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Television and Film
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Television and Film #874
Television and Film
Better Pennywise
Did they fuck?
When did this show died?
Scummiest deals?
ITT: Simpsons jokes you didn't get as a kid
Kiernan Shipka will be 18 yo this November. What would you like to see next for her?
Literally just walked out of the monster screen and checked here
When did it happen to you?
What movie
What was your worst cinema experience?
Is it wrong for Black actors to play White characters in movies?
Lets get one thing straight
Is a female Rambo reboot inevitable Sup Forums?
Misunderstood genius or talent less hack?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Ay miss Ygritt
Can women actually fight good as they show it in movies?
What are some movies where the good guy was the villain all along?
Trailers can't be kin-
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why didn't they keep the good looking girl?
Léon (1994)
Why are a lot of channels showing this XQ Super School thing?
Can anyone recommend films dealing with the struggles that mentally retarded people face during their day to day lives?
ITT comedy "classics" that are actually unfunny garbage, I'll start
Has Sup Forums talked about the HOTTEST new show on (((netflix) yet?
At the end of the day, will you admit that he managed to improve on Tolkien's formula...
CBS's new Star Trek series modeled its Klingons on Trump supporters
The Force Awakens made a shit-ton of money and still sucked
Taboo thread
/GoT/ General
ITT Describe your sex life with a Movie or TV Show Title
Alright lads
Insecure kino
What actress would you cast in the role of 'Fertility Goddess'?
The internet was a mistake
Why doesn't jon snow have blonde hair if he is targaryen?
Why did he leave bros
He is the best comedic actor in TV history
This is Ana de Armas, she is starring alongside Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049
We kinda straddle a line between comedy and legit science fiction. we're kinda trying something new here
Friday night
Is anyone else mad that the voice actor of Cleveland Brown is white?
92 on rotten tomatoes
'Black Klansman' KKK Thriller in the Works From Spike Lee, Jordan Peele
Wait, what...?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Is this accurate?
Comedy Shows Tier List
How the fuck do you go from this
You know what I expected? Applause. I was only 20 years old then. I couldn't see how it would look to people...
*drops mic*
Gary Clark Jr. & Junkie XL - Come Together
Talk shit, get hit
This is embarrassing
What do, /adv/?
Do teenagers know the Flintstones outside of the vitamins and cereal?
I hope none of you are Klingons
Game of Thrones Vs Twin Peaks
Why is Amy Schumer so strong now? Would she defeat you in combat?
How is CGI from 1993 still the best we have ever seen?
The most viral DREAMer vid on social media right now
MODS, what the fuck is this shit, instead of television and film we have tabloid shit all over the board...
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jesus fucking christ....this shit is depressing
Fuck this sheriff
What's some stormkino?
The most viral DREAMer vid on social media right now
Mhhmm... powder... ahhhhm... nootka sound is not for sale... mhmm... good day
Find a film
/got/ general
Daily reminder if your favorite director isn't in this list you're a fucking pleb
Liberals are good peop-
He was trying to say "Hi everybody."
Where are .cam torrents??
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Characters that are literally you
Should I start this show? Does it live up the hype?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Marxism lauren northern vs capitalism stefan molyjew
Watch a movie
Dear mods. Can you please have a heart and allow this thread? I'm possibly going to be killed by the hurricane
Is it in?
What orders from Mordor, my lord?
Joe Rogan - Fun Facts General #001
Ash vs Evil Dead
Just watched Rosemary's Baby, it was damn good! Please recommend more Satankino
Am I the only one who thinks he should be canon?...
Memes aside, how is this turd on par with Spider-Man 1 and 2 on RT with a score of 92%...
You got three wishes
I like the way he mumbles
Someone please post webms of the theater recorded footage of it that was uploaded on YouTube a couple of hours ago
Hating Wonder Woman because "muh feminism is ebil" meme
Woah, really hung up on this powerful scene
Is this good? should I watch the old ones?
Can anyone redpill me on Liam Neeson's urinary issues? Why does he keep wetting himself?
Who are some actresses that committed career suicide?
This was actually really fucking good. I'm fucking pissed...
