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Television and Film #873
Television and Film
From the producer of Rome and The Mentalist
What does Sup Forums think of my analysis of Rick and Morty!?
Atheist Rick & Morty creator Justin Roiland prank calls prayer line on podcast
Le Freddy Memery Biopic
This was good
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
I'm really sick and i want to watch some comfy movies to get trough the day. I'll post some myself
Wtf i want to be a pagan now
He had me up until he started talking about how America used to be great. When was America ever great...
Are Simpsons threads doomed forever?
What the FUCK happened?
ULTIMATE FEELS - Father speaks with his new transgender son
My part in The Last Jedi is twice as big as in Force awakens
100 years into the future
What are some romantic movies without sex in them?
Why didn't Ash just buy Misty a new bike with the money he won from those tournaments?
Africa Addio (1967)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ general
I used to be in the films you know
Leonardo DiCaprio Could Play Joker In Origin Movie
So the horror is people taking politics too far and the liberal left being so over-dramatic and mentally ill?
What are some entertaining action films made in the recent years? I liked pic related and last year's Triple 9...
Seriously, how many stealth marketing clickbait campaigns does Sup Forums host daily, and hourly?
Going on Penn and Teller: Fool Us
Movies that non-British people will never understand?
Do you prefer The Mask or Ace Ventura?
Is there a hotter woman on television right now?
Can anyone redpill me on audrey hepburn
What did American Horror Story mean by this?
Sensitive Joss Whedon is losing it, boys
Can someone explain how she survived this?
Did Tom dodge a bullet?
A retreat has no 'Chinese values' – Dunkirk movie comes under fire in China
Only in America could something so stupid be considered a masterpiece
Movie features "split screen" to show two separate events happening at the same time
Actor of the main character leaves the show
She's right, you know
Is there a series with a more annoying character than this guy?
What would Chef Ramsay say about my girlfriend's cake?
Women aren't funn-
ITT: Movie theories that blew our minds
Surprise penis inspection!
Accidentally go to kinoplex on Manlet Monday
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What the fuck were they thinking?
Will Katherine Waterston be back for the films Ridley has planned post-Alien Covenant? If not, how would you cast her?
CBS breathing a sigh of relief
Is it just me or there is literally 0 hype for this movie?
Disaster Movie thread
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What the fuck kind of ending shot is this?
So when is this shit coming out, 2018 or 2019, and will it be overall crap compared to source like the two movies?
Opinions on this movie?
/got/ general - nostalgia edition
What film could motivate me to stop being a neet and find a job?
What are his best rolls?
ITT actresses you miss
This thread is dedicated for us boogey bros to discuss bella thorne's career and roles
Sup Forums edition
Will it be genuinely insightful or heavy handed liberal tripe?
Theres always money in the banana stand?
Every director this bitch works with is fired halfway thru shooting, in post...
Memorable monologues
used to know Eget
Is Jack the worst victim of flanderization in cinema...
Characters gets out of bed
You're not going anywhere, yuppie scum
Did you have a costume idea in mind for older Deckard, Mr Villeneuve?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why did people hate this film?
Idris elba
This film flew straight through my head
Actor in an interview
How do you answer these charges
Tarantula's Best Film
Sup Forums BTFO
Twin Peaks Finale
What does Sup Forums think of it?
What did she mean by this?
720p is out
Wet Wet
100% on Rotten Tomatoes
Oh my
Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Who's gonna play them in the inevitable biopic?
Predict what happens next
It was all a dream
Discuss Narcos Season 3 in here
What was this expression meant to convey?
So Jlaw is back at the top in Hollywood. Did you really think hacking her nudes could hold her down, Sup Forums?
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Movie
What would have happened if Vader had shot down luke's x-wing in the trench?
How did Riverdale get away with rape, murder, torture, fraud, and animal cruelty with a 14+ rating?
What are some movies like pic related
ITT: Pick Three and have others figure out what movie you're talking about
Was it intentional for them to make the characters in Totally Spies that attractive and if so, why did they do it?
Now that the dust has settled, who WAS this guy?
