
Why are there so few steampunk movies? It's a really underrated genre.

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There's only show much that you can do with it. It's basically a parody genre to begin with!

And I mean, Steamboy was a nice film, but after that... what?

Steampunk will always be mostly cosplay fodder.

They don't understand the endless possibilities, alas, you get retarded answers like "is a parody genre" or "is just cosplay" whenever you bring to the question why this hasn't being explored.

The fucking plebs haven't read a single book on their lives.

Speaking of books, any steampunk books you recommend user?

cause steam power is an outdated and inefficient power source

Have you finished with Jules Verne yet?

>not dieselpunk

Yep, looking for something new.

Who? Is that the guy that wrote Ready Player One?

If you finished with H. G. Wells and Verne maybe The Angel of the Revolution and A Honeymoon in Space by George Griffith. I heard Perdido Street Station by China Mieville has it too.


Atompunk > Dieselpunk > Transistorpunk > Steampunk

I loved the movie as a kid and got this light up diorama at Disneyworld last time I was there.

>reading meme fiction

I don't like your taste

Steampunk isn't a genre dummy, it's a setting

What about Modpunk?

Just glue some gears on it and call it steampunk.

I cant think of a bigger waste of my time than reading steampunk "literature "


Have you seen this one, OP. Not exactly pure steampunk, but it counts in my opinion.

its duuuuuuumb

steampunk is not a genre, it's a setting. any story that can be told in a steampunk setting can be also be told differently. hollyweed dont see the need to confuse their already very stupid audience

Because genres are defined by what audiences want out of them, rather than the content of the stories themselves.

People turn to Sci-Fi for stories that explore the logical ramifications of high concepts (usually technology or science). People turn to Fantasy for stories that explore character drama and struggle set against a colourful backdrop. And people turn to Science Fantasy because they want stories that are basically Fantasy at their core, but specifically wearing the whiz-bang-"future" trappings of Sci-Fi.

The problem with Steampunk is that the only thing its fans seem to want out of it is the stereotypical "Steampunk" aesthetic. Y'know, twisted Victorian fashion mixed with lots of overly-complex and ornate anachronistic technology, usually powered by impossibly efficient steam engines (or in some cases, impossibly sophisticated clockwork). There's no narrative or thematic hook to the Steampunk genre. Ask any Steampunk fan what their favourite genre is about, and they'll tell you all about the crazy retrofuturism, while neglecting to mention anything about the actual plots or themes of the works within it.

Steampunk feels vapid and aimless, because it IS vapid and aimless. It's all style over substance; all form, no function.

Because it's fucking stupid.

teampunk isn't really a genre, it's an aestethic.

A well-written steampunk story is probably best described as "modern science fiction as if written in the Victorian era".
A common theme in SF stories is taking some new technological development and extrapolating on how it will develop in the future and how it will affect society. Cyberpunk was born in the 1980s when computer technology was becoming more ubiqutuous and accessible. It elaborates a future where computers have become even more common and people can interface with them directly, and explores to social ramifications that might arise from such development. It also takes what were then current issues (enviromental pollution, goverment corruption, weakening of American economy, increse in oil prices etc.) and assume they are still problems in the future, probably worse than now.
Steampunk is pretty much the same thing but based on the society, technology and issues born from the industrial revolution. It assumes a future (or from our point of view, an alternate timeline) where steam power is developed further (but isn't replaced by another power source that our hypotethical Victorian-era author wouldn't be able to predict), but where most steampunk stories fall short is that they forget to explore the social ramifications caused by such technology, and extrapolation of the actual issues of the Victorian-era society (pollution, poor working conditions, infrastructure not being able to keep up with growth of cities etc.). So usually you just get a bunch of dapperly dressed gentleman-adventurers with gears glued to their hats.

>Not exactly pure steampunk, but it counts in my opinion.
No it doesn't. And that's the problem. There isn't much steampunk stuff, because the whole thing is a joke.

Even dieselpunk and retroscifi/pulppunk have more going on for themselves.

>being this triggered
Stay mad pleb

Jesus you sound like a dick. Is this how you talk to people in real life social situations?

I can, posting on Sup Forums.

You two seem a lot more triggered than him.


Gladly none of my friends are fans of shit like steampunk.

Atompunk = (Pre-War) Fallout
Dieselpunk = Sky Captain
Transitorpunk = 2001/Clockwork Orange

Here's some steam punk song kino still kind of wish rabbit was a boy and that they didn't get rid of john

This is gold.

steampunks not a story, its a setting.

you can tell pretty much any story you want in a steampunk setting with enough contrivance, and its an enjoyable visual experience although diesel-punk is far superior.

honestly you're mad over nothing.

You clearly have no idea of how many settings we are talking in steampunk so is time for you to stop posting.

I honestly don't get where this "ur mad" insult is coming from?

But yeah, I do disagree about ANY story being possible in that setting. That's not how it works. If the setting was actually so ripe, as OP wants, we'd have plenty of steampunk books, games, movies. But we don't, because it just isn't as good as OP hopes it to be.

Now, I can take a joke (genre), it's not that. Steamboy is an interesting film, and I even have a certain fondness for Wild Wild West. But if one really wants to face the facts, there's just not more to steampunk than that.

You've been seeing a lot of works using steampunk plots and settings, just not the accentuated in the aesthetics. May I remind you were looking countless films based on the invisible man, the time machine, the war of the world, etc etc.

Just go and actually read a book, for once.

Are those really STEAMpunk to you? Just an honest question. It word itself is pretty well-defienable.

This counts.

Probably the best "steampunk" movie to date.
>City of Lost Children

You will never end don't you?

I'd just like to hear OP's reasons for wanting more. Why is more steampunk needed, when so little can be done with it?

And I'm talking STEAMpunk here. With steam engines being the fantastical trope that gets everything going.

>There's no narrative or thematic hook to the Steampunk genre. Ask any Steampunk fan what their favourite genre is about, and they'll tell you all about the crazy retrofuturism, while neglecting to mention anything about the actual plots or themes of the works within it.
When Gibson and Sterling wrote The Difference Engine, they wanted steampunk to be like cyberpunk transplanted to the 19th century. Steampunk and cyberpunk are supposed to have the same theme: the underclass empowering themselves by repurposing the technology of the elites. It's just that most steampunk fans today want to focus on "gentleman adventurers" like the protagonists of Verne, Wells and Conan Doyle instead of the underclass.

This does not take place in Victorian times.

So you are a bigot denying everything, got it.

perdido street station by china mieville

is breddy gud

I honestly think David Lynch's The Elephant Man is one of the best steampunk movies, even though it's based on historical events.

Tryhard brit "punks" with poor aesthetics, no thank you.

>Perdido Street Station
Ordered my copy, thanks anons!

>reading fiction

Steampunk makes everything retarded. Just look at this thread

The fuck is your problem, if you don't like it why bother, other do

Yeah steampunk fans tend towards the retarded fashion oriented stuff. Gibson is going to write what Gibson writes no matter the genre, thats not a strict rule. Adventurers are a hallmark of victorian era shit anyway, it fits.

Hell steampunk doesn't even have to be fantasy/scifi stuff cause all that shit was real to some extent.

Dieselpunk is still better.

You need to read The Angel of the Revolution by George Griffith asap.