Just got out of an advance screening
It was bad
Just got out of an advance screening
I believe you
Nice list of reasons bro
y tho
level 1 bait
Would you call it a flop?
1. Leaned on old, tired horror cliches
2. Finn Wolfhard ruined every possible moment of character development with some dumbass quip
3. Drops the entire theme of overcoming childhood trauma and makes it a monster movie
I knew it, only sub 100 iq """""""people""""" will like this
Who cares, tell us about Stan Lee's cameo.
What was bad? Be more fucking specific.
everything you said sounds like pure snob
Do they float?
No, a lot of the people at the screening said after that they thought it was the scariest movie they had ever seen.
The people I went with thought that this was the best Stephen King adaptation, but honestly I do not trust their opinions whatsoever.
Believe me, literally every time that is said, it is hilarious
[keks in closed captions]
It closes by with the title, plus a "Chapter 1" overlay
Plus, they cut the orgy scene
Is the orgy scene achnoledged in any way? When you say cut, do you mean it was ACTUALLY FILMED? Because it's not even a part of the original film.
Also, more spoilers please. Fucking ruin the movie please.
No shit OP, did you really expect this meme movie to be good
So literally everyone thought it was good except you?
2 people heard as I was leaving =/= literally everyone
This is going to be so scary.
Not that I know of, no. From what I hear the original script was trashed for being too perverse (maybe the orgy was included)? But I was keeping an eye out for any reference for it and I couldn't see any
The clown's "death" at the end is left vague, leaving it open to another one
Right after killing the clown, Finn Wolfhard says "Now I know what I'm gonna right about in my summer experience essay"
Nice conjecture based on the trailer you got there
What, do you want me to outline the plot for you?
Can you imagine the smell It has after spending so much time in the sewers?
Just imagine taking a good whiff of Its diverse flavors of smell: urine, feces, bodily fluids and decomposing food.
It would smell so bad, haha!
well if nothing else, going by his books, King sure does think about fucking kids a lot.
think he browses?
haha, could you go into some more detail how it would smell? i want to gross out my friend :P
I really wanted to see Porky get his nut busted
but I'm just projecting
>2 people heard as I was leaving
>No, a lot of the people at the screening said
2 is "a lot" to you? how high can you count?
I only got 10 fingers
2 groups of 2 = 4 people
What? A horror movie released in september is shit? Youre kidding!
haha MAN oh MAN am I excited to see this litty KLOWNKINO. This is going to be one HOTT Little Flick if I do say so ma'self. Where my ReddIT boys at lmao get IT? Haha that was another one. Get IT? HAHA
IT by author Stephen King arrives to cinemas this September 8th. Watch IT! ps that was another one xD
Movie sucks my ass Im reading the script now
Its pretty brazy cuz It is just in the kids houses and likes fucking with them to scare them so they taste better and he can overpower them (since It is actually really weak unless they're afraid).
Like It just goes into their house and like into their bedrooms and trolls them all day. Like in that scene he has his brothers corpse and then he floods the basement and makes Will go into the basement and then he sock puppets the bros body and then jumps out like OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA STOOPID DOG and then Will runs away all scare and thats the whole point. sick sadistic childish shit to scare a child that the clown guy actually enjoys doing. hes like that tails gets trolled comic where bugs bunny acts all gay and retarded
Tell the whole movie or else you're lying
None of that is even in the script or in the movie.
Disney shills post like this unironically
The trailers are nothing but jump scares so I'm not surprised at all.
When does the review embargo lift? I'm ready for some good ol' Sup Forums BTFOing
In 50 minutes
Early impressions seem to be that IT's good but nothing spectacular. This movie will probably go down as one of the decent King adaptions
Yes it is. The older brother goes to the basement which appears flooded and he sees his lost brother in the corner. Then via CGI the brother turns into a bloated corpse in front of him (since the brother was lost after he fell into a sewer) This distracts the older brother allowing Pennywise to jump onto him. The older brother is able to run the fuck away out of the basement.
>pic is IT's target audience
>It was bad
Cheeky of you to sneak in that pun m8
I'm actually really excited about the movie.
You're a dumbass if you think they'd actually do the orgy scene.
Its rated R not NC-17
It's going to make money regardless
imagine being the guy whose job it is to go around tying balloons to manhole covers and street drains
got damn
Joji Fukunigga's script was apparently fucking crazy. He still has a writing credit though
I think they are testing two edits. Two months ago I saw a sneak and the orgy scene was definitely in it. It was about 25 minutes long. Finn sucked her clit before two of the others drilled her ass and pussy. She sucked another boy's cock throughout. The monster parts were okay.
100% on RT. Yup, it's kino.
Why is this pic so God damn funny
>Be me
>On way to Dropkick Murphys concert
>In a kilt
>With no underwear
usc screening?
Well done Sup Forums, well done
horror movies are junk though, so I'll probably still dislike IT
>hate for the movie, contrarian or otherwise, because of the RT score
>orgy orgy orgy
jesus christ why can't anyone just tell me what monsters he turns into
Of course it's bad. It's a modern Hollywood movie. What we want to know is HOW it's bad.
Would float.
>if I see that goddamn clown one more time
Alright I imagined it. What do I get?
Because nobody has actually seen it in this thread.