We have been immortalized
/got/ general
A literal masterpiece
Who was in the wrong here? Gordon or the pizza guy?
How does this corny shit stay on the air?
It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun Vincent
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Watching this at Sup Forums's rec. I'm pretty disappointed...
Do people not realize that Shia Labeouf is setting himself up to be the next Nicolas Cage eccentric meme actor?
I've never had a Spanish chick before, he he, olay
Queen Biopic First Look
My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count
The Pickup Artist
Is it possible for us to ever really get anything like Seinfeld again?
ITT: high brow intellectual kino's
ITT: reddit terms that need to be banned
ITT: Pure kino cartoons
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
The Boondocks
I finally bagged me a homer
What did they mean by this?
You're losing a fight to the antagonist of the last movie you watched
Is this show actually good?
Should I watch this?
Look at all the hip, young, fit people dance around on a busy freeway
Okay guys, give it to me straight. When is the REAL Guardians of the galaxy 2 coming out?
Be literal war hero and beloved general who wins many battles for your country...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
What are some movies about a president getting absolutely BTFO by his man-crush?
Her favorite turtle is Leonardo
ITT: Good foreign actors
Who was in the wrong here?
Looking for Visually Aggressive Movies
Lady Diana, accident or murder
So what did Sup Forums think of Highgarden and Casterly Rock??
Was Maris ever shown? What did she look like?
Who's the worst normalfag reviewer?
American Horror Story Cult
Why is Hollywood so afraid of us?
Coop got tricked?
Did Arthur Leigh Allen do it?
American Horror Story
Is this the most Kino moment in LOTR?
Who did it best?(or worst) >le next Hollywood leading man but failed
Stanley Kubrick
Frasier Meme Thread
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Murr, call him a nigger
Reminder that this the villain in Star Wars
Was Phantom Menace really that bad?
Why hasn't Hollywood made a film about the richest man to ever live yet?
My uncle died and my family was sorting his stuff for an estate sale and I found this on VHS
What the fuck is his problem?
Good Time
Joe > Sal > Q > Murr
One of these men wants to beat the shit out of you. One of them will protect you
We was mentioned! BTW Cheyenne Jackson, the gay dude is sexy as fuck
Egyptian Director Amr Salama Developing Anti-'American Sniper' Film
THIS is what General Grievous should've been, not the weak ass shit we got in Revenge of the Shit
What are some horror movies that are actually good movies? Good acting, cinematography...
Just got out of an advance screening
Why does Sup Forums hate this?
This website is mentioned a few times in popular culture, are there any notable celebrity shitposters?
Remember when Hollywood tried to make this guy the next big thing? What went wrong?
Well this was weird
42 years old
Women don't work as monsters or villains, they can't be scary or threatening if I want to fuck them
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/ahs/ general - GOP Clown Care edition
Any love for this childhood disney movie kino? Its still one of my favorites and holds up very well...
So now that Game of Thrones is officially shit beyond redemption, what are some similar shows that I can watch?
Hershlag appreciation thread
1 month later and no one talks about Spiderman anymore
Who should play him in the disney life action movie?
Did you enjoy the first episode of The AA Show? I was skeptical, but I thought it was actually really great...
Tfw Mel is the most famous person from the show
Actress, writer, director, producer
Who was in the wrong here?
Disney gives Colin Trevorrow the boot over Star Wars Episode IX
Wth i hate mcdonalds even more now
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the right here?
How would you feel on the inclusion of a female predator in the upcoming Predator movie?
First season of a show you get into
He has a point, you know
Let me through!
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Let's see Paul Allen's card
Shows that aren't about anything but SUCK
ITT,: Characters who are literally you
/got/ general
Ay, new kid, what's your favorite movie?
Which audience has the higher IQ?
Murdoch Murdoch on Adult Swim?
/cry/ general
Upcoming movie about Italian mafia fighting the Germans in World War 2
Anyone notice how netflix's youtube channel uploads new trailers for original productions like, every few days?
What are some films about human stupidity?
After many years looking back, was it a good film?
Was this kino?
Is this movie good?
Are there any cult actors?