The fuck?
Why'd they cut this scene out of the final tarzan release?
Best movies about the Jewish run slave trade?
If you could erase one movie from your memory and experience it again for the first time...
Imagine being this butthurt
ITT: "villains" who literally did nothing wrong
Should the BBC and HBO collaborate on a new Rome series?
Will these four lovely ladies have much of a career after game of Thrones ends?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You're off the case!
Who did it better?
Current state of Sup Forums:
How is LotR so good and the Hobbit so bad?
The Thing
Do we all agree that pizza is the best movie snack when watching a movie at home?
Was La La Land overrated Sup Forums?
Cast it
Who is the edgiest character in all fiction?
Who the fuck wrote this shit
W-what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
/got/ Jonerys General
Guess the e-celeb
"IT" now tracking for an $85+ million opening weekend
Are you looking forward to the new Vikings season?
You know you're losing when you stoop this low
All right, let's just settle this once and for all. is he a dwarf or a midget?
So Mother! is going to flop now isn't it?
Hey, oppa!
Soon dead career thread
How come Han became a smuggler again after Episode 6 according to the new canon?
Saved by The Bell
People Aren't Happy With Kate Winslet After She Defended Working With Woody Allen
/got/ general
Any movie where a main character is Killed mid movie...
Sauron has regained much of his former liquidity. He cannot yet take corporative form...
Stan Marsh is a washed-up fourth grader. He's got no job, no bicycle And his only way out is to coach
The Layover
Sex scene in an indie drama
Banned for making a report of the week thread
Leo and Brad, huh? *look her up and down* Wow, aren't you thinking a little too highly of yourself?
Bojack Horseman Season 4
Jared Leto Made Himself Go Blind For Blade Runner 2049/
Be me
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Simpsons scenes that made you cry
Thoughts on Emily Blunt's body of work?
Tell me about her Sup Forums i am intrigued
Sequels better than the original
Best films to watch whilst tripping?
Listen, you have a great business, great numbers and are all around great people who I'd love to partner with. However...
Wow she really is JUST LIKE ME
Sell me this pen
We need somebody to play minor role as a Latino criminal
Is Jared Leto the greatest method actor of our generation?
Did Mike like It?
This movie fucking blows...
What was the overall message of this flick...
Why did he wear the hat?
What are Rihanna's two best roles?
Racing episode
/got/ general
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women
Everybody ready for the comedy of the decade?
Was all that bloom really necessary?
Why didn't Hollywood catch on to her until very recently?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Neo Yokio
New favorite sister
He was the best character, right?
American Psycho
Check out the brilliant dialog from the new All-Female, progressive Lord of the Flies:
Whats next for Eva Longoria's career?
Let's have a nice thread where we discuss movies
Why did Shatner turn down The Sneedsons but say yes to Futurama?
How to make a proper Lovecraftian/cosmic horror movie
Finally I was forced to watch Rogue One
But many North Koreans have had some exposure to Chinese, American, and South Korean entertainment...
Filmmakers that you're certain still use the casting couch
What's the appeal?
More like this
This is the statistics on my ratings from 1 to 10 on IMDB
Movies about having depression?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Daily reminder
What your excuse?
Jennifer Lawrence Says Hurricanes Are Punishment For Electing Trump
Sigourney Weaver is ugl-
Maybe because I have very low expectations, but this turned out to be watchable...
2 hour kino on the harmful destructive nature of the poem industry
Why aren't you watching the channel for millenials like yourself?
Those wer men wi' a traede!
Is Chris Pratt no longer "cool"
Season 13
It's all a dream
Get blind drunk
Webm Thread
Robert and Emily are two newlyweds looking to purchase their first home together
John Wick: Chapter 2
Watching GOT with older sister and her male and female normie friends
/got/ general
What exactly was his problem?
Who would play the best Rick?
ITT: shitty DVD/blu ray covers
Why did laura like ben?
How did she become so irrelevant?
So how is it?
Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoilers
Childhood is when you idolize jon and dany adulthood is when you realize that the stannis makes more sense
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
It's a Francis episode
Let's be honest. Who do you prefer?
