How was the new season of X-Files?

How was the new season of X-Files?

not nearly as bad as Sup Forums's general consensus
some episodes were enjoyable, like the one with the guy from the FOTC

ayylmao scully is confusing

Solid production value and nice update to the story:
It wus tha gubberment all along visit

Its cause she has dnayyy

Also i liked home again and founders mutation a lot more than i should have.

It was really good. I dont know if you rewatched original X-Files episodes recently, but most of them fucking drag on forever - narrative speed on TV was a lot different in the early 90s, so many episodes are only exciting in retrospect.
The new X-Files episodes played out pretty much like you remember the old ones to be.

I really hope the next season won't suck

What is this from?

it was alright except for the fucking mid scene cliffhanger

I agree but I actually liked the slower pacing on re-watching. still haven't seen the new ones

does Samantha ever come back?

Sorta,the new season isn't about that though.