Imagine how kino a Hildawg presidency would have been. Drumpf would have been locked up for colluding with Russians
ITT : films only you liked
Is being openly gay still considered damaging to an actor's image?
Why do americans dress like children?
ITT: Films that COULD NEVER be made today
ITT: quotes that hit too close to home
I am a high-level employee at disney
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Good morning class, welcome to film class. We'll begin by going around the class and saying your three favourite films...
Be young attractive 17 year old
Why are all Marvel women over 30? Are there no attractive young actresses in Hollywood?
WTF, what went so horribly wrong?
It's a fact that 95% of "actresses" had a troubled childhood...
American """ humour """
Who was in the wrong here?
Would this movie exist today?
Brendan Fraser is actually 7 years younger than Cruise, why have we allowed Cruise to steal his role?
He lost because of Near's deus ex machina magic knowledge of X-Kira's true identity
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What are some essential disaster-kino?
/got/ general: Thoughtful discussion edition
Is it worth watching? Is it like breaking bad?
Netflix Magic School Bus
Why didn't Sup Forums have an autistic meltdown about this the way it did about TFA?
Just saw a special screening. Ask me anything
Be honest did this trigger you?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Kelsey Grammer forgave the man who raped and murdered his sister
Hello,im Shelley duvall
What went wrong?
BREAKING: Colin Trevorrow Exits as Director of ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’
Was this show mocking Rick and Morty fans before Rick and Morty?
W-what are some Zoe Saldana films?
What score do you think IT will get?
Power Rangers
He got THICC
ITT: your first tv crush
Everyday on Sup Forums is EXACTLY fucking same, like a loop
Post tropes you like
Do you fear death user?
For Frodo
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Pusher trilogy
Why is this picture so fucking funny
He's gonna take you back to the past
LA Riots movie
So what did Sup Forums think of this show?
Katy Perry
We shall double our digits
Is it going downhill?
Cast this complete and utter fucking loser
Why did he do it Sup Forums?
"Why was your registered gun/car at the crime scene?"
She's becoming one of the most powerful personalities in movie industry and you dont even know her name
Was Frasier rich?
Dude, let's like make an AT-AT *takes puff off a large marijuana cigarette* but BIGGER
Another DRACULA Prequel Film In Development
Its Actors who people have told you you remind them of
Easily the best DCEU movie so far
In 2018 You Will Believe a Frog Can Rock
Jordan Vogt-Roberts, director of Kong: Skull Island, deconstructs his own film in new Honest Trailer
The Sopranos
White character
Insidious 4: The Last Key - Trailer
How does this feel?
/got/ general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
So how bad will this be?
This is a 10/10 in America
Feeding on popcorn at the theatre
I've read your file
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Name a movie that took a shit bigger on its source material
Yfw you realize this guy was originally supposed to play the Terminator
Cast them
What are some movies about a group of people getting exactly what they asked for?
Any good documentaries on Big Foot?
Suicide squad was better than the majority of mcu movies
How did he escape?
Who is the best Wire character and why is it Frank Sobotka?
Cast him
Have D&D ruined any characters as severely as these two?
Greatest entertainer of the century
This is an 18 year old in america
*muffled nootka*
Not a single one of these little shits will be relevant by the year 2019. Screenshot this
How bad is the gay shit this season?
What do you think IT will get?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Bake off live
Fire Walk With Me
Is the auteur dead?
How do we save Sup Forums?
/got/ general
Since mods are asleep and the board is going to shit, let's discuss anime
TOP 9. Movies and TV edition
No trial? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?
How can single digitfags even compete
What does Sup Forums think of Orange is the New Black?
Be honest: would you guys be mad if they replaced Blade with a white actor??
Cunny threads deleted within 4 posts
/who/ - Doctor Who General
How can we ever hope to compete?
Damn.. James Cameron BTFO
Who would win in a fight?
Pickle rick episode finishes airing and so does game of thrones
What went wrong?
Predict what happens next
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Does Eastwood have a The Good, the Bad and the Ugly sequel in him?