This fucking movie
Woah... So this is the power .... of high IQ comedy?
ITT: Faces of Sup Forums. What do you all look like?
It's a root episode
Why is this scene so funny?
What are some films that show the difference in American and Chinese values?
It's an angry sex episode
Why there are no films that glorify the psychopath?
Why did she butcher her careers?
Alright mate?
Did anybody else cringe of embarrassment during this part?
ITT: dead careers
Yfw teenbro normalfags are going to be posting about how 'epic' and 'depressing' and 'kino' this schlock is for the...
Type out lengthy reply
Why have white people stopped going to the movies?
What is Sup Forums consensus, is it kino?
Movie set in space
What should i watch?
Why is her hair so far back on her head?
Christopher Hitchens, now in Televison
Then and Now: differences in dealing with military films
Is he right?
Bane is now venom
Homecoming grossed less than Raimi's Trilogy and Amazing Spider-Man, only beating Amazing Spider-Man 2 in box-office...
Am I supposed to be sympathetic to the liberal characters on the show...
/ourguy/ playing /giantasseatingfag/
Your crush is going on a date tonight
What's next for her career
Why are there no new (good) Werewolf Movies?
So is this actually any good?
Best films to watch whilst tripping?
Watching twin peaks for the first time, what should I expect?
Anyone else supported BASED Anthony over Octavian to the end?
Who is your favorite stand up comic, and why is it Doug Stanhope?
What went wrong ?
Jared Leto Blinded Himself to Get Into Character for Blade Runner 2049
Whats some Sam Neill kino aside Jurassic Park
The Last Jedi - New Images
Can someone explain me this movie ,I only understand that the girl and the old man are against each other
Chappelle is the only known comic that can get people of every background to laugh together...
Who was in the wrong here?
/got/ general ...µµµɓɓɓɐ edition
When is Karate Kid 2 gonna happen???
Are u excited for more McBride comedy? Did anyone enjoy the first season?
The Great Debate
Name a better animated movie. I'll wait
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Thoughts on her body of work?
Halloween approaches and i need all the vampire kino i can get my paws on
JL OST : Gary Clark Jr. & Junkie XL - Come Together
*breathes in*
The Force is female
What fictional foods and beverages would you like to try?
The Aiel won't be white redheads in the Wheel of Time show
Late 2000s - early 2010s
He had me up until he started talking about how America used to be great. When was America ever great...
Unpopular opinions/thoughts
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Our new queen - Sophia Lillis
Why was the devil in Star Wars?
Mysterious niggas
2000s sci-fi movies like Ultraviolet, Aeon Flux and Equilibrium?? Is there a name for those kinds of visuals?
I rewatched Apocalypto today for the first time since it was released. I probably watched a pirated copy or some shit...
ITT: movies only you have watched
Was this the best Seinfeld episode?
He had a comfy life, what the fuck was wrong with him?
I've taken some oxycodone, xanax and am about to rip the bong and watch a movie. inb4 weed lol
Movies about plagiarists?
Simpsons jokes you don't understand
Man there's this girl who is dtf and not too chubby but she wants to go to see a movie. That's honestly a dealbreaker...
/who/ - Doctor Who General - Loss.jpg Edition
ITT: the exact moment you stopped watching a tv show/movie
Would you be friends with her if you both go to the same school? She mentioned that she doesn't have any friends
Leaves for a few hours to go see IT
How many more years will this be frequently re-run on television?
What expression does this convey?
It sucked
Why is modern media so afraid of casting asian males in non stereotypical roles?
What was YOUR reaction to THAT scene in "IT"?
Dawn of the Dead
Any other examples of INSANE method acting skills?
Give me a 10/10 movie to watch right now, Sup Forums
>ywn clean her up after she's been ravaged by an ethnic alpha
Why does he have so many nipples?
What did you guys think of Ozark?
What are some good movies about social issues?
Marxism lauren northern vs capitalism stefan molyjew
What's your honest opinion about Finnish cinema?
Would you want a Batman Beyond movie?
Was Bennett gay?
