Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars and other geeky stuff like Game of Thrones?
Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars and other geeky stuff like Game of Thrones?
Rose is a dude, dude.
it's a perfectly cute girl, user!
i miss her bros
me in the back
Game of Thrones and Star Wars isn't "geeky" it's normie shit, it always has been too.
You can give it up Schlomo. We know it's a dude.
Perhaps you should take your clever ruse back to r9k...
Star Wars and GoT are exactly the type of lowbrow trash that women enjoy
so they can get a job at a shitty youtube channel, like Jenny
You have to be at least 18 to post here.
take your pills, look at this cute female body
>gone forever
>Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars
why does anyone?
bet pedro ate food again
Because Chaim and Moishe made it accessible to normals, like every other former "nerd culture," that has been appropriated by the masses.
>Star Wars
>nerd culture
>Why do men pretend to be girls and other freaky stuff
the answer to both your question and ops is shilling
Behind Rose? What's her hair smell like?
>proud to be a slut
>the weekend after
Is it true rose has a cute cunny daughter
Brunette in the back with the glasses IS A CUTE
i always lose to the last one
Are people on 4 chan really so stupid that they don't know Star Wars was a globabl phenomoenon the moment it was released?
Why do these fat losers try so hard to be special?
>the first one
Holy shit, how much of a slut you have to be?
>the last one
Kek. Sadly, this shit is true in third world countries. I've met many upper-middle class (mostly yuppies) who do that shit. They even get breast implants when they are underage. No wonder why many girls from california (descendants of third world latinos) do the same.
If Rose were a dude I would not care.
She has a fat face though.