Pls i need sum sexeh movies. recömmend me some sexeh movie for sexeh time
I've always been interested in the popularity of Star Trek but have never actually watched it...
Has Jay ever done drugs?
Who was the best character from The Office (US)
Name literally ONE show, except Breaking Bad, where after a few series...
Erm, well... there's good news and bad news. The bad news is... that Bane will be crashing this plane...
/got/ general Big Lord Stark Edition
*makes exaggerated facial expression*
Movies where the good guys win against the anti human liberal cancer?
ITT: Game of Thrones Theories you have
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Has anybody watched this? Better than most stuff coming out at the moment. Lighthearted with the humour & meta story...
Look at me I'm a fucking moron
Name a more under rated waifu
1990's Nostalgia
What is your favorite couple on tv?
Movie about the life of Jesus
If it werent for magic lucksax this fag would have had the iron throne
So, did she take the knot or what?
His ONLY good film besides his writing credit for Crimson Tide
It movie general
The Orville Review: Seth MacFarlane's Somber Sci-Fi Dud Crashes and Burns
What's next for her career?
ITT: We post our top five favorite films and shows, then rate our tastes
Literally did nothing wrong
Does anyone on Sup Forums actually participate in the film industry?
Comic sales dying
Movie trailer
Why does Hollywood call anyone who lives outside of the city or suburbs is an inbred hick?
Is it concerning that I identify with Charlie every time I watch Always Sunny?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this?
What TV shows does your girlfriend like to watch, Sup Forums?
ITT films that women could never understand on a fundamental level even if you sat them down and explained it to them...
I liked godfather better than shawshank and feel shawshank is overrated
Patrician reacts only
Snoke is nothing but a bad guy in the shadows
/got/ general
Is it any good?
Controversy arose in Germany for the film's television premiere on ProSieben...
Was based Jorge /ourguy/ ?
Ywn cuddle with a redneck
Stop invincible son
Well this looks fun
Is this the power if autism?
World war 1 movie
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
An instant classic
ITT: celebrities you unironically want to repeatedly punch in the face
What happened to her?
Is James /ourguy/?
How do we fix it?
What movie has the most realistic time travel?
Why did (((they))) portray Ludendorff as a warmonger...
Is this movie realistic? it's about a 40 year old man but in the poker scene and after he was acting like a teenager
It's been 8 years since this
South Park
Caitlyn Jenner | Norm Macdonald Live
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
How did Shelob stab Frodo with her stinger if he has a jacket of mithril?
What's the last movie you watched that has a female protagonist?
Yeah, put some nipples on that shit
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this was an awful season?
Lying in bed meditating on the crucifixion of Christ
Who is the Zinedine Zidane of hollywood?
Marvel's Inhumans is currently sitting at 0% on RottenTomatoes
Why aren't there any movies about the plight of balding men?
It's a "i hate to interrupt but move the mic closer to your face...
ITT: Movies people praise but nobody likes
Disney doesn't get bad revie-
...what was his name again?
What's the dog's name?
GoT: the Prequel Series
Rewatch a movie a million times
Is this guy the most overrated director in the game? His plans never work, his list of failed projects is huge...
But Why?
The Deuce
"Villains" that un-ironically did nothing wrong
What's your answer to this?
Doctor Who General /who/
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Mfw Sparta actually existed
This fucking movie
/got/ general Pleb Choice vs Patrician Choice Edition
Terminator 1
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Sansha... please!
What's his best film?
Why does he consider himself an authority in impressions?
Will 2017 be the breakthrough year for Alexandra Daddario?
Why was Misty always cockblocking Brock and Ash?
This wasn't that bad
Remember when Homer's black ancestor was super smart and invented the doughnut (until the evil white man stole his...
What does Sup Forums think of the 'three flavours cornetto trilogy'?
ITT: Movies where a girl looks at a man how they would never look at you
Haven't watched any of this in 16 years, how well does it hold up? How much of it is worth watching?
Looks like capekino is back on the menu boys!
I watched a couple of episodes and it isnt as bad as you think. give it a chance
In concession line for cooler filled with melted butter at cinéma
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Michael Fassbender to wed Alicia Vikander
Kissing is whatever, but how are handjobs/fingering at the movies not considered absolute degeneracy...
