>yeah, put some nipples on that shit
>yeah that's good, that's the good shit
Yeah, put some nipples on that shit
it's supposed to be a nod to roman armor but yeah still silly. Man Robin was hot as fuck
roman armor had no nipples
also you forgot to say no homo
>yeah, have him do some kung fu shit with laundry
>yeah that's good, that's the good shit
>roman armor had no nipples
>Perhaps the most notable, and most controversial, trait of the Schumacher Batsuits is the addition of nipples and codpieces, a design quirk cited as being influenced by the statues of the gods of ancient Greece.
That's it, my bad.
>also you forgot to say no homo
This ain't /fit/, you can't judge me
What would be the RT if these movies came out today?
I don't care, it's pure kino as it is
Kevin Smith did commentaries on the Batman movies and his input on this scene was particularly hilarious.
>So we need to establish that Dick is a fighter, he knows how to fight. And how do we know that? Because we saw him doing laundry with Alfred earlier.
And later when he attacks Batman out of anger for letting his parents get killed
>And we see here, Batman is thinking "Ah, yes, he's using the ancient art of wash fu."
>Here comes my spin cycle kick!