ITT: shit Sup Forums memed you into watching

ITT: shit Sup Forums memed you into watching

it was terrible. only watched the rest because it was hilarious. the invisible scenes made me laugh. also stayed for the cucking.

This played a good cuck. I watched him on that new show Atypical and he plays a surprisingly great autist (I used to help one). would recommend.

the wire, rome, the leftovers.

take that back

Basically everything by this fucking hack

The problem with horror is that it tries way to hard to be tasteful; I don't mean that in a not offensive way, I mean that in a not junky or trashy way.

>bro! bro! it's the best horror film of the decade bro!

pleb spotted

I couldn't make it past the shower scene intro.

it was really mediocre
he's /ourguy/ though