Wtf happened to him?
It's interesting to note how many other people you can find just by following one actor
18 episodes
"One of the best comedies ever made"
Is Seinfeld the best comedy show ever made?
Just started third season, so far so good. Love the absolute mad man Vain
How did this movie predict the future so well?
Post images that trigger Sup Forums
What was his fucking problem?
WHICH SIDE did u pick???
How was the new season of X-Files?
Are there any TV shows where homosexual characters are treated normally like any other couple and they don't focus on...
From my point of view, the wheat taxes will be paid WHEN YOU FIX THE DAMN FLIGHT PLAN
The dick tower
So, why did James always dress up in womens clothing?
This is going to be Rosemary's Baby, right?
/tpg/ post your observations
What happened to Spielberg? Why can't he make instant classics anymore?
I have some bad news and some worse news, which one do you want to hear first?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/bbg/ - boogey bros general
Easily the best movie of the last ten years
Why does he have a good taste in tools
So he's Satan, right?
Teacher asks us to do a report/presentation on our favorite movie... I choose TGSNT The Greatest Story Never Told...
/got/ general Help Bran edition
I wonder what her ass smells like
Sith or Jedi?
Will Luke wield a lightsaber in The Last Jedi?
Is there a Game of Thrones but with guns?
Why didn't they work together ever again?
How is this board so bad
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
Which intros do you always watch?
Look what I made for you, user. :)
/swg/ screenwriting general
Where would you like to see Aiden Gillen next?
Post forced celebrity cameos. Pic related
ITT: people who literally did nothing wrong
The script centers on two policemen, one an old-timer (Gibson), the other his volatile younger partner (Vaughn)...
Why doesn't she get more roles? She's a surprisingly good actress
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
How will he take the news of Littlefinger's death?
Goodnight, lads
Is Japan's government really this incompetent?
Am I a bad person? Whenever I see pic related or any pajeet acting arrogant when it comes to movies...
Kathy Griffin: ‘I’m no longer sorry’ for Trump beheading photo
This hit way too close to home
Movies Where the Bad Guy Wins
That's nice and all Bateman.. But thatss nothing
Please Sup Forums, I simply must have you for dinner tonight
When will you fags realize that Terminator 1 is better than Terminator 2?
Comfy simpsons thread
Conan fantasy > Tolkien fantasy > Game of Thrones fantasy
Why was she so perfect?
Now that summer is pretty much over, what movies did you watch in theaters Sup Forums?
Happy birthday, user! :)
John Cena being eyed to play Shazam
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You know you're losing when you stoop this low
Tarantino on Drive
/apg/ - American Psycho general
I shuposhe the flight plan is off the table?
Start thread about film I genuinely enjoy and love
My gf wants to watch a movie. Dubs decide what we watch
Biggest assholes in film
Why is this guy popular?
Shia just got turned down from the new Indiana Jones movie
Jean Claude Van Damme
What do you think?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Are they mexican or albanian?
Well, Sup Forums
Antifa Supporters Cry Over Trevor Noah’s Daily Show Segment Mocking Antifa
Find a mediafire link from 2008
Who else likes /brapkino/ here?
Who is your favorite Disney/Nick girl?
Thoughts? Will it be a good parody of the JJew Trek films, or more Family Guy rubbish?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Why was the anime ending so much better than the manga ending?
Underrated Movies
Movie Ideas You Have
A-at least the soundtrack was good, right?
Pure faithkino
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Who was in the wrong here?
What are some movies with REAL MEN characters? Not bland action stars or quipping scoundrels but hard, ambitious...
I literally cannot think of a worse movie, can you?
Greedy people turn into pigs
Do you think this current trend of blackwashing characters is helping race relations?
I want to watch some studio ghibli movies, which ones should I watch besides spirited away and totoro?
Is Rick a radical centrist?
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
ITT, We Cast and write a kino about the Byzantine Empire (theres a frustrating lack of kinos about this empire...
