Did you enjoy the first episode of The AA Show? I was skeptical, but I thought it was actually really great...

Did you enjoy the first episode of The AA Show? I was skeptical, but I thought it was actually really great. They had great chemistry, and Artie didn't look as awful as I was expecting. He was really funny too.

I have it downloaded for when I go to work


i hope ant is funny again

He was! There wasn't a bunch of Trump cocksucking, it was just two funny guys shooting the breeze with each other.

>that awful green screen vs an actual set

Tolerant Fonzi

that's all i want. ant and jim are both funny guys but it's usually in reaction to other people and situations. when left to their own devices they're just opinionated and boring.

The Compound Media set is pretty cheap looking. I guess a real set is just kind of low on the priority list.

That bit is worth the month's subscription.

I miss Gavin.

Me too. Listening to his bullshit every lunch break was comfy.

There's no one else like Gavin. He's a right-wing political commentator who is legitimately funny. I hope his new project is good, whatever it is.

It's annoying how Trump ruined these guys. Have they dialed it back at all? Last I remember is Gavin full steam aheading on his psuedo-political group.

Gavin's always been a political guy. On one of the last episodes before he left, he had one of the organizers of the Unite the Right rally on his show to yell at him, tell him the blood of that murdered girl is on his hands, and accuse him of trying to infiltrate Proud Boy meetings into his racist ideology.

As for Anthony, the new episode had barely any politics at all. They made fun of an SJW for getting offended at a comedy act, but even that was a small part of the episode.

Getting blacklisted and completely incapable of getting good guests anymore ruined Anthony, he's always been Sup Forums. He even talked about going to Stormfront years ago.

All the Proud Boys gayness did get annoying with Gavin, but he's still uniquely entertaining.

>Getting blacklisted and completely incapable of getting good guests anymore ruined Anthony

Do you think the quality of guests will improve even slightly with Artie there? Maybe he could get Pete Holmes to stop by.

now he can get guests that will come for artie, that's the whole point of having that walking dead guy on

I think you might be overestimating the amount of pull Artie has in the current year.

I cancelled my sub because he left, I only watched TGMS and true crime report

anywhere i can download the first episode?

I actually subscribed just for him because I like his YouTube videos, and he left the next day. I was glad I only payed for one month and didn't spring for 6 months or a year, but the AA show was so good I think I'll stick around.

>Artie with his little backpack full of notebooks with bits he wants to do for the show


Is he gonna make it this time?

I hope so. And I hope they get Norm on the show.

>That picture of him with Norm and Rickles

Don't do drugs, kids.

So is this the last gig that fat piece of shit junkie will ever do? You know he's just going to kill himself, right?


If Artie actually shows up on time four days a week, he's a harder worker than Howard.

Is he gonna make it lads?

it was good, I was scared it wouldn't work too well