How the fuck do you go from this
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To this..?
Was Scott Pilgrim retarded? What the hell is the appeal of this roastie dyke..? Who on earth would leave their loyal, sweet girlfriend for this..?
...to this?
He gained the power of self respect. He chose the girl he fought for instead of the obsessed crazy girl who was several years younger than him.
I unironically love this movie except for the bollywood songfight.
he was with kim long before either of them, he consistently downgrades
Supposedly Ramona is more appealing in the comics than in the movie. But I haven't read them, so who knows.
Just by watching the (overrated) movie I also wonder why the girl played by Allison Pill wasn't topping Ramona. Frankly, Ramona was the worst girl.
Why isn't Ellen Wong my gf?
both seem pretty mediocre, I guess the gook isnt a slut at least
both scott and her were shit so they went off to be shit together and work through their shitty problems instead of scott shitting knives with his shit
he realized the dangers of racemixing so he dumped the chink for a hwite girl
>girl who was several years younger than him
this is the way relationships should be
What else matters really? If he thinks even for a moment that the roastie with a thousand enemies is going to change his life for the better quite frankly he doesn't deserve the chinese girl's faithfulness because he's got no sense of self respect. That girl did not deserve his fighting her battles for her and she has absolutely nothing to offer him in a relationship becomes herpes and a few chemical abortions.
holy shit! is that really her? scott made a massive mistake
*besides herpes
Victoria was always best girl
Satan confirms shitslut in shit movie
She wasn't faithful she was literally insane. He leaves her and then she decides to dress like Ramona and date a guy who likes Scott. She attacks Ramona too.
But clingy girls are the best. You just have to be the first one to pick them.
I think she is hotter because she is white. Am I racist? I just like white girls better than any other race. I am white by the way.
Of course she attacked the syphiliptic whore that stole her man..
A preference is not racism
until they stop clinging and start fantasizing about another and their shitty impulses that made them cling to you make them cling to another
No, I'm literally a natsoc white supremacist on vacation here from Sup Forums to read about movies because we're not single-minded drones, and I think he should have stayed with the asian girl. Caudling thots is far more damaging to a society than miscegenation. I'm partial to girls that understand commitment.
This user knows what's up
That's what I said? As long as you are the first, it's okay.
But a clingy girl with history would be a no-no, at least to me.
>No, I'm literally a natsoc white supremacist on vacation here from Sup Forums to read about movies because we're not single-minded drones, and I think he should have stayed with the asian girl. Caudling thots is far more damaging to a society than miscegenation. I'm partial to girls that understand commitment.
These are the retards who think Knives was best girl
the bollywood song fight itself was lame, but everything else in that scene is great
wtf I love Nazis now
>Wanting to make more Elliot Rodgers
thanks for the wisdom, Satan
>how do you go from Traditional woman to liberal woman
>That's what I said? As long as you are the first, it's okay.
Did you even read his post? Clingy chicks are prone to wandering eyes.
no, and never let someone tell you it is
EVERY girl is. But at least with a clingy girl you are in it for a wild ride, while it lasts.
We are always attracted to what we feel the most familiar with, its natural.
I think it also goes back to tribalism where it was "us vs them" as well.
I'm a mutt from white and indian American. I prefer women from both of them, or a mix between them than either Asian or negroid. Would rather have children with a white woman though, so I could have beautiful Argentinian looking children.
scott pilgrim threads should be an instnat ban from Sup Forums, idc that they were popular a few years ago they are a shibboleth for Sup Forumseddit and bad taste. The original capeshit fifth column that doesn't even have the class of Ghost World
Scott Pilgrim was literally retarded
>he realized the dangers of racemixing
So he went for a white girl with an unnatural hair color and seven psychotic exes he has to kill instead? How is that a net gain? Sounds like he just traded one problem for a different, equally shitty one.
I am a black guy who is seriously unattracted to black chicks. I love whites, asians, jews, latinas etc, but I've never and will never kiss a black woman. I recognise Rihanna and Beyonce as beautiful, but more in the way I do the same with Chris Pine and Hemsworth. No attraction at all.
I won't call that racist, it's just preference.
All men are unattracted to black chicks
Stop fucking white chicks with your BBC! It isn't fair to us white guys! youtube.com
People are going to flame you for other controversial reasons, but I do have to call you out for your shit taste.
It's evolutionary impulses pushing you to breed up. This is good for you but bad for whites and asians because the offspring are reduced to the mean in areas such as IQ.
Why the fuck did I link the wrong song? youtube.com
Shouldn't browse Sup Forums while drunk, I guess...
I don't see what that has to do with self-respect.
He picked a good girl instead of a meme shit one.
>recent thick rihanna
my dude.
Dating a girl thats younger and still in school while you're graduated sucks to be honest. She was hot though. Still probably would have chose MEW. Would've at least fucked Knives first though.
I'm pretty sure he and knives ended up together at the end in the comic. They even shot it for the movie but I guess it was too outside the mainstream story wise to not get the main girl in the end.
>white guy
>doesn't prefer Asian woman
You're a pretty rare breed.
>he hasn't seen the other photos
She's just straight up fat with a flabby ass and tits now
So like most black guys then?
