Is Jack the worst victim of flanderization in cinema...

Is Jack the worst victim of flanderization in cinema, both in how horrible he's been written and how different his character has become?
>1st: seedy and genuinely dangerous pirate who had a slightly drunken personality and would pretend to be retarded to fool people. Could easily act serious, had depth, and was an important character who was actually intelligent
>2nd: now not acting, is starting to be genuinely retarded and being a drunk is his core personality trait. Could still act serious and had some bit of depth, but was starting to become useless and stupid
>3rd: spends half of the movie literally being retarded. Is a less useful and important pirate than Elizabeth for the second half
>4th: fuck I don't remember no one remembers that movie
>5th: is now completely and absolutely retarded, incapable of anything except acting foolish and drunk. Is completely useless, dumb, and can't even fight
For fuck sake, they even flanderized his appearance by exaggerating the slight sideways pony-tail he had.

You forgot how he went from being a literal who to a super-famous pirate lord, too.

Woah it's almost like his personality has matured and grown just like a real person's would.

Having him be the exact same character gets really old really fast.

Don't be retarded. The character was completely bastardised. In CotBP he was an edgy, funny antihero with a skewed sense of morality. After that he became a drunk, bumbling moron - essentially a pirate Homer Simpson.

>drinking problem turms to alcoholism

wow so unrealistic he should have stayed more "serious" for all 5 flicks!

>edgy, funny antihero with a skewed sense of morality

maybe this is more up your alley

I've never watched it, though I'm sure you have.

And then apparently back to being a literal-who. Although him becoming a pirate lord makes sense within the context of the films.
>matured and grown
He literally lost a significant amount of his personality within a years time and became significantly more shallow and less intelligent.
He was always an alcoholic. The difference is he even acted less retarded when he was drunk in CotBP.

I only watched the first but I think he was the same in all the movies.

PotC4 was way better than 5.

I didn't think it was a bad movie at all personally. But 5 sucked.