Best duels in film

Other urls found in this thread:

>mark of zorro
>adventures of robin hood
>Rob roy
>four musketeers
>princess bride

I don't necessarily mean only sword duels but good list

Yoda vs dooku.

for fuck's sake

for fucks sake

but yea the duellists is probably better

that knife fight at the end of Man from Nowhere

Die Another Day

had my first fap to mark of zorro. you know the scene

multiple from the Bourne series



Are you maybe thinking of mask of zorro instead?


pretty terrible editing but when the shot does hold for longer than one second you can see some good choreography

I always wondered wtf carpenter meant by that, just trying to pad the run time?

>not piking brosnan kino

the knife fight at the end of Hunted


my b yea

I thought so, tbf it has some pretty decent fights too, nothing that matches this tho

Nice that they actually focus on the thrust.

well they're actually trained fencers I think one was a world champion, it helps when you know what your doing

This is the best sword I've ever seen in a movie. I was blown away last week when I saw it for the first time.

Its generally considered one of the best ever, but really any sword fight with Rathbone is gonna be good

>not reading the thread

God fucking damn that's sweet

>nobody mentioned Battle of the Heroes


You just can't recognise good choreography and sword skills.

I bet you focus on the thrust all the time dont you sweetheart.

Just gonna start posting some of my favorites now
Swordsman of Siena


They are just fencing it looks boring af

For a Few Dollars More
Drunken Master II
Master of the Flying Guillotine
Harakiri (1962)

What other kinds of duels did you mean?

Came here to post this.

>you know the scene

>forgetting The Duelists and Barry Lyndon
Holy pleb
There it is

people used to duel with pistols, so maybe that

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Shangai Knights

That's how real sword fighting works, also what he said

This fight was great because you felt the weight in every strike.

What makes this one great is that it doesn't look choreographed, but like these two motherfuckers are really having a go at each other

one punch lad vs BOB ball


I didn't forget either just posted the first 5 that came to mind, gotta leave something for the rest of the thread

>this entire time has his face unmoving and smiling and as he gets closer

Well yeah, gotta hit those sweetspots.

Missed opportunity

That is a great fight

>goes on for 30 minutes
>they're both in the exact same condition at the end of the fight as they were in the beginning
>the only thing that matters happens in the last 10 seconds of the fight


No one posted this yet?

Top choice. I always enjoy sabre fighting.

Jesus what movie is that? Good shit.

Was just about to post me some rob roy, my nigga

Please get that colorized shit outta here.

Agreed. 98% of fight scenes look like actors practicing rehearsed moves. This is incredible.

I've noticed that movies and tv shows are generally pretty good when it comes to saber or smallsword fencing but are pretty rubbish with anything outside of that, especially with longswords

Why is that

Benny looks like such a slav doesn't he?

its possible to do fights like this but fucking GoT has shit shows for fights?

Not sure if the footage is sped up (All of their movements are pretty synced with their arms, so doubt it.)
Or if it was filmed at a higher frame rate to capture the speed of their movements. I have seen footage of an old interview with Bruce Lee where his kick moved too fast to be caught on film. And I remember reading that they used to film certain scenes of his at a higher frame rate for that very reason.

yeah, this was a pretty good one actually.

The Wheels on Meals fight doesn't get enough credit. It's a blend of both phenomenal choreography and raw talent. Chan and Urquidez are FAST. None of that footage is sped up.

More fencing professionals in the business.

Maybe because people still do saber and smallsword fencing.

maybe cause they are heavy as fuck

How could I forget this one? For me it was the build up to it that made it so great

they'd spend even more on actors if they had them train to pull this off

>heavy as fuck

This is actually the best-choreographed sword fight I can think of. It's legitimately perfect and I opened this thread with the sole intention of linking it.

at the very least Arthur Dayne should have moved like that

Their fight in Dragons Forever wasn't bad either. From what I remember Benny the Jet was a constant training partner of Chan over the years since he was one of the few people that could actually keep up with his speed, and vice versa.


>It's a nice effort, capitan
>The next will be better, my fancy clown

I can't wait to use My fancy clown in normal conversation

I didn't actually check the vid before posting it, my bad


It's from this cool little proof of concept video a stage fencing troupe did

I think the point was to show that you -can- make longsword fencing look accurate and still entertaining to watch

I don't know for sure but I would assume that modern fight choreographers, if they're trained in anything (sometimes you could be forgiven for thinking they're not), would probably be trained in sport fencing, and sport fencing is basically just smallsword fencing on coke, but when it comes to things like longsword or arming sword and shield they have no frame of reference so they just make shit up.

This can work for them or against them. The guy who choreographed the fights in Rob Roy had no idea about Scottish broadsword fencing but as it turned out his guesswork was mostly right since the system isn't too dissimilar from military saber fencing. Obviously longsword is a little bit more of a chronological stretch.

I don't know what to tell you man. What sometimes happens is they hire a seperate fight and stunt choreographer and then keeping both becomes too expensive so they get rid of the fight specific guy and just use the stunt choreographer for everything.

That's what happened in the run-up to the Hobbit films. I think the Lord of the Rings fight choreographer was still on board for An Unexpected Journey but they got rid of him for the next two and just used the stunt choreographer, who had no experience choreographing fight scenes and the stuff he had done stuns on was shit like direct to dvd Steven Segal movies and one of the Resident Evils.


"By the Sword" is not a great movie, but the fight is one of the few that actually looks like two men trying to kill one another instead of playing tag.


I was the one who posted the Wheels on Meals fight and even I think it's a little bit overrated. It's absolutely fantastic and the fucking candelabra bit gets me LITERALLY every time; but it's more or less the first fight scene anyone shows you when you start looking into non-North American Jackie Chan movies or kung fu comedies in general.

I think it's a great fight scene, but it absolutely gets enough credit.


Having never fenced in my life, would you be able to defend against a broadsword with an epee? Not to mention the size/strength differential.

In my experience people seem to praise Legend of Drunken Master over the fight in Wheels on Meals (and honestly, it's mostly that one fight that carries the movie).

But to each their own.

Fucking no, that scene is retarded. Unless Roidasaurus was checking her swings
Four musketeers, another example of a fencing duel where they actually look like they want to kill each other, its kinda weird seeing as the movie is basically a comedy, this fight is just brutal tho

My niggas. If you're EVER looking to see some duelling action then there's no reason to watch anything except The Duellists. You get everything in it, and it's beautiful to boot.

I much prefer The Duellists to Barry Lyndon

What is Jennifer Jason Leigh's favorite hair color?

Drunken master is a better film, but it's hard to top that fight scene

A longsword weighs about two to three pounds, a smallsword weighs barely half a pound. Arya wouldn't stand a chance.

Not to mention that she's using it all wrong. Smallswords are dedicated thrusting weapons. You can kind of whip someone with it but you can't really cut them, especially not someone in armor.

breddy gud

Totally agree. Wheels on Meals is a really bad film with some great individual scenes.

Is that a kreigsmesser?
I'm impressed Mr Seagal.

Why not all of them? theirs one that hasn't been posted yet its B&W and I can't think of the name, might be a french film, but the duel is incredible generally rated by fencing teachers/autists as the most realistic fight ever put on screen, just can't think of the name