Sexy music plays while panning up and down a half naked underage girl
What expression does this convey?
Is she the only good thing about Screen Junkies these days?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Torrents looking bad
Uhhh you're fucking ugly
Find me a more hideously disgusting poster
Alt-right power fantasy? Liberal Propaganda?
This was soul-kino
Sup Forums's taboo topic
Uhh... Donald?.. lay off the porn
Post a pic
I mean eh
Would you still?
What's going through her head here?
X-Files General: underrated episodes edition
Who is the spookiest living actress?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Will you be watching the new Netflix Original series?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Cinegrid thread?
Was he fucking his 15 year old daughter?
As the dust has yet to settle, what will Mike and Jake's final thoughts of The Last Jedi be?
Has Sup Forums ever seen an anime with legitimately good writing?
Who is the David Bowie of acting?
Amityville 2 incest stuff
Bring back Vinceposting
Make a game show where guy has to survive in an apartment with a hot chick who teases him 24/7
Why don't you like Big Bang Theory, user?
Do girls actually do this?
What's the best Philip K. Dickino?
When the dumb roastie slut says she didn't like pickle rick
Brie Larson Makes Her Directorial Debut with 'Unicorn Store'
Is he autistic or on another plane of reality?
Fuck liberals
He's gonna take you back to the past
So I just got this wonderful idea for a VOD store
How do we save Sup Forums?
Let's start a cozy late night Harry Potter thread. Which book/movie you liked the most...
Reminder that I am the hero Sup Forums deserves
THIS is how we save white race
When was the last time you satisfied a woman, Sup Forums?
ITT: Actors that you look like
Mods are asleep
Webm thread
Gold Panther leaked!
Predict what happens next
Why dont based Dothraki just tell Daeneris to fuck off, march in Westeros and the fuck the shit up of all the faggots?
Green Room
Westworld Thread
American Horror Story
Is the Matrix trilogy the greatest trilogy of all time? What went right?
/got/ general
Movies that show us the true nature of niggers
Narcos Season 3
What are some movies about being a despicable human being
Zack Snyder is a hac
Minka Kelly Cast As Dove In DC Live-Action Series TITANS
Raimi BTFO
What a piece of shit
What are some movies about women treated like the fuckmeat they are?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why do many of you hate American Sniper? There is no propaganda on it...
Perfect women don't exi-
Holy shit this is very surprising
Do americans still applaud after watching a movie?
Great anti-war/interventionism movie by one of the finest directors working today
Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
What got dropped into Chemical X to make these perfect little girls?
Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Predict the the RT score
Is Kristen Stewart a good actress?
What did Matt and Trey mean by this?
What went so right?
Why are aliens so scary? I can't watch a single alien encounter movie
What movie should I take my date to tonight?
How do porn studios get the money to hire these gorgeous, flawless girls?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general: Fuck Dnd edition
Is on track to do 900M
Perfect women don't exi-
Has Netflix ever made a show or movie that is actually worth watching?
How did (((they))) get away with this?
User we want you to direct the first entry in our Superhero Porn Parody Universe, you choose the actors and the story
Artie Lange nose bleed on Artie & Anthony
Why did they allow autistic people into the army?
Million dollar extreme thread
Salami....the was tasty
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is he too self-aware now?
Any kino about men lashing out at an unjust and cruel society only to be painted as vile villains by everyone but the...
No can do
Riverdale star Lili Reinhart calls out Vancouver fan over awkward interaction
Were they demons?
What was in the briefcase?
/dmg/ - Dead Meme General
So does Sup Forums still pretend this movies bad?
The story of Terry Davis could be a compelling biopic. Who will play him?
Sony give you money to make Kylie Jenner's first film vehicle. What's the plot?
Is this movie an indictment on neoliberalism?
ITT: Shows that are only worth to watch for the first season
Jaden Smith has his own Netflix show now
Kill Bill
Dick Wolf
What would you have done?
Aquaman’ Film Crew Member Stabbed After Wrap Party
What are some films with similar aesthetics to True Detective S1?
What are some kinos where womanlets finally get what's coming to them?
