Why does GoT creator David Benioff uses his mother's name professionally?

Why does GoT creator David Benioff uses his mother's name professionally?

It's surprising because his father, Stephan Friedman, was so accomplished. I mean he was a chairman of Goldman Sachs and was the chairman of Obama's foreign intelligence advisory board.

Is this just another example of draconian SAG regulations?

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game of thrones is NOT a tool of social engineering, and jewish people have nothing to do with hollywood at all!!!

delete this

It's 'cause he's a cucked kike

shut it down

It's that damn SAG. Always making everyone change their names

Don't you like dragons goy? It's a fantasy story.

>Is this just another example of draconian SAG regulations?

What? What exactly do you think SAG is?

Pretty sure user is being facetious.

When we ask why '''people''' in Hollywood change their '''names"' the shills always cite 'SAG regulations'.

but Benioff is just as kikey a last name as Friedman