What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
You know you're fucked when those two are representing you.
sulu went trans? That surgery has come a long way
who would be the best possible representatives?
bruce jenner as female
George Takei and Lena Dunham don't speak for me, would rather be comfy at home than in a warzone with potential loss of my medication and tons of Sharia followers who think I'm an abomination and want to kill me
Stop the gay
Delete the homo
Cuz the jerkoff artist and the hambeast both loved Donald before?
Honestly at this point they've gone so nuts there's no point in even trying to appease them with ANYTHING. I hope the Don just goes full HAM and starts putting sodomizers in FEMA camps or something.
>you just pissed off the wrong community
damn straight
And when did either of these people serve in the military?
They're messing with the wrong people
Nice LARPing
but that's clearly a bottom, are you unaware of tops?
I respect Sulu, accomplishing so much after having been placed in an American internment camp for being a jap, then going on to be a Strek Trek queermo, he's done a lot. But it pisses me off that such "rights" movements are being led by these people, especially the hooker on the right. Trying to have a people's struggle led by famous people does nothing but belittle their cause. It makes them seem as though their personality is little more than a passing fad, and if they want actually freedom, they need to stand up fpr themselves in a traditional matter, not like this. Also, I've never understood as to why trans people aren't able to serve in the military. Just because they're idiots who think they have the wrong parts doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to kill people for our country, and/or get killed. Also, I'm pretty damned high right now, so I apologize if my statements are dumb.
The fuck is this? I've never seen a cow graze like that.
Your writing is okay but your points are kind of nonsensical.
>bit player on a 60s tv show
>lady from lowest rated show on HBO
Pretty sure sandniggers are ok with trannies as long as they behave as a woman ins supposed to. At least in Iran they are.
who is even that girl on the right:
Trans people are basically mentally ill (not even saying that to denigrate them, it's reality and sex changes are the best treatment right now) and require constant medication. That alone is enough to disqualify anyone else from service.
>because our fighting men don't deserve to have another strong, normal man fighting next to them
Fuck those degenerate scum.
Why are you such a bigot, user?
>you just pissed off the wrong community
Oh wow, what's the LGBT community gonna do to Trump, correct his grammar? I wanna support these silly cunts but they're such a fucking joke.
I don't agree that transgender is a mental illness, however, I definitely think the majority of transgender people aren't really the wrong sex, rather, social rejects thinking they're something they're not. The constant treatments keeping them from military service definitely makes sense though.
>mfw tranny is literally a comedic relief in my country
What happens to the U S and A?