Was Vincent Vega a bad hitman?
Was Vincent Vega a bad hitman?
>nigger dope
He was a fucking retard
>look ma! I said nigger on the internet again! Where are my hotpockets!?!
Was Vincent Vega somehow related to a Suzanne?
t. nigger
t. reddit
Do you get a boner saying reddit all the time?
what book is he holding?
Did Jamal steal your gf user? Oh, you'd have to leave the house to even get one faggot
Having no trigger discipline and doing heroin isn't a good start
>irrelevant question
>he was a junkie
all junkies are shit. &thats all you ever needed to know about Vincent Vega.
Modesty Blaise with a custom cover.
He was possibly the worst hitman on film until Mulholland Drive.
>he's never read the Pulp Fiction script where Mia asks this
i bet you are fat hahahaha
Imagine getting mad about people saying the N-word on Sup Forums. Do you hate anime, too?
This. He also died because he was a junkie
245lbs and still got laid last night ;)
How's mommy faggot?
No, but my bike, you fucking nigger.
Holy sheeit. I didn't know Tarantula was patrish.
>In one of the movie's deleted scenes a reference is made to Vincent Vega's cousin, whose name is Suzanne Vega. Mia asks whether this is the folk singer and Vincent says he does not know if his cousin became a folk singer.
nice spoilers assholes
>he likes anime
>pol cuck check
>Anime virgin KEK
It plays out
Calm down kraiger
>letting someone steal your property
You literal cuck, no wonder you're always thinking about blacks
No u
Yes, he was put in there so Quentin could indulge his "black man is better" fetish.
>black man is better
>Marcellus gets raped then saved by whitey
What did user mean by this?
>leaves his gun on the kitchen counter while he goes to take a shit
Really, Vince?
assuming black people would steal things, wow you fucking racist
He was a shit hitman. Why did Marcellus even keep him around?
you are trying way too hard on this site user.
The film is over 20 years old and you clicked on a Pulp Fiction thread
To be fair, that poster might only be 20 years old
Nice spoiler
Just the truth user