Any kino about men lashing out at an unjust and cruel society only to be painted as vile villains by everyone but the most enlightened?
Any kino about men lashing out at an unjust and cruel society only to be painted as vile villains by everyone but the...
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he will never hug his brother again ;_;
Taxi Driver
>supreme gentleman
goodnight sweet prince
Higher learning
>niggers being niggers
>genuine hero uses his superior white power to take it upon himself to rid the world of the epidemic
>gets called a racist murderer
Goodnight sweet prince
>the kino with him driving around Santa Barbara playing higher love
So butthurt over seeing Asian guys with White girls
Falling Down
if you're a complete dipshit who didn't understand it
You guys actually sympathize with this guy?
Nothing wrong with Asians
he was going to kill his brother so he wouldn't grow up to be a chad
I think if any do sympathise it is certainly a minority, they probably see similarities as I imagine like myself most people here are not that great socially and have a warped view of the world and very low confidence.
Personally I don't hate women or resent them simply because I am a retard, unlike Eliot as he thought he was deserving of loads of sex etc simply by existing.
Huh, pic related, what his victims were doing when he was shooting.
no one is intimidated by beta asians
yeah, he said that but he did not go through with it did not even go to his brother on the day of killing spree. which makes me think that he doesn't really want to kill his brother and maybe does care about him. and i saw a vid clip of him being friendly with brother.
not sympathize
for me, anyway
he's a cute
Mad City
Being honest, because I am a sane person, so yeah I do have sympathy for him, though I do not condone his actions.
He was an assburger, burger who had been treated like a social pariah by his peers.
It's no ones fault that he went on a killing spree (apart from the american thing) but teens, and I guess young 20's in murica can be so damn cruel that any difference, they mock and ostracise their peers.
He was probably just a standard aspie and would have been cool if people included him in normie shit, so he would have got laid and not been such a whiney bitch who cant even ring up a craigslist prozzy
no one but the Rodge it seems
Did you read many of his manifesto? He was a lunatic to strangers just because he felt they should be all liver his fuck with no conversation even initiated. The only people to do him wrong was his parents and his own mind
this. or maybe because he was off his meds (if i'm not mistaken about him stopping taking his meds).
his rant about asians and his being roomies with chinese who he has had prior altercations with makes me think that an argument or a fight with them on that day may have triggered the spree. since they're all dead no one can tell us exactly what happened but maybe they had an argument and he accidentally or in a blind rage killed one of them and afterwards realizing he's going down for the death he spiraled and decided to kill the others and the girls who he feels rejected him (probably recently).
he had assburgers.
They have no idea about social interactions and social norms.
What do you expect happened to it, kids are cruel and you could guarentee they never went out their way to include the aspie in their life.
Where I come from it is a social norm to not exclude people because of their disabilities, to be tolerant and in fact to go out of your way to help those less fortunate.
you could only imagine the shit he got in his life living in america.
that lil nigga didn't have some kind of disease. he was just an asshole whose ego superseded his abilities. that's all.
Falling Down
>dying a virgin
Now THATS scary
two weeks ago heard on the news about a guy who got in argument with gf and in anger stabbed and killed her. he then went around the condominium stabbing anyone he meets and trying doorknobs to see if they're open and if open goes in stabbing everyone inside. he did that until the police arrived and shot him.
reminder: the day of retribution was felled by a locked door
He went to a party and tried to fight an Asian guy while simultaneously trying to hit on his white girlfriend, would throw drink at couples and other pretty girls just for not making eye contact with him as he drove by. I get what you're saying but I would want nothing to do with this asshole either.
>didn't have some kind of disease
>aspergers disease
Though it does say there that a formal diagnoses was not made he was still taking anti psychotics for skitzo and depression
(which is wtf, why would a DR prescribe psych drugs without a diagnoses) wiki so take with pinch of salt.
tl;dr version
>bullied all life
>beta because of it
>sperg rage
>plays irl GTA and people die
least he won the golden ipod and has acquired internet fame
I mean if someone compiled his videos it'd probably be what you were looking for
Elliot haters need to go the fuck back to red*it.
>all these anons ignoring my post itt
>aspergers is a physical disease
>depression is a real physical disease
>psychiatry is a legitimate science
good goy
>nothing to do with this asshole either.
desu senpai he should have been locked up in a mental asylum.
idk how america do it but ik someone irl who is spag strength mental and they locked him up. One time they let him out he was living in a mental place and it wasn't long before he got full time, never getting out locked up.
It's like a complilation of shit you shouldn't do if you want to get close with someone. Sorry E-man, people aren't impressed with your BMW and 500 Dollar Cashmere sweater if you act like that.
>physical disease
>mental disease
while yeah, Psychiatry is a pseudo-science these diseases exist.
ik from first hand about skitzo, i've been suicidally depressed before too and I have met an aspie before who has literally no idea about social interactions at all.
If you truly believe these diseases and illnesses don't exist you should do yourself an eye opener and go meet some really crazy people.
whether it's physical or mental, it is real. and meds are helping me.
His pecker must've been incredibly small, fucking noone is that insecure
Its true, he did have assburgers. Pic related.
