What film could motivate me to stop being a neet and find a job?
What film could motivate me to stop being a neet and find a job?
None. The reasons you are NEET are due to a lack of immediate success/acceptance and an inability to work.
I don't mean work a job, I mean work on something until it comes to fruition.
I'm talking about doing something, and only that thing, for, say, a solid month without result until the end of that month.
Asking what movie could help really says something about you. You're looking for a two hour problem fix. It won't happen and it never will.
YOu want comfort, that's what all neets want. Your body feels like an anvil in a three thousand mile deep ocean and swimming is too hard and sinking is something you eventually get used to.
At least the water is warm and at the bottom the sand is soft.
Best advice is to forget it. Forget trying to suddenly get work. Being that heavy, tired and disheartened, they can smell it on you.
Figure what you can do. From a chair, from a table. Online content, online jobs processing data (there are tons of legitimate ones), Etsy, Ebay, Fiverr.
Stop trying to compare your broken spirit to the metric of the functional.
Just fully accept what you are, and ask "What can the creature I am do?"
Even the best movie will pump you up for, at most until you wake up the next day.
Just figure what the creature you are can do, go from there.
just makes you want to live on the streets in a gang
is this pasta?
I come to Sup Forums now and then to see if anyon eis talking about the two shows I care about. I never do, but this guy hit a note. A decade ago I looked for inspiration in media to push me and I realized it was more short lived than heroin.
In fact, with montages like the original Karate Kid's training and the like, it gave me a false sense of work to improve myself taking *much* less time than it would.
Work is just one of those things, you have the heart for it or you don't. After a decade, roughly, I realized I did and didn't. I could delay gratification and realize I was all I needed, but I still needed something along the way. A pat on the back, a doggie treat, or a "good boy".
Eventually I realized there's no better strenth than absolute self actualization, knowing what my limitations were, and working within those while still, n the side, trying my damnedest to expand them.
Band-Aids are for children. Surgery is for adults. Coping is for the rest of us.
That's actually really motivating until you realize "online jobs" are just a giant nonexistent myth
wow glad therapy went well for you, i hope you choke on your grass juice you fucking reddit spacing faggot
Not really. If you're over 18 I can give you six.
You just have to sift and have a good nose for genuine opportunities and not "Google sent me $9k for this one simple trick!"
Look up Leapforce and Lionbridge.
Literally vetting search engine results to help the search engine learn, and form your home you set your own hours and make $17 an hour.
May be more now, I don't know, I did it in 2013
>What the fuck have you done lately?
Un homme qui dort
Actually, you are right, good one.
Therapy goes well for no one, it's a crock. There are three kinds of people. Poeple who provide content or a product. People who fuel them with the money they make from doing the same. And people who try to become an intermediary that is unneeded.
You can easily figure where therapists fall.
For the record I'm a carnivore in most respects but I like the way vegetables break up the palate.
Whatever "Reddit spacing" is it just sounds like what I did. Made my statements closer to proper spacing but added a little to make the points easier to understand in an increasingly ADHD instant information world. I'm not speaking at The MET.
I know my audience and I format accordingly.
Enjoy your (You)
the king of comedy
>Un homme qui dort
I prefer: Un homme qui se réveille
For me, Teens Love huge Cocks ft. Eva Lovia always motivates me to be more productive.
hapas strike again
this is the official movie of kissless virgins
And this is why I don't try to help people on the internet. I recommend you don't either.
Therapists provide a product. I'm surprised that you don't see that.
And the product is snake oil. That'll be $120/hour.
I'm 22 , care to share?
Stop pretending to be older than you are. What they provide is attention. They listen to people who want one-sided conversations, and they help them feel more comfortable about the bad stuff they do. That's priceless.
I'm 25. I don't know what you're on about. If you need any of those things like some kind of faggot then I guess therapy is for you. It's still $100/hour for that shit.
I think the show Rectify can help a lot. It's about a guy who gets off death row after 20 years. It's about the effects of social isolation and it's an interesting allegory for neet life. The MC is seriously damaged, but he's also got a unique perspective that gives him the potential to find more from life than others who haven't ever had to seriously re-evaluate themselves.
It has a lot of multifaceted characters, and it shows that really, everyone is fucked up. It's easy to not see that from a neet perspective. You have a lot more in common with other people than you think.
I said "pretending", that's right. Mentally, you're younger still, it seems, denying that a product is legitimate if you personally wouldn't buy it.