Wonder Woman
No set design, feels empty and lifeless
/got/ general
LSD movies
Penis inspection manager took the day off
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You know you're losing when you stoop this low
One thing
Almost said "kek" in public today
Why's this chick still alive?
Can Hollywood adapt this?
IBM hires the clown prince of the alt-right for their ad campaign
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
What did he mean by this
The golden god
Cast her
/swg/ - Screenwriting General
Movie about Italians starts
Any good documentaries on Big Foot?
This is fat? Looks pretty average for me
Do you think we can get Chuck and Sneed in a new episode of The Simpsons
Blood Drive cancelled
Why the fuck is mel gibson still allowed in movies?
What does this expression convey?
ITT: """"Villains"""" who did literally nothing wrong
What's the most depressing film you've ever watched?
What are some examples of the remake being better than the original?
What the fuck this was great, why did nobody like it...
Banging your director to remain relevant
What did you think about his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE)?
Literal cuck commercial
Does anyone else have no recollection of this scene being in the movie when they were little
Saoirse Ronan - W Mmagazine October 2017
Meet The fourth Powerpuff Girl
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
What is Lynch's best film?
Why does Sup Forums hate Jennifer Lawrence? Is it because they will never lie next to her and smell her hair?
Why was this allowed?
/got/ general
/got/ general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
When should it have ended?
Norm MacDonald Live
Was Vincent Vega a bad hitman?
Gotta blame someone, can't blame yourself, that's for sure
Can I get a list of worthwhile horror films for October
ITT we post thespians who look better in clothes than naked
Any good?
Need some movie recommendations
Whats the/ /tv consensus on Bridget Regan?
The Sinner
So in movies there will often be a situation where two people hold guns at eachother, too close to miss...
Why does everyone hate Seth MacFarlane?
No seriously why did he bend the knee?
ITT: Things that break immersion
Chuck's feed and seed?
Sup Forums makes a movie poster
I like the rock but im afraid this is gonna bomb...baywatch was a total letdown too
How does this make Sup Forums feel?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Disney's Aladdin
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
I for one am happy that Disney chose to go down the path of /THICC/ after the basic white bitch sticks that were Anna...
It begins
Was roger ebert actually any good as a critic?
Good coloring
Women can't be fun-
Who was in the wrong here?
Uugghh I HATE this mooovee!
Sup Forums, Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Adverts that fucking annoy you
Snyder back to directing
How would you write a sequel?
Do you think Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdon will be any good?
Name me a black film that doesnt have to do with racism or life in the ghetto
How dare you suggest there are white people in the fictional country of Agrabah in a region that was never specified!
ITT: patrish vampire movies
I just saw IT
What was the first film that disturbed you as a child?
What are some kafkaesque films?
I'm so fucking bored with life...
Can Netflix do ANYTHING right?
Just saw IT (2016), ask me anything
Just watched Stargate for the first time
Solid Snake and Old Snake
Any other kinos set on Indian Reservations? Or similar to NCfOM, Sicario
MDE:World Peace died for this
Riverdale star Lili Reinhart calls out Vancouver fan over awkward interaction
Anyone smoke pot in their theatre's restroom? what are the chances of it going wrong if I do this...
What went wrong?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Sup Forums in entertainment media
Adult does something morally questionable, kid spontaneously yells "NOOO!"
Can you see john cena as shazam??
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that The Leftovers is the best show of the year and Twin Peaks Season 3 was...
Will Scott Pilgrim ever get the adaptation it deserves?
Sup Forums - Television & Film
New Mitchell and Webb
I hear you're a racist now Sup Forums?
/got/ general
/who/ - Doctor Who General
You don't like Rick and Morty because you're not a nerd like me XD
What was the point of Ford and Arnold killing themselves? What was the maze...
Best movie about Chinatown?
Star Trek Discovery
147 million easily impressed normies pirate new GOT season
Reminder that this happened
Mum shows me movie she watched recently
"Holding her is sexist. If word of this microaggression gets out...
He's like a youtuber whose run out of content his show will fail when he cant keep up the jokes
What is Joe Rogan episode 911 the movie?
