I hope none of you are Klingons

I hope none of you are Klingons.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm glad that TV writers are letting us know ahead of time that their shows will be shit.

So I'm a badass honorable warrior defending my homeland? Am I supposed to be insulted?

the absolute state of US media

Ummmm fuck you facist

>racial purity is a big theme
>people voted for Trump because of racial purity concerns
I'm usually all about putting myself in the opposing viewpoint and arguing things out in a civil manner but I really fucking despise liberals.

Trekkies are bigger than scientology, SJW's better not fuck with them.

Will entertainment ever be entertainment again or will it forever have to have some kind of political agenda attached?

Nero fiddling.

>people voted for Trump because of racial purity concerns
clearly you've never been to Sup Forums, one of the two centerpieces of Donald Trump's internet campaign along with r/The_donald