invasions 3 days a week.
-Hates London with a passion. Previously fixated on a "dumb london paki" character he created in his head. believes multiple people are the same person. Also regularly lashes out at australians, the irish, canadians, yanks, anyone who isn't a northerner
-If a thread isn't entertaining him, will constantly complain about how boring and reddit it is.
-Will eventually resort to calling you a paki in literally any argument as he gets increasingly agitated. Favourite insults are variations of "paki bastard"
-Will never stop replying to you until he gets the last word. Will argue for hours over multiple threads and holds grudges for days.
-When losing an argument, will usually resort to posting reaction images while greentexting. Favourites include Bradley Walsh, Orson Welles and David Mitchell. Also samefags his own posts regularly
Some of his favourite reaction images. Will likely change filenames after being exposed. Note his distinctly obnoxious posting style, constant state of anger and disturbing fixation on pakis.
Amphetamine is like caffeine that actually works, yet isn’t legal. Explain that one.
t. Fuming paki
idiot think twice post once
I hope the Emma Roberts fans get their dream woman. She seems nice. I'm a fan of the lovely Emilia Clarke. I too know the pain of fantasising about a woman who will never know me.
fuck you for terminator genisys
think Wallonia should be part of France
Two scientists are racing
For the cure of all mankind
Both of them side by side
So determined
Locked in heated battle
For the cure that is their prize
But it's so dangerous
But they're determined
Theirs is to win
If it kills them
They're just humans
With wives and children
Upwards to the vanguard
Where the pressure is so high
Under the microscope
Hope against hope
Forging for the future
But to sacrifice their lives
Both of them side by side
So determined
Theirs is to win
If it kills them
They're just humans
With wives and children
Theirs is to win
It will kill them
They're just humans
With wives and children
This is dave:
Also posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and Sup Forums. Apparently can't stop obsessing over pakis, reddit and niggers no matter what board he's on.
taking this gimmick to new heights
Fuck off
t. paki with an arsehole like the udachnaya pipe
Reckon "Dave" has a case against you for stalking mr. Sheed
only if we get artesia
now who is that brit that said he knew me?
She looked beautiful in it.
I'd probably get sick of Emma after a couple of years 2bqh.
Barely gone half 8 on a Monday and virgin freak has already lost the plot
We need more positivity in this world. We also need Emma Roberts sex dolls in this world.
this is impressive obsession, dave
probably best for Austria to be part of Germany
if only it was a photo and not a film
When routine bites hard
And ambitions are low
And resentment rides high
But emotions won't grow
And we're changing our ways, taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again
Why is the bedroom so cold?
You've turned away on your side
Is my timing that flawed?
Our respect runs so dry
Yet there's still this appeal
That we've kept through our lives
But love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again
You cry out in your sleep
All my failings exposed
And there's a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold
Just that something so good
Just can't function no more
Then love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again
Then love, love will tear it apart again
Love, love will tear it apart again
I tend to get sick of any woman after a few months of dating. Feels bad man. Haven't had a relationship last longer than 5 months since I was 18.
try living with one. for 3 years straight.
Proposing a new brit waifu
Julia garner
schizophrenic autism
Dave isn't a rorke
> try living with one
Why would you do that? Living together seems like something you do if you plan on marrying her. Otherwise it seems like a lot of pain for not much gain.
Dave is Jewish btw
I think leftypol has gone too far.
antidepressants too
never had amphetamine so I can't comment on whether it would make me a better toilslave
You uh, you can do anything you want to do
You, you can do anything
You uh, you can do anything you want to do
You, you can do anything
we were dating for 2 years. that's generally the next step you take.
* looks over application *
* stamps " Rejected "*
har har niggers