Peter, around blacks never relax

Peter, around blacks never relax.

>Peter, tell...tell the Klan what happened. They'll make this right.

I thought Spiderman was supposed to fight for justice? boobs n butts

Peter.. I never noticed how swarthy your features are...

P-Peter... Tell the cops.... it was... a.... puerto rican.....

>Peter... A white brother just killed me. He WAS... white... I loved my entire life a lie..

P-peter.. I need you to
>What, Uncle Ben?
I need you to...
delete my internet history

Even actor Tobey Maguire wasn’t safe from Raimi’s twisted vision.
“One time he yelled ‘cut’ and I turned to him and he said ‘what if someone just walked into the holocaust museum and yelled 'cut'? Maybe the orthodox Jews in suits would forget their trained routine of peddling that hoax’ My jaw hit the floor and it never really came back up. That’s when I thought, is he trying to make my character into a white nationalist, or has whiteness been crucial to Spider-man's identity all along?”
“Sometimes i would go to look into the cameras, and I noticed Raimi had put something in the lens. It was stuff like ‘What if cameras were Kar98s? Would you be a Einsatzgruppe?’ and ‘Lights. Camera. Hail vicotry!.’ I had to ask him to stop because I was getting too scared to act.”

>Peter, it was the jews... the jews

Nice one.