Wonder Woman surpassed Civil War and Iron Man 3
Sup Forums movies
Why was Chilindrina such a bitch toward El Chavo, Sup Forums?
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Rank the Nolan films
What did I just watch? I feel like I'm missing something. The movie feels incredibly incomplete...
Spider-Man: Homecoming projected to near $900 million with China release
All-female remake of American Psycho when?
Narcos S03
Sup Forums will defend this
What did he mean by this?
2000s nostalgia
Rate my girlfriend's cake
Was Worf a failure as a Klingon?
What are some ayy lmao kinos?
Will John Rolfe's ever make another feature film?
Would it have been the kinoest of kino?
Waterloo (1970)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
So you're a Sup Forums mod wow, that site is very popular you must make a lot of money
Preacher "Saint of Killers Returns Editions
Funny right wing comedians thread?
Watching pic releated
What is she looking at?
Cast this absolute loser
Remember when American TV shows were so afraid of criticizing the Obama administration that they resorted to making...
Which character in any tv show or film has the best laugh?
Who was in the wrong here?
Was there a moment in television when you realized this happened to you?
I just marathoned the first season of Lucifer, what did I think of it?
Subtle criticism of the right in television & film?
What prehistoric creature would you base a film around ?
Is Bugs Bunny a demon?
What would you do next season to make the show UN-JUST? or is it too late and its un salvageable now
The Great Debate
Just started marathoning this flick, never watched Harry Potter before, what will I think of it?
White men aren't sissifi-
Do girls really enjoy doing this? I thought the female orgasm was a myth?
/got/ general
Congratulations user you've been given a time machine...
Can a Cucknisher fan (a fan of The Punisher) explain how 3 different directors couldn't make a single good movie of The...
ITT: scenes that hit too close to home for Sup Forums
You some kinda ooga booga Chinaman?
Why do we hate this movie again?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Why does he hate white people?
Actors Sup Forums loves that you fucking hate
What does Sup Forums think of Ozark? I never see any threads about it
Legend (1985) Starrring Tom Cruise
What are the most kino nude scenes?
What are your top 10 movies of all time?
Who wins?
/iamjazz/ I Am Jazz General
Name a more beautiful actress
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Why is seth so obsessed with incest?
/got/ general
What the literal FUCC were they thinking? She single handedly destroyed SG-1
Honest thoughts on Rick and Morty?
Well, la dee da
This guy will be playing Scottish hero and king, Robert the Bruce.... Can he even do a Scottish accent...
Are you doing what you can to protect her smile?
Why don't A-list actresses do "HEY LOOK AT MY TITS AND JERK OFF!"-type roles anymore?
In 1997, Chris Farley began planning his first dramatic film, a biopic about silent film star Fatty Arbuckle...
Claim your SNL waifu
The name is Bond.Chemical Bond
What's the final Sup Forums verdict on this show?
There is another…the last Jedi
Why is there like barely any famous black actresses?
It Comes At Night
Is there a film about sexual impotency?
ITT: shit Sup Forums memed you into watching
Event Horizon
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
ITT: Episode X is set 15 years after TFA. Cast Rey
Unpopular Opinions
This scene changed my life...
Industry sources report that the upcoming Wheel of Time TV series has apparently been canceled
Why is this the best tv show of the last decade?
Daughters of the dragon show WHEN
Why does this retard still have a career?
What dos Sup Forums think of tru blood?
/got/ general
Alien Covenant
/tpg/ twin peaks general - whisper edition
What are some movies where one guy ruins fun for everyone else?
Been watching family guy for three days straight now
John Cena to play Shazam
Favorite Simpsons Joke
Why are they just randomly sitting like this? wtf?
Plebs have favourite Directors
Who was in the wrong here?
Black could be anywhere
Which one should I watch?
Thoughts on this Rick and Morty scene?
Léon (1994)
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What will be the last film you watch before the draft?
Friendly Reminder:
Doing some Market Research for NYT Sup Forums
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Tim and Eric
Why are there no more films with fat characters?
*blocks your path*
Star Wars Episode 8
Can Taylor Lautner make a career comeback?
At what point did he pass the point of no return?
