Why did they allow autistic people into the army?
Why did they allow autistic people into the army?
I don't think that autism was an actual diagnosis back then. Also, they pretty much just let anyone into the Vietnam war, as long as they had some desire to shoot people.
had a couple autist in my company in basic so
Cannon fodder
I can imagine it being kind of useful to keep them around to supervise the inventory. Like have have an autist glance into a box of bullets and tell you the exact number. Or listen at enemy's machine gun fire and know exactly how many bullets they shot and when they'll need to reload. Makes sense.
trick question. only autists are allowed in the army
>tfw people kept talking about an autistic guy in our company
>turns out they were talking about me
wait, isn't that a savant? I don't think it's the same.
The military can always use more bodies, which is why anyone from non-citizens to idiots can enroll
Because the military is such a discerning institution that only lets the absolute cream of the crop join.
Would you rather they just stay home and shitpost? You ask me, they're not accepting enough autists.
They need everyone they can get, I mean they even offer you to enlist to get out of a first time criminal conviction
I think 'autistic savant' together is the full word. Shortened to either autistic or savant, like you said.
Do you think Sup Forums will be empty when the next war comes around?
But of course Sup Forums will still be at full speed because the whole board is just shitposting central for the Zionist world elite.
Oh okay, my only experience with it is from Rainman, thankfully
Law enforcement and military is all about performing orders without reservations or questions. Who's more fitting to that role: autistic people or healthy ones with (supposedly) advanced emotional and cognitive intelligence?
I must be autistic as fuck, because I think it's extremely unhealthy to obey without questioning why.
Actually that's a stereotype. Most autistic people are of below-adverage intelligence, are socially retarded, meaning they fail to form bonds with others and are extremely selfish and lack empathy, of which these two characteristics are crucial in unit cohesion especially under duress.
Autistic people are also disgusting and lack personal hygiene, and subsequently fail to understand other's grievances with their grotesque behaviour. They also fail to have a hold on their emotions, typically having a hissy fit or 'sperging out' when things don't go their way.
What I'm trying to say is that autistic people are literally worthless, braindead manchildren and should not be allowed to exist at all.
I'd wager your average NEET has enough chronic physical conditions he wouldn't make it out of basic.
>Actually that's a stereotype
You ever heard the saying "stereotypes exist for a reason"? It's because stereotypes are true
Just because your autistic doesn't mean your smart. Don't forget to have your apple slices and little white candies!
There are less than 50 people with that caracteristics in the fucking world stop taking movies as facts
>claims stereotype
>posts stereotype
What did he mean by this?
You basically described a lazy person, not necessarily an autist. Lazy people also avoid all those things because all those things take effort.
Came here to post
About this.
yes, it exists for a reason. it's a trope in movies.
movies aren't reality, user. you're getting confused again. the governour of california didn't build his platform on having personally killed a space alien in the jungles of central america. that was a movie.
Can't believe it took this long for someone to say something
You have to remember that almost nobody in the thread has even seen the movie. This is Sup Forums after all.
They were taking anyone and everyone in the vietnam war.
Yeah, I feel the same way about homosexuals.
>marines thinking anybody gives a shit about the difference between them and the army
Get a real job, ya sponges.
They should just put all the retards, autists and women into designated cannon fodder units.
Soaking up bullets is basically all they're good for, even though they'd probably still be subpar at it like they are everything else.
all fucking niggers must fucking hang
>the autistic guy in your platoon that new everything about weapons
>even the foreign ones
>would help teach European soldiers how their guns worked were stationed over there
it was me
Also he blatant hate for autists its actually quite comical.
Pile reminds me so much of my younger autistic brother that it makes the first half of the movie really hard for me to watch
Too close to home
I'll be here because of physical conditions :^)
>and lack empathy
at least that might be useful for when their CO orders them to murder innocent civilians