The Last Jedi - New Images
The Last Jedi - New Images
Very cool, very cool.
It's very possible I'm just exceedingly immature but are they playing the circle game nuts edition?
I couldn't manufacturer an ounce of excitement if I had a gun to my head
You mad white boi?
Oh joy, another strong, independent womyn who don't needs no man who'll show up to show up our actual protagonists
Hot Toys 1/6 scale of Kylo Ren
cute dog
holy shit why are they so fucking terrified of doing something creative?
quite literally everything is just some minor variation of already established lore
jesus fucK what's the fucking POINT
This shit still goes to print? top kek
who the fuck is he?
if you try to reconstruct his skull he still looks like nobody we know.
God, it looks like Rian would go down with one punch.
>5'11" vs 6'0"
I love me some Mark Hamill
They better do him right
Obito Uchiha
The Last Jedi?
More like The Fat Jedi amirite?
is that mark hamill's body double or something? why does he look so different
>VERY fast pilot/Dameron/rebel running at incredible hihg speed
You should've played the Force Unleashed.
nice thumbnail, what the fuck am I supposed to be looking at?
that lightsaber hilt is still fucking retarded
the lower part would be uncomfortable as hell and you wouldnt get a decent grip
Come on son.
forgot how edgy these games were holy shit
Their fucking facial features... I made it a thumbnail on purpose.
Look at the eyebrows the nose the chin the shadow lines.
Snoke = Starkiller
how did he grow 3 feet
>implying they will introduce an EU character who is a literal who for the normie masses that watch this
Rey looks good. She'll probably be cool as fuck as she gets a grip on her mary sue chosen one powers.
You know, I'm mostly cool with all the new shit and everything, but... "Snoke?"
>The Last Jedi - New Images
Very cool.
Preorder now!
Hey, fucker is slowly getting into shape. He can pass for a sergeant on got now.
biggest mary sue of all time
Is that the chick from N is for Nuptials from abcs of death?
who cums first u cum first i cum first
why are you so easily offended?
Plagueis possessed Anakin's corpse. His method of cheating death was never specified, Don't worry about the scar discrepancies, the body got all mangled from the dark side.
>no black characters in game of thrones
There are quite a few in the books
>i was just pretending to be retarded
It's Bigger Luke
Ironic that a miniature plastic toy is better looking than the actual person.
Too late for that.
i'm buying this and shoving it straight up my ass
Why does Hohn Boyega look so uncomfortable while Rian johnson seems to be having lots of fun? What's going on here?
why do the stormtroopers look like manlets?
Why does Poe Dameron looks like he's a time traveler from the 70s?
The actress said Rose was a Finn fangirl. Yet every photo of them, they are arguing angrily. What did she mean by this? does it look like a healthy relationship to her?