*rewrites history to make Gawker seem like the good guy and victim blames Hogan*

*rewrites history to make Gawker seem like the good guy and victim blames Hogan*

nothin' personal, kiddo

the left thrives on propaganda


nobody gives a shit about gawker and everyone even remotely in the know about this situation knows they were at fault. the media is disgusting and everybody knows it, theyve known it since the 90s when they killed diana. justice prevailed that day and hulk did it.

>don't speak
>putting up a video of someone having sex without their permission
>refusing to take it down

I haven't watched this, but how could they possible hold Hogan at fault here?

>literally infringe on their constitutional right to free speech and generally act like a whiny bitch

hello nazi, you are not welcome here. you are not allowed to say "nigger". and you are not allowed to disparage women, LGBT or any form of POC

this is Sup Forums, this is NOT stormfront.

play nice...

>dude he's a wrestler who thrives on publicity lmao

It was really pathetic

Anyone who even tangibly looks in to the situation knowa Gawker were in the wrong.

They ignored anything Gawker did that wasn't just a free speech matter.