Wait, what...?

Wait, what...?
But Obama was t...
Oh god I give up, liberals are completely fucking retarded.

This is fine. Wrong, but fine. Rip Johnny.

You weren't even born yet, faggot.

I don't think people get what 1984 was about

>the pro censorship, antifree spech, people who control all media and academia and are doing their hardest to silence any dissenting voices are using 1984 as if they arent the bad guys

what did they mean by this?


We're reaching levels of self unawareness that shouldn't even be possible.

>Liberals do retarded shit
It's like saying that the sun rises in the morning OP.

There's a film?

deporting illegal immigrants is literally fascism

>literally the entire US population is being spied on for the past 10 years if not longer
>le drumpf is 1984

Holy fucking shit dude, these people are brainwashed. I'm not using that word lightly, they are so goddamn conditioned and controlled that brainwashed is a totally accurate label.

Orwell is spinning in his grave.

>liberals hate authoritarianism
>liberals want more government


Wrong, they hate the word fascism, not authoritarianism.

Why did John Hurt look so old at age 43? He could be a 70 year old with dyed hair there

>There's a film?
a really shitty one

It's not THAT shitty. Far cry from great though. John Hurt is always good.

Why so many Sup Forumsshit threads being posted at once? Is this the start of the work day in Russia or something?


Is this what passes for liberal "comedy" around here?


Why are conservacucks so insufferable and all over Sup Forums whining all the time? They must be miserable af
>>Sup Forums

Which is funny because Fascism is a form of authoritarian leftism.

its unironically the americans getting home from work.

>liberals call trump a fascist
>hands congress back the choice over daca, due to Obama clearly violating executive powers
>Trump call him more of a hitler
Yes, they have no idea about the world and it's both funny and sad

illegal immigrants dont have rights, Sherlock.

deporting Americans would be fascism you stupid cunt.

I can imagine that. 70% of the book is inner monologues and thought analysis, hard to adapt.