Black men who exclusively date non black women are mostly closet race realists who are probably intelligent enough to know that theres something wrong with the black race. They are doing their best to ensure their offspring is of a better racial stock than themselves. Any black man who exclusively dates white women, are to me implicit white supremacists, even if theyre black nationalists. Its why I sneer every time I see a black dude with a white chick. In a way, theyre just reinforcing white supremacy and proving racists right. Why would you date and marry non black women, and make your kid mongrels if youre proud of your race?
it's a preference that all humans share. don't worry. literally all other women are ranked above africans.
Holy shit, this changes the whole movie for me! Thanks for posting this. I never had any idea there was an alternative ending to it.
He wasn't into the "meme shit one." He was just using her to feel better about himself earlier in the movie.
Both a shit. Envy a best.
Loyal asian girl > White thot
That's kind of wrong though. Pay attention to all the race bait here. A lot of black men do it specifically to piss white men off. Their fetish involves conquering the women of another race, the white race. Maybe the average Uncle Tom thinks in the way you just described, but Tyrone definitely doesn.t.
> You should so. Totally. Cum.
Envy did nothing wrong.
No, he ends up with Ramona in both.
>Wanting to make more Elliot Rodgers
I thought mew was part chinese or something? I can't tell sometimes with that girl.
Yeah because Michael Cera is a real hearthrob. Fucking retard.
Literally. Envy did nothing wrong.
But I should let you tell me it isn't?
Ugh.. Degenerate.. Who the fuck reads this Jewish shit..?
(not true, by the way)
>this is considered white in america
Eternal sunshine was satirizing the manic pixie dream girl, you Know.
>This is considered part & parcel in England
People that relate to it because they have normal social lives
Perfect. All she does is vacation and smoke weed. That sounds like the perfect excuse to have whatever body you want.
it's not even fat, she's chubby at most. but she's always been thin so put her next to a real fat girl and she's still okay.
i like it tho, fits the charachter, makes fun of bollywood cliches and is obviously not meant to be taken serious since scott sister goes all "What?"
Of course 4chins prefer le cute little asian girl. You virgins have no idea what a chore it is to date some one that
- lower than you on 0-10 scale
- is a goddamn highschool student
- mad in love with you
- has way less experience than you
It's a completely one sided relationship where you become stagnant as fuck and feel like your IQ is nearing her level say by day.
I prefer angry fucking Ramona, getting drunk with her all the time, having blast and not keep in mind not to break her heart and all that jazz all the time.
>i like it tho, fits the charachter, makes fun of bollywood cliches and is obviously not meant to be taken serious since scott sister goes all "What?"
You can't raise a family with a bitch like that. Fuck roasties, I take my chances with a blank slate with a pure heart.
>he realized the dangers of racemixing so he dumped the chink for a hwite girl
What are you talking about
Even if a society decides degeneracy is "normal" it is still degeneracy, and at some point the bubble hedonists like you live in his going to burst.
>Will not procreate
Worthless eater
Cool while I wait for that day to come I'll go on getting laid and having fun while you bitch on the internet about Jews, degenerates and conspiracy theories while acting like you're the healthy one.
Who decides what's degenerate? You? Must be real convenient for your (lack) of life choices
>bubble is going to burst
Yeah any day now :^)
He chose the girl several years older than him, though. Pretty sure in the comic Ramona is 28 when he's 24. So she's 28 AND still dyes her hair unnatural colors
>having fun
God the cringe.. Fuck this generation, man
No user stop with the mel gibson conspiracy theories and just ask a black guy who dates out of race why.
He will most likely tell you straight up he doesn't date his own race since "most"(not all) black girls are too ghetto or just plan crazy drama cases like a self hating filo girl. Simple as that m8
Not really. Perhaps that's one of the reasons, but not the main reason. Most of these men who date non black women tend to be the ones who'd also fetishize mixed race children and put light skin black women with high Euro admixture on a pedestal whilst degrading darker more congoid looking black women throughout their youth. And then theyll naturally move to white womem when they go to university or move out of the hood. There's a clear pattern of self hatred, even if they try to hide it. Many black men who do this will obviously deny it, since it runs counter to their hyper masculine persona but there are fair bit of self hating black men who choose to mate with white women for dubious reasons other than getting whitey mad.
Scott was truly an adventurer wishing to delve deep and risk getting lost.
Early to mid proxy > Older thicc proxy
Not really. Perhaps that's one of the reasons, but not the main reason. Most of these men who date non black women tend to be the ones who'd also fetishize mixed race children and put light skin black women with high Euro admixture on a pedestal whilst degrading darker more congoid looking black women throughout their youth. And then they naturally move to white wome when they go to university or move out of the hood. There's a clear pattern of self hatred, even if they try to hide it. Many black men who do this will obviously deny it, since it runs counter to their hyper masculine OG persona but there are fair bit of self hating black men who choose to mate with white women for dubious reasons other than getting whitey mad. Do not let Tyrone fool you, he is as insecure as any fatherless beta male.
>that early blonde proxy video where she says she'd commit incest with her mother
Never seen kinkier dirty talk.
absolutely nothing wrong with picking to be in lesbians with ramona
>implying it's bad being fat
News flash, we millenials HATE being called fat, get over it. We do with our bodies as we please cunt.
>I-It was satire...!
You pathetic little turd.
I would fuck all 3