Why does he wear the knee pads?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Tfw you realise Goku and Vegeta simply represent the two types of people on this planet
Hey user, welcome to film class, what is your favourite film
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
What the fuck were they thinking?
Why was Jim Carrey's best work a drama?
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
Ruined. When will they fucking stop? They are dedicating the season to this shit
ITT: Actors who are more talented than their famous siblings
Is Sup Forums ready for Tolkien-Kino?
Whoah..64 Fender Stratocaster in classic white with triple single coil pickups and a whammy bar
What was the best movie of 2012?
What kino does this apply to?
Where's that oldfag who said Bicentennial Man was his favorite movie?>
What's the point of this show exactly?
Who would win in a fight? 10 John Goodmans or 100 Bruce Lees?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
God isn't real Marty *chugs beer can*
Series 4 #soon
This was not as good as you guys make it out to be
Sinofags, is the Three Kingdoms (2010) show worth watching? I need something to fill the time between seasons of GoT
Vincent Gallo
The clown marketing department totally hasn't encouraged psychos to plot some mass killing event...
*rewrites history to make Gawker seem like the good guy and victim blames Hogan*
ITT: Literal Perfection
ITT: LGBT Characters done right
Tarantino hatred thread
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks Genera
Scenes that made you drop a show
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Do you think they went a little too far?
Wat does Sup Forums think of Nocturnal Animals?
Can anyone here explain why Sup Forums doesn't condemn this show?
Name a more unfunny comedian than Seth Macfarlane. I'm waiting
What is the best depiction of the oedipus complex in cinema?
Why is capeshit easier to adapt than anime or vidya?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
/got/ general
Extra butter, as requested
ITT: Post up and coming actresses who you think have a bright future and body of work ahead of them
Ricky Gervais
How that he was killed? There was no proof of anything. No trial by combat. Not a smidge of evidence
Is this kino?
Gets ass fucked
ITT: Villains you fell in love with
The main character is a nigger
The Virgin Sam / The Chad Tim
ITT: Gordonkino
What did Jay Bauman think of the Twin Peaks finale?
What the heck is wrong with Hollywood?
Big Fat Liar General
Are you smart enough
The Adorkable Misogyny of The Big Bang Theory
Ever notice how hacks rely on violence in their movies?
Watched this kino last night. Let's discuss
What's the best episode of Peep Show?
/tpg/ - Michael Was Right General
Why does GoT creator David Benioff uses his mother's name professionally?
How would you do a The Mask sequel?
Start consuming unregulated drugs
You know you're losing when you stoop this low
/got/ general TWOW never Edition
IT (2017)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
/tpg/ - Michael Was Right General
Name a TV show with more pretentious fans
Those weirdos that prefer Jason over Freddy
Eye Porn
Webm thread
You did it Sneed fag. Now it's impossible to get a Simpsons thread going on Sup Forums *clap* *clap* *clap*
Sup Forums loved Dunkirk because it had little dialogues and no women...
I just finished to watch the two seasons of roots original
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
Joel era
Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars and other geeky stuff like Game of Thrones?
Kylo takes off his mask
Wonder Woman has Topped Civil War
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
*piano starts playing*
Nina dobrev
ITT: shows that impress people with limited knowledge of cinema
What's next for this girl...
Is this one of the most incompetently written and amateur shows in recent memory? It's AWFUL
So what's up with Batman being the sugga daddy of the whole Justice League in the DCEU movies...
I'm going to the Nathan Fielder Q&A in Vancouver tonight. What should I ask him...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Mfw Breaking Bad's Ozymandias is still the best episode of TV nearly 4 years on
ITT: villains that did nothing wrong
FinnRey BTFO
Christopher Nolan has never made a bad movie. Discuss
Is Shameless a good show? Post pictures and webms to support your argument
/got/ general
How about unheard of films
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
The first episode of The Artie & Anthony Show is tomorrow. Will it be good?
Peter, around blacks never relax
Am I the only that noticed how little marketing this one is receiving?
Dark skin actresses in Hollywood
Movie about Ancient Rome
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...