I hope none of you are Klingons.
I hope none of you are Klingons
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I'm glad that TV writers are letting us know ahead of time that their shows will be shit.
So I'm a badass honorable warrior defending my homeland? Am I supposed to be insulted?
the absolute state of US media
Ummmm fuck you facist
>racial purity is a big theme
>people voted for Trump because of racial purity concerns
I'm usually all about putting myself in the opposing viewpoint and arguing things out in a civil manner but I really fucking despise liberals.
Trekkies are bigger than scientology, SJW's better not fuck with them.
Will entertainment ever be entertainment again or will it forever have to have some kind of political agenda attached?
Nero fiddling.
>people voted for Trump because of racial purity concerns
clearly you've never been to Sup Forums, one of the two centerpieces of Donald Trump's internet campaign along with r/The_donald
desu you should just face it. seriously when has media ever been conservative, entertainment is not made for you. if you don't like it don't watch it. too bad. you never it kinda makes you think that liberals are always so successful in media and entertainment and the tech field (google, facebook, apple, twitter etc) but conservatives are mostly broke blue collar workers or workers with no skills like military or police lol. REALLY REALLY makes ya think don't it? (but apparently liberals are the lazy jobless ones :^) )
>Sup Forums represents a large percentage of the people who voted for Trumps
You should unironically stick your head in the nearest oven and set it to the maximum setting.
liberals are the only people self conscious enough to watch someone jack them off for having the correct opinions an hour a day
Isn't the DNC filled with nothing but racists? Pretty much everyone is racist.
Slow down with those goalposts buddy
I'm glad you're letting us know you're dumb, thank you.
It was definitely a large percentage of his online campaign. You could see the facebook memes being created there, the online polls being rigged, and it's super obvious when someone Sup Forums posts outside of Sup Forums.
Sometimes I wonder what Trump's online strategists thought of how their loyal volunteers shouted "shill!" and "CTR" at anyone who did not support their god emperor, all while shilling FOR FREE.
they unironically believe Trump's online support was 100% organic
it probably was about 90% organic considering SJW media had riled up white people to side with anything not liberal to begin with
Nah, the SJWs & media shilling bullshit were what riled up the Trump voters. Self Harm: the Election
>SJW media
>Fox News is the #1 name in news
pick one and only one.
its the only place white people ahve to go where they won't get shit on and its viewer base is mostly old white people who don't know how to use computers anyways. anyways tv news is probably one of the least successful sources of news and information. facebook, twitter, youtube, your average TV show/movie, most online news organizations on the otherhand are completely filled with liberals. face it, the media is owned by liberals.
Seriously, you had new Trump threads popping up to direct users to accomplish specific tasks, like rig particular polls, spread particular images, and with a constant general with updated campaign links. Don't tell me that shit was "organic"
shitty comic. dont post again thanks. was a waste of time didnt make any strong points and if it was supposed to be comedic it missed the mark
>1 somewhat conservative news source
>15 liberal news sources
>"what the media isnt leftist!"
This is you
It was (((organic)))
maybe Hillary should've stepped up her propaganda game instead of going turbo liberal and driving white people into the arms of republicans
Clearly you don't visit Sup Forums all that often or are a complete newfag because this image was typically used unironically by the "bad optics" Trump supporters on Sup Forums
I go on Sup Forums every now and then but i honestly dont even know what the fuck that comic is trying to express
Do these people think that Trump supporters are always isolated, living alone, with no human contact outside of Sup Forums or Twitter? If they say "dude ALL Trump supporters are racist/evil/Nazis/[buzzword]!", then that pisses off family members and friends of those supporters that could be liberal.
Yes, they haven't realized how deep a hole they're digging themselves. Left media types are literally self harming 24/7,
except none of that shit is happening
why is richard spencer in the right side panel screaming about "fuck the economy" and "arrest the bankers" . Isnt that typical leftie talk, while richard spencer is a prominent right wing?
how. its pretty damn clear. Sup Forums is divided between alt right neo nazi larpers from r/the_donald and stormfront, and all the other posters.
t.butthurt baby
Why is every writer in America such an unoriginal fucking hack?
>the state of Sup Forums is nothing but Sup Forums whining and pedophiles
truly symbolic of how degenerate Sup Forums is
Sup Forums is a board of peace
It's a good sign that the article title is contradicted by the very first sentence
can you explain this?
He is a national socialist.
im not sure if you understand this, but as many pol users as there were during the election, there were always more democrat/bernout/hillary supporters
all Sup Forums did was meme
that all Sup Forums ever does
you are correct that there were generals (/ptg/ /sg/) that had information offered at most times, but its just memes dude
one of the most famous being "pepe" getting yelled at the hillary rally
the other being pepe becoming a hate symbol but both were for the lulz, if its not funny nobody does anything worthwhile
most is you do is upvote, downvote and meme
and because memes are organic, pepe/kekistan are now normie tier jokes
racism/sexism are irrelevant. the truth is all trump supports are actually mentally challanged.
It takes a special kind of mental gymnastics to look at all the garbage he's done since becoming president and think "yea....he's doing a good job".
Literally every appointee/cabinet member is a shill corporate insider that bought their position with donations.
Fuck Trump and fuck Klingons
>its just memes dude
Hey man, don't be too salty you were used by a Jew, it happens to the best of us
>He was for a time seen as Trump's de facto campaign manager, succeeding Corey Lewandowski, who was fired in part on Kushner's recommendation in June 2016.[56] He had been intimately involved with campaign strategy, coordinating Trump's visit in late August to Mexico, and he is believed to be responsible for the choice of Mike Pence as Trump's running mate.[54][57] Kushner's "sprawling digital fundraising database and social media campaign" has been described as "the locus of his father-in-law's presidential bid".[58]
>According to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt (who worked on technology for Hillary Clinton's campaign), Kushner's role in 2016 election was its biggest surprise. Schmidt told Forbes, "Best I can tell, he actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources."[59]
Not gonna lie, former Klingon voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Klingon crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
So they shit post and win?
are you trying to tell me kushner made this?
desu it'd be pretty incredible for a jew who knows nothing of chan culture, less so Sup Forums culture to devise one of the most insane moments of this entire websites history
compared to reddit with bernie sanders who raised several millions of dollars across months of fundraising
if we got played then Sup Forums is right again, there is always a jew in control of the narrative
No, the true genius of it was that he got legions of autists to do all the work themselves for his father-in-law's campaign. Or maybe he was just lucky enough for Sup Forums's Trump memes to arise on their own before he started steering them to the campaign's digital strategy.
Either way, it's ironic how Sup Forums claimed that everyone else was being used by Jews when they were obviously being used themselves
The problem isn't him. It's you.
Lolling inside.
Because Hitler was 100% right about the worlds media being owned by Jews
better a jew that works for me than against
and lol at taking the jew meme seriously
Maybe we all just finally saw the truth.
Most of Sup Forums seems to take it seriously and probably does too
It is pretty lol though
Fake news.
why can't people just have simple fun seeing to world going to shit, I don't get it
Why does that Klingon have blue skin?
Where is his hair?
Isn't he of the house of Kor? Why doesn't he look anything like Kor?
I doubt the people on pol and the donald who think that were old enough to vote
prove me wrong.
dep of education has said "we expect a return on our investment" in regards to donations to the republican party.
the person he's appointed to head NASA has literally NO SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND. none. want to know who he replaced? a guy with 10 honorary PHD's and 16 years of experience as a fucking astronaut along with his actual doctorate in science.
off yourself inbred
Put a MAGA hat on that mother fucker and sign him up for 2020
WTF I still love Klingons now