I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies
What was that little game she plays again?
For me, its Mahershala Ali
Will we finally be free of another transformer movie?
Just finished watching IT (2017), what did I think of it?
This is the sexy new Lara Croft
How good was the latest Mad Max?
The u.s is a facist state that oppress it's artist ,thinkers and political opponents
What is you opionion of this show?
Why can only based Jim pull off the strong woman character?
The most Reddit movie of all time?
A couple hockey players come up the produce stand the other day
Watching movies with women
This movie is gonna suck
Sick user here. Flu virus got me. Looking for movies to curl up on the couch to...
What should be her next directing gig?
Daily reminder no matter how shitty was its finale...
Why the fuck is she so insufferable?
/STR/fags eternally once and for all btfo
Has anyone rewatched Dexter since it finished airing?
"That'll be two tickets for... Oh? Just the one ticket? Sir, I think you better leave."
Narcos thread
Can Sup Forums recommend me some movies where the empire of evil white people starts an actual manhunt on mistreated...
I'm actually a little scared
Who is your pick to direct?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What are films that perfectly capture the essence of loneliness? Already watched Lars, taxi driver...
The film that will save cinema
Do you want this to bomb?
Just saw It, will answer any questions you have about it
When I was a kid I used to draw cowboys and indians
What are some of your favorite tropes for post apocalyptic settings?
Friendly reminder that if you do not atleast have a masters degree in philosophy you are unqualified to criticise rick...
This is boring
They'll just shot a spear with the point made of dragonglass with the scorpion to kill the dragon...
/got/ general
My Dad and I became very distant when I came out 7 years ago. Our relationship was pretty much hi, and bye. Recently...
Why is this movie so mean spirited?
Tormund and beric, after surviving the wall crumbling...
Why do people excuse laziness...
Why does the Last Jedi have less hype than TFA?
Black female character is a nurse
This site has nothing to offer anybody...
I hear a faint Kino calling in the distance
Honest thoughts on breaking bad?
Would you rather see
H-He's fast?!
Worlds smartest idiot, or worlds dumbest genius?
/DChad/ General : "Get in kid" Edition
This is Sophia Lillis - star of IT (2017)
Mmm whatcha say
ITT: Actors you've met in real life
Would Hollywood ever dare touch something of this nature?
Just saw,"It" alone at the theater i work at
What';d you think of this episode of Norm Sup Forums?
Show gets cancelled after a season
Reminder that South Park has always been SJW
Is Squidward Jewish??
I want to be an architect
The Edge of Seventheen
Is this music video "Lil Peep - Awful Things" kino?
What a terrible recast
How do you go from this
I have a condition characterized by freedom from worry or preoccupation
Will you jackasses stop pirating shows. You're the reason why GoT's budget and episode count got cut...
So what's the general consensus?
ITT: Films that gave you childhood boners
The absolute state of Marvel in 2017
ITT: Post Kino commercials
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
It's Jessica Biel rubs her younger virgin sisters pussy episode
How does South Park compare with Rick and Morty?
What is your favorite scene in The Shining?
Hollywood’s big bet on China is backfiring
How did Vincent not hear him walk in, open a cabinet, take a pop tart, and put it into the toaster...
What the fuck was the point of the first 30 minutes of this movie?
Can we agree that this is what bullies are supposed to look like?
Does it at least fall under the "So bad, It's good" Catagory?
Is Sup Forums hyped for Milana as Squirrel Girl?
Remember that time Happy Gilmore had a cuckold fantasy in the middle of a major golf tournament?
New Magic School Bus show
So, to continue the episodes characters have to breed right? since it's a family saga
For the love of god, can someone please get this girl a nice hot meal
Why was Frasier a good show?
Pacific Rim: Uprising
Powerpuff Girls always were too white
WEBM Thread
Looks like this is shaping up to be absolute kino lads. has jennifer lawrence - dare i say it - redeemed her career?
Is it safe to say that he is back?
/got/ general Issac Hempstead Wright edition
Probably won't be too long before Hollywood makes a movie over Trump, let's start casting it
Fine wine thread?
