Klingons are being written as MAGApedes in the new Star Trek.
For real.

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Those are Klingons? What happened?

hollywood crashing with no survivors.

>put Simon Pegg in charge of writing
>this is what happens
I swear to God this man can do no right without Edgar Wright

But klingons are black people

they look more like pan-africans and BLM-activists to me

Diversity and the SJW cult happened.

They just had to make the Klingons black. Fucking blackwashing everything. First Heimdall, then Electro, then L, then James Bond, now this shit. Baka.

8 years of Dunark Tr'ank. Seriously we cannot allow him to get the Doomsday device codes.

New Trek wants some of their aliens to look more alien, but then didn't go full-furry on their cat-people aliens. Instead they opted to make Klingons looks like a 19th century racial caricature of black people from the pre-bellum south, but with head ridges and dumb armor. I don't know whether blacks should be more insulted over that or the gratuitous use of blackface for the original Klingons.

There are lighter- and darker-skinned Klingons.

A tv show starring Spock's secret human sister (who is black and proud) fighting Klingon Drumpfs?

Jesus fucking Christ.
How can this show get any worse

There are also orange skinned Klingons

omg this drumpf angle works! orange!

damn... this shit looks so fucking retarded
i could careless about whatever faggot OP is complaining about
im just upset that JJ trek raped my franchise

it will be a better comedy than Orville that's for sure

I'm sticking souly on anime until this circle jerk ends.

When does this shitshow start up? Are they still going to show the first episode on CBS before they move it exclusively to the new streaming service?

Wow nice fake nice fake news headline you perma-triggered brain dead alt-right cancer. Read the actual quote:

>The Klingons are going to help us really look at certain sides of ourselves and our country. Isolationism is a big theme. Racial purity is a big theme. The Klingons are not the enemy, but they do have a different view on things. It raises big questions: Should we let people in? Do we want to change? There’s also the question of just because you reach your hand out to someone, do they have to take it? Sometimes, they don’t want to take it.

None of this is critical of any side, it's just examining an issue that is important in our society today as Trek as always done. Stay triggered,

Come on user, I voted for Hillary and even I can acknowledge this show looks like it's going to be SJW shit.

I have no opinion on the show but it's an objective fact that OP misrepresented the content of this article to pander to alt-right Sup Forums garbage posters.

Getting to the true meaning of an article is not misrepresentation.

I've just watched episode of TNG and was pretty much Make Klingons Great Again. That's 30 years ago, so nothing weird.

>simon pegg
he's not writing for this

more like Nigrons amirite

The showrunner uses North Korea as an example of the Klingons behavior, congrats OP you're a moron.

>those comments

people are really resisting neo liberalism a lot more than they used to

oh god what have they done

The captain of the show is a white male so it can't be that cucked of a show. Not if they want a season 2.

You're an idiot

Doubt really count if half of them are you m8

>The captain of the show is a white male so it can't be that cucked of a show.
He dies in the first season to make Black Spock captain

They were obviously linked from right wing sites. Star Trek writers have always put their politics not so subtly in the shows. Star Trek basically wrote the book on forced diversity

There's nothing more comical than far right people trying to claim Star Trek isn't super left wing

They already have the Asian captain dying in the first season. They won't pull the "dead captain" trick twice in one season.

Will any women get slapped for being hysterical?
That might get me to watch this ill-advised turd.
Who's going to pay for this? What were they thinking?

>Who's going to pay for this?
TNG cucks aka fake Star Trek fans.

10 years from now, when Trump either didn't do much to rock the boat, or ended up doing a lot of good as President, either way, all this "sky is falling" media being generated currently will look so fucking retarded. They will be such embarrassing, insulated products of this time period, that no one will ever go back and revisit them/rewatch them.

Lol you're a joke

>spend years post-TOS framing the klingons as a proud warrior race that has a complex culture and dysfunctional political system, use Worf as the klingon archetype who's appalled at the deterioration of his culture and has constant internal conflicts between his disloyal people and his loyal friends
>throw it in the trash because muh Trump

fucks sake

>look more alien
>it's still a guy in a shit costume with bad head makeup

If they really wanted more alien look they wouldn't be humanoid.

Klingons are monghols

Romulans are the ones that are always used to portray a despotic, authoritarian and isolationist government, you've never seen an episode of trek in your life

>The Klingons are not the enemy, but they do have a different view on things. It raises big questions: Should we let people in? Do we want to change? There’s also the question of just because you reach your hand out to someone, do they have to take it? Sometimes, they don’t want to take it.

None of this has anything to do with the klingons

To be honest all the trump hate is already feeling dated

>rent free

These aren't Worf's Klingon's
They're an ancient splinter group

You'd think ...
But they did the same exact thing during Reagan and despite the glorious surge of American prosperity and strength, the Left was never held accountable for their blindingly wrong positions.

There's nothing more sad than liberals who have never seen Star Trek thinking every episode is a lefty morality tale like the half black/half black aliens one in TOS. Star Trek has always been super meritocratic, which is right wing.

>Isolationism is a big theme. Racial purity is a big theme. The Klingons are not the enemy, but they do have a different view on things.

That's... actually a nicer view of Trump supporters and white nationalists than most media and politicians take. At least they're not saying isolationism or ethnic purity are necessarily "bad" ideals.

Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo


the initials of the show is STD and no one involved with the show realized for months that.

Discovery is an honest to goodness trainwreck that we can only hope is so bad that it becomes hilarious to watch and not just a cringefest.

If you're going to change everything about their race, why not just make a new race? It's Star Trek lmao they invent species all the time

Oh, wait, I know why they decided instead to rehash a beloved species, it's because they're pandering to normies and "klingons" is one of three things that the average person knows about star trek

>could care less

I hate all fat retarded Americans that don't know the saying is COULDN'T

The biggest thing Reagan accomplished was outspending the Soviets and forcing them to collapse. No small accomplishment but everything else was a fucking trainwreck. Iran-Contra, Trickle-Down/Reaganomics and laying the groundwork for the Taliban by refusing to aid in Afghanistan's reconstruction were all factors contributing to the problems we currently face. Reagan was extremely short-sighted.

>The Klingons are not the enemy, but they do have a different view on things
But they literally were in that era of Star Trek

I think it's more white nationalists not wanting to admit the Trek they grew up with was about a marxist utopia.

>the story is about a federation colony that's getting flooded with klingon refugees who are converting people to the religion of Khaless and beheading those who resist

Really would make my nog jog

they will in the show. they don't want to tip their hand and put people off too early.

Don't forget
>During Reagan's presidency, the national debt nearly tripled, and the U.S. went from being the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor nation in under eight years

It's easy to look prosperous when you borrow money from everyone

It's about a post-scarcity utopia you retard, star trek's society is based on space magic

Trust me, I'll hop on the communism train once we can convert energy to matter

>Trickle-Down/Reaganomics and laying the groundwork for the Taliban
People who don't get that Trickle down economics is the fundamental core of capitalism itself. Socialist plebs.
His policies led to an economic heyday that lasted through the next two administrations.

Libs hate Reagan mostly due to his success making them look very very bad. Same is likely to be true post-Trump.

Yes. A post-scarