So now that Game of Thrones is officially shit beyond redemption, what are some similar shows that I can watch?

So now that Game of Thrones is officially shit beyond redemption, what are some similar shows that I can watch?

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Lotr, but you already saw that so you are out of luck

its not similar to lotr at all really.

Black Sails starts out as a mediocre GoT knock off with pirates in S1 and the first half of Season 2, but then eclipses GoT in every way from the S2 finale onwards.
Unless you're a Sup Forumscuck who gets triggered by gay characters existing

It's not like GoT didn't have gays. Renly/Loras are gay, Oberyn fucks everything that moves, and Cersei has multiple graphic lesbian sex scenes which sadly seem to have been cut from the show.

for one, GoT actually had a tax policy

Did you know Mastodon was in the show?

Black Sails does gay characters way better than GoT did (with them just being shoved in for sex scenes and people making dick jokes about them) but it still makes it impossible to talk about on this board without 'muh buttpirates' derailing all discussion

fuck the buttpirates.

OP watch the last kingdom instead, it's way better.

Boring piece of shit show