Could you adapt it?
How will he be remembered in 100 years?
Am I the only guy on here who saw this?
Get in the car user, we have kino to make
I believe in taking care of myself, with a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routi--
You're on Camp Crystal Lake with 4 other councilors, Jock Chad, Stacy...
How long would it take Sup Forums to track Kira down?
Logan review
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Comfy film
IBM pulls its new TV ad
The original DACA kid
Itt movies/television series that made you like/sympathize with the "bad guy"
Formerly chuck's
RIP Boogie
It's a Barbara Fields talks about muh slavery scene
Stephen King's Gerald's Game - Trailer
Were you a Boy Scout?
David Duke
ITT: Movies only you've seen
Black Sup Forumsirgins, get in here
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What is this thing on Jay's desk?
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Can season 1 of True Detective be considered Lovecraftian horror?
What happens if you tell a meeseeks to kill itself?
Was he a good dad, Sup Forums?
Literaly rips off Alan Moore's Necronomicon
Does anyone else wish you could step into his shoes just for one day so you can beat his terrible children and...
Why is this series so good?
Are there any good recent movies with a pro-white message?
Snowfall Thread
Why is she so perfect, bros?
IT 2017
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Movie
Reminder that dick size matters, with enough time and foreplay, a woman can take even the longest of cocks...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Since we all know well and good Xenomorphs are no match against a predator and survive
What are some films where the good guy wins?
What do you consider to be Wes Anderson's best film?
Rip dewy
like thirty movies to choose from
Neon Demon 2 when?
Are these the two best comedies of the 00's?
Why, didn't he simply murder everyone, until he arrived at his destination? why bother, with the policia uniform?
What movie you dropped the fastest?
Sup Forumsark Twitter account falls for Sup Forums meme
Predict what happens next
What's the most traumatizing film you've seen Sup Forums?
How the fuck do you go from this
Loses Gavin McInnes
Punished Del Toro back with a vengeance. You took away hellboy, he made something greater
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Times you were Pennywise the Clown
Man of Steel 2
What did she mean by this?
Dare I say, best track record ever?
What do you want to see in JJ-Verse Star Trek 4 Sup Forums?
What movie is this?
Has left wing anti-white televison ever come up with something this great?
Movies where the new generation saves the old?
Is anything safe from reboots?
Historical dramas
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Show
Okay, what the fuck. I get that Sup Forums likes this kid, but critics have a boner for him to now...
Name ONE horror movie that isn't shit
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Realistically, would he have been found guilty of any crime?
Lives in florida
Do any of you try to become TV characters?
What shows/movies have the best animal companions?
What is she?
Turns out Justin Roiland isn't funny
Do you watch anything on Discovery?
In this ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
Original series: Great, original ideas and magnificent implementation
The Rock calls "IT" top 10 movie of all time
What are some flicks about breakups?
/apg/ - American Psycho general
What is the most blatant or tone deaf use of product placement in movies?
What happened in instrumentality? Was Shinji made aware that he's a fictional character...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You could have your cock in her, you still wouldn't have the balls to fuck
What episode do you stop watching on?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?
What went wrong with Kstew's career?
What does Sup Forums think about Katheryn Winnick? Is she a good actress?
What will his first words be?
We ain't had nuffin but lord of the rings thread for 3 stinkin days!
They literally did nothing wrong
Yo homie
Who is your favourite actor Sup Forums
Moments where Rick and Morty made you think
I think she did a fine job as Jean Grey, just needs to work on her accent
Right you are Ken
Video Game: The Movie
Your thoughts on IMDBs top 10 highest rated TV shows
ITT: Historical Events that deserve, NAY demand, a live action big screen movie
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who is the most Chad movie character?
Was this actually freaky as fuck or was I just a pussy little kid?
Deep Blue Sea is sharkino and superior to Jaws
What exactly made this film so good? Was it peak 2014 kino?
What are the biggest scandals in Hollywood
Power Rangers
Miss me yet?
Spared no expense
Where were you when you realised Norm sucks?
Movies where the new generation save the old?
I want to tell everyone that
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Cast them
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...