Am I the only that noticed how little marketing this one is receiving?


The release date is barely three months from now and I haven't seen any spam anywhere. I remember when TFA was scheduled, they started plastering ads everywhere since 6 months prior.

Why do you care? Star Wars overall is fucking awful.

That's because TFA was garbage and they needed the forced advertisements just to make money.

TFA was the first Star Wars movie in 10 years and the launch of the new Disney Star Wars franchise, so of course the marketing machine started earlier.

Everyone knows this movie is coming out, and Disney has other properties to promote right now. Expect another trailer in a month or so and then commercials will be on the TV every 30 seconds to the point you'll be wishing for the days they "weren't marketing it at all"

It'll only make half of what TFA made

I don't think it's getting less marketing, I think we are just paying less attention.

I know that Star Wars is overrated crap, but given how much was spent for the TFA marketing I find a little weird that this one is that "quiet"

Luke just standing around. Im done for good if thats all that happens

Not nessarily. I remember back in 2015, around this time, I couldn't drive 5 miles down the street without being bombarded by TFA advertisements.

you might have a point