>childhood is idolizing godard
>adulthood is realizing truffaut was the superior auteur all along
Patrician reacts only
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Real patricians know that both are entry level film course 101
>autism is ever liking Goddard at all
This is pure kino.
Fact: Only 400 Blows and Jules et Jim are entry-level.
Most so-called patricians haven't even seen any of his other films, let alone realize that 400 Blows had 4 sequels.
But that's Tati, doofus
Someone make that intelligence/enlightenment tiers image with
Breathless and Pierrot le fu are fun, interesting films. Yes, they are entry level (whatever that means) but nobody could make films the same way as Godard. He has his own unique style which you recognise immediately and this is something to admire.
Truffaut never really had his very own voice, the Hitchcock influence was obvious so to speak... Not saying he is a bad director, in fact Truffaut was a much better storyteller than Godard.
They are both good directors but you can replicate Truffaut while you just can't do that with Godard.
Rohmer should be last.
Varda was Left Bank, she wasn't officially part of the club.
That's the joke
Godard's style ossified almost immediately though
Bresson was the best french director of the 60's.
>muh hands
I disagree. I think he evolved from "Breathless" to "Pierrot" while still maintained his typical editing techniques. Of instance he started experimeting a lot with color which he never did before.
*for instance
t. muh 60's Godard
An incredibly immature slew of flicks that only appeal to radical-chic, intellectually bankrupt, sophistic, narcissistic, misanthropic adolescents.
I blame Criterion for perpetuating the myth that Breathless-Week End was his most artistcally fecund period.
No those are only pseud tier """"""patricians"""""". After you watch enough film and rewatch french new wave you can finally understand just how patrish they were.
The 60's were by far his most influental period.
>most influential equals best
Oh, you poor little pleb.
I bet Citizen Kane is your favorite movie, too ;)
>childhood is idolizing Lynch
>adulthood is realizing Żuławski was the superior auteur all along
I've never said anything about quality. I was answering to you because you said that you blame Criterion for making Godard's 60's era the most famous. The meaning of my answer is that early Godard is not only the most famous because of Criterion but because of the large influence that he had at the time to other directors.
I've never sad that I enjoy these films personally. In fact I'm not much of a fan. But I do admire him because he was a unique director in his heyday. (And still is.)
Sidenote: I do love citizen kane but if I had to pick a favorite movie it would be "Daisies". (1966)
I'm only saying Criterion is perpetuating the myth, not that they started it.
They need to release more of his post-DVG flicks
Interesting choice. Czech cinema is underrated. Check out Valerie and Her Week of Wonders if you haven't yet.
Absolutely wrong.
Okay then.
Thanks for the recs. I'm very much into eastern-european modernist cinema (especially polish and hungarian) so I'll check them out.
Czech New Wave > French New Wave
It's one movie.
Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders
o shit when did a blu-ray come out
So was he autistic?