EastKinoers thread now, get in lads!
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why did grant come back for like a day then leave again?
Because they axed Peggy.
Had no idea women over fity browsed this board
Coronation Street >>>>>>>> Eastenders
This show is so rasist. atleast half of the cast should be brown to reflect the true demographics of east London.
>Not only a coalburner, but a mudburner as well
>Some sort of epileptic spaz shit
You don't get much more trash than that.
I wonder who based old guy shot.
fuck why is this so true
Probably the black kid from upstairs so he'll be accused of being racist
it was obviously dot, you could tell from the silhouette alone
It was Danny Dyer's Deadliest Gaylord son
why does max hate everyone? is it just because of the whole bobby thing?
>Be Jane
>Get minge amputated because Stephen shot you
>10 years and a crippling later get burned alive by Stephen
Wew lad.
>Get minge amputated because Stephen shot you
wtf when did that happen?
mfw mum would always put this on as a kid
I like how we're having EE threads now.
So who was your childhood wank?
What are some of the most fucked-up storylines you remember?
>Tanya burying Max alive
>Little Mo's abusive partner ironing her hands
>Ben Mitchell being tortured for months by his stepmum
>that crazy as fuck woman GP with a deadly baby wish, who ended up using make-up to make it look like her husband beat her
Eastenders is full of crazy shit man.
When Jamie died on Christmas day.
Tanya burying Max alive was top tier
Haven't watched in years but it's nice to reminisce.
One of my favourite villains was Archie Mitchell just because he was played by Larry Lamb who I'd only seen in really nice and fatherly roles before, yet as Archie he was fucking menacing and evil.
Plus I love a good old-fashioned "Who Killed (Insert Character Name)" story, and I remember his murder being a major plot point for months until the murderer was revealed.
Stacey, Tanya, Lauren the First, and Whitney for a cheeky slag wank.
It felt like something out of Hollyoaks, it was really out of place for EE but still great to see.
Other great stuff was the live episodes of which I think there were only two. Bradley Branning dying live (and moving his arm live on air while supposed to be dead), and Tanya called Ian Beale by the actor's name that one time. More live episodes please, always good fun and extra tension because I love looking out for mistakes
get in on this lads
the one where ian beale beat up that prostitute
is there a more based TV character than Phil?
Terrible impression.
On a side note though, I think it's impossible to dislike Danny Dyer. He may act like he's hard and his telly documentaries are usually shit, but there's something about this guy and his attitude that can't make me hate him.
can't believe she didn't show her tits for that shitty american pie film
never rubbed one out to her but michelle keegan is the fittest soap star of all time
patsy kensit is a serious milf now. pic semi-related
Good taste lad. I was 13 when she arrived on the square in 2005, which was prime wanking time for little young me.
Haven't been keeping up in years. What's happened these past few Christmases? There's always death/murder/tragedy during the holiday period.