>mental disease
>suicidally depressed
muh drama queen
you fucking rube
These are not maladies that have physical manifestations. Meaning they can neither be detected, treated or cured.
It's all bullshit to sell the miserable and the gullible Rockefeller drugs.
placebos 'help' people too.
keep buying those meds sucker.
you're very lucky you do not get uncontrollably depressed, user. but it happens to some of us unfortunately.
>uncontrollably depressed
I though you were 'suicidally depressed'. Maybe 'clinically depressed'? Maybe 'cripplingly depressed"?
It's funny how you manipulative pathetic assholes come up with new adjectives to try and sell your bullshit disease.
whether it's placebo effect or not (and the medical research show it's not), i'm just glad it's helping me.
>not maladies that have physical manifestations. Meaning they can neither be detected, treated or cured.
>what are brain chemicals
>what is nuero-electrical system
>what is personality
>what is mental cognition
retard shitposter
>muh drama queen
I hope your mother gets gang raped and dismembered by a bunch of niggers while they make you watch and then run a train on your ass.
see how perky you feel after stepping out the sunshine and rainbow sheltered life you have had and feel suffering a little.
underage faggot bait
suicidally and crippingly are also descriptive of how i feel sometimes. clinically, i think, is not a description of how one feels but is used to describe someone who's been diagnosed by a psychiatrist.
There is literally no legitimate physical evidence of any of these so called brain 'diseases'.
The closest anyone will be able to offer up is a bullshit brain 'scan'.
Alzheimer's is a brain disease, not fucking depression.
A tumor is a symptom, not feeling melancholy.
Corrupt academia enables it quasi-legitimacy, but that's about it.
No one has ever been killed by one of these 'diseases'. These 'diseases' have no physical symptoms or manifestations, so no one has ever been treated for one of them. These 'diseases' have never killed anyone.
It's literally make-believe nonsense.
he didn't go because his dad was home. elliot couldn't face his father so he planned to kill his brother and stepmother while his dad was on a work trip
>But the most enlightened
No, but there is Taxi Driver. He was a potential villain. He didn't kill Sport in order to save Iris, at least not primarily. He did it out of selfish reasons because his first plan, killing Palatine, didn't pan out.
he never stood a chance
hello chang. still trying to justify your half-hatred of asian/white relationships i see
You know where ya need to go.
Except they need to gtfo
this is the best film within the parameters you've set. it's much better, grittier and darker than Taxi Driver, in my opinion. but ive always held a "Scorsese is not as great as everyone makes him out to be" opinion.
Beta uprising when?
>No one has ever been killed by one of these 'diseases
Think the supreme genlemen did 16
Charles manson did a lot more
>diseases' have no physical symptoms or manifestations
How is a mental disease supposed to manifest physically.
With that logic, air doesnt exist because it cannot be perceived with the physical senses, the mind doesn't exist at all either, which means no matter, or concepts, thoughts, feelins or ideas exist too. And your shitposting is coming from a double nigger not just a retard.
Actually read a book or do some logical thinking before shitposting on a subject you have zero knowledge, let alone experience or wisdom about.
I hope you get schizophrenia in your life, when you do I hope you remember this shitposting while your entire life and psyche crumbles around you
If it actually happened, you couldn't call it that anymore.
everyone knows that WMAF is a genetic mistake. Don't let me ruin your weeaboo fantasy there tubs.
I always like "the day of REEEckoning.
>those leaked emails where he called his dad a pathetic cuck
That's just called being a whiny faggot. Shut up.
>Think the supreme genlemen did 16
>Charles manson did a lot more
no nigga.
Bullets killed those people in La Isla Vista. Stab wounds killed Tate etc.
Not even going to read the rest of your nonsense. You don't even seem to understand what a physical disease is.
he actually rly isnt an ugly guy if he had the balls to ask out women hed eventually get some results
He specifically wanted hot, thin, 10/10 blonde women and he wanted them to approach him. If he lowered his standards he probably could have gotten a gf.
How am I supposed to resist the yellow pussy though? Please send help
someone make a film and call it The Supreme Gentleman
Jessica Jones but it's shit and Killgrave is depicted as the evil white guy who doesn't let strong independent wymmyn enjoy their bbc
>what a physical disease is.
I know what a physical disease is, a cancerous tumor in a limb is a phsical disease. I'e a disease in matter, the body.
A mental disease is a disease in consciousness, the mind (which manifests in body matter too)
you are just too retarded to even understand the difference.
fyi, look for schizophrenia negative symptom brain changes, the mental disease has a high percentage of actually destroyong nuero networks and creating a physical brain disease.
you have not a single fucking clue about any knowledge upon this subject other than ignorance.
you are a probably an instant fedora fag atheist who says religion is all bullshit too.
lol incel neckbeards are so ridiculous in which they think asian women prefer them to asian men cause they've seen it in some beta geek movie, and when they see reality in which asians can get laid just as any nationality they literally snap since they understand they're absolute pariah
>A mental disease is a disease in consciousness,
what's this consciounsly functiong brain that your brain is deviating from again? What os exactly supposed to be the peak of thought or conciousness.
