ITT: Movie theories that blew our minds

ITT: Movie theories that blew our minds.

Somerset was the real killer and John Doe was just a patsy.

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All the theories about the plane crash and the stuff in Gotham being false flag for the purpose of creating the New World Order.

The other guy in Fight Club was a demon

Doc is marty from the future

That Toy Story 3 is about the Holocaust.

Decker is a replicant.

the box was empty and David is shooting at god

That's a fun one - but he doesn't defeat the demon with something religious

That's canon, goofball.

That Talladega Nights is Luciferian propaganda designed to seduce you from the Christian way. Ricky Bobby is Lucifer, who imagines himself set on fire before being cast from heaven (the racetrack) by God (French rival Girard. Girard’s sponsor is Perrier (symbolizing “biblical floods”) while Bobby’s car number (26 represents the name of God in the Hebrew bible). Later, however, this is reversed to read 62 to show he’s become the Antichrist – and upon victory, he changes his name to ‘El Diablo’.