Other urls found in this thread:
>no set design, feels empty and lifeless
>no interesting ideas for storylines and generally bad writing
>relies on gimmicks only instead
>those are unoriginal or just bad, unfortunately ("fuck you, albert", glove, andy and lucy, coordinates, riddles, ...)
>bad acting (Bell, Lynch, Horse, Robertson, Dern, ...)
>dull characters (one-dimensional at best)
>storylines and characters are introduced for no purpose
>everything is supposed to weirdly connect and make sense
>shot in digital in a way that doesn't compensate for the technology's disadvantages (looks bad)
>roadhouse scenes (out of place, badly shot, the songs, the bands, the extras, ...)
>student-tier storytelling/editing (characters are shown walking up complete sets of stairs)
>stretched out needlessly, long takes have no particular effect
>obviously delusional and/or inexperienced fanbase perceiving it as particularly meaningful, complex or "deep"
>can't compare to the original series that doesn't have those problems (coherent/complex and beautiful sets, costumes and make-up/well shot/well acted/well written/magnificent multi-dimensional characters and character relations, music, storylines and gimmicks/creates a unique athmosphere as a result, changing the world of television forever whereas "the return" neither manages to do something established really good nor to invent something new)
>extended pitch black scenes because of a lack of a competent cinematographer
>audio issues with microphone static left unaddressed because of poor sound design
>extremely poor editing with magically disappearing extras and production staff accidentally walking into frame
>somehow the best thing in tv history
friendly reminder that doppelcoop did nothing wrong and Cooper was the real fuck-up the entire time
Reminder that /tpg/ has invested so much into Twin Peaks that they are currently pretending the finale wasn't utter dog shit.
I want to cuddle under the blankets with a hot cup of coffee in Laura and Audrey's cabin!
I think the true key to unlocking the enigmatic ending of the cinematic master piece known as Twin Peaks: The Return lies in an overlooked line spoken by the character Gordon Cole who is portrayed by the visionary extraordinaire himself, David Lynch. Agent Albert Rosenfield insinuates that Cole has "Gone soft in his old age" to which Cole retorts that he is "Still hard where it counts". To the unseasoned viewer, this exchange may seem like nothing more than a sexual innuendo but a seasoned Lynch scholar such as myself is able to discern its true meaning. When Cole states that he is hard where it counts, he is not referring to his ability to perform sexually. Instead, he is referring to David Lynch's "hard" stance when it comes to his cinematic principles and themes. One would expect David Lynch to reward viewers of Twin Peaks: The Return with a sense of finality after 25 years of waiting patiently or that Showtime would pressure him to give the series an ending typical of network tv. In true Lynchian fashion, Lynch has given us an ending reminiscent of his other works such as Mullohand Drive or Lost Highway. An explainable ending would have been indicative of Lynch getting soft in his old age, the ending we are treated to truly reinforces the idea that Lynch is still hard where it counts; his directorial ethics.
>which finale part was better
>no "both" option
Fuck you, OP.
This is my first /tpg/ since the finale
How is everyone doing?