Anyone who thinks about any of this shit critically at all can see what a bunch of rubbish it is.
You're either very gullible, or weak and emotionally manipulative.
Asian dude stole his gf
Seriously though, asian men are the true survivors, they manage to get by with their strength and intelligence only since they have absolutely no media pitying them or telling them they are cool like niggers, gays or women, everyone tells them they're shit, ugly, mistreating their women, small dicked and other negative stereotypes (if you did 10% of these about niggers you would literally go to jail) but still they say "fuck that" and go on, instead of whining as niggers and women do as anyone questions their legitimacy as strong people (showing how weak they really are).
I have absolute respect for those dudes.
>r/asuanmasculinity trying to attack white men for stealing their women
Name one successful AMWF off-spring.
no, I'm a white guy. Not really interested in Asian women.
But WMAF kids are psychos. It's known.
Yellow pussy sucks. Stop watching porn and realize 99% of asian women are ugly and don't even want you just as white ones.
At this point struggle for a hot blonde.
Children of neckbeards and self-hating asian women, I know that for sure. There was a chinese girl I knew who was one of those who only go out with whites, she was kinda psycho. Would non-ironically post on facebook about her masturbation and sex life, and said stuff like "emotions and pleasure are the only things that matter in life". Also had ridiculous purple hair.
Tell me how someone like that is gonna be a good mother.
Brandon Lee
>Not really interested in Asian women
I have a white GF. WMAF is one of the more common interracial marriages, so you're kinda objectively wrong on this one.
So since there are a lot of retards who go with asian women it means user can't be less of a neckbeard asian fever faggot and wanting to have a white woman?
Man, I look like shit even compared to this guy and even I can get decent-looking girls, only one of whom cheated on me because she "wanted something more".
imagine how broken in the head this guy must've been to fail to hold on to a girl. like he visibly radiated psychopath or something
So you're telling me Einstein, Lincoln, Washington, David Bowie, Bruce Lee, and everyone who's not alive in your miserable lifespan is not successful?
Screw yourself and
Either that or he knocked on the door and his brother wasn't there so Elliot gave up like the dumb pussy he was.
Not only is the brain a physical organ, but it's the most complex organ of any living thing. There don't have to be gaping holes in its tissue in order for it to be diseased.
>Children of neckbeards and self-hating asian women, I know that for sure. There was a chinese girl I knew who was one of those who only go out with whites, she was kinda psycho. Would non-ironically post on facebook about her masturbation and sex life, and said stuff like "emotions and pleasure are the only things that matter in life". Also had ridiculous purple hair.
>r/asianmasculinity is this desperate
>Asian celebrity women are willing to get with 60 year olds instead of other Asian men
Loving Every Laugh.
What are you even arguing, you retarded tripfag? He said he likes white women not that you do. No one asked what you want.
you epic fucking retards.
ACTUAL brain disease is FATAL. It does not result in fucking melancholia.
...No, you're really just autistic, or a false-flagging Chinese guy who's hopelessly insecure about being Asian.
I kind of feel bad for him now.
>what's this consciounsly functiong brain that your brain is deviating from again? What os exactly supposed to be the peak of thought or conciousness.
This sentence makes no sense. What are you asking, where is consciousness, what is is, how does it function?
in laymans terms conscious is the observation of existence.
You cannot be that retarded to refute consciousness itself or existence in the conventional manner.
If you are then trying to relate how consciousness is measured and treated for disease in psychiatry it is measured by it's primary function, cognition.
How one thinks, and then behaves on their thoughts and then observed to see if their is a disorder.
Which a Psychiatrist cannot do accurately, especially without prior knowledge of the patients cultural, social, racial, sexual ect behaviour and patterns, but what they can do based on statistical knowledge of the illnesses and diseases are treat them and eliminate possibilities until the correct path of psychopathy is observed.
OR (which they never do because the research and diagnose methods are already studied) they could CAT scan the brains chemicals and/or electro a brains neuro electrical system for patterns of changes and functions, because conciousness is "believed" to manifest solely in the brain, where the mind is seated, and the mind cognizes via bio-chemical electriciy in the spinal fluid, ventricles and brain cavity. Which creates thoughts, which lead to actions.
source: average fag who actually reads books instead of makes up assumptions on complex concepts and subject.
I'm objectively wrong about what? And how is frequency evidence of anything?
I'm beginning to smell shills itt.
lmao 2 retards opinions on facebook
must spell the literal end of the white man kek
nice delusion you nigger
Last time I checked, Brandon Lee was comparable to absolutely none of those people.
The Skeleton Man is def a shill
You shouldn't. His tiny prick just makes it even funnier.
Lucy Liu fucking sucks and if she's with that old man it's prolly cause he's an important producer or some shit like that and now that she's an ugly old woman she needs someone with influence to get her going
>how is frequency evidence of anything
Well, ideally you should have more than 1 example if there's an abundance of potential examples, but there aren't, so you're using a hyperbolic fallacy because of some irrational bias you have.
Probably because you're an Asian redditor.
>ACTUAL brain disease is FATAL
Saying it doesn't make it true.