Shows that aren't about anything but SUCK

Shows that aren't about anything but SUCK

Show ain't funny in the lease but some of the chocolate bitches are cute.

this show is great, sorry you're a fuck nigga

It's worthless on every level.

how so? believable characters and drama. They nail relationship drama very well. All the main characters have flaws, but grow and learn from them. It's funny and everyone is good looking. What's to hate?

>It's funny and everyone is good looking.
I can't think of a single attractive character on the show.
Everyone just acts like a ho and their jobs/personalities are second nature (why get in the way of ho-ing LOL BLOWJOB CLASS)

Obviously you've never been in a long term relationship. If you come out of one all you want to do is sleep around. Also it seems like you never even watched the 1st season if you think ho-ing is all that happens
>using a throwaway one liner as evidence.
Also if you think no one in that show is attractive you must be an asexual sperg

>>using a throwaway one liner as evidence.
it was a whole scene, tard. and my longest relationship was six months so I dont know if that's considered long term but yeah I was stepping out on her during. Doesn't mean my exploits were entertaining.

sorry your sex life sucks and no 6 months is nothing.
the blow job class is like 2 lines of dialogue retard. Yes the scene is about blowjobs, but the class itself is a small part of it.

>If you don't have zero standards like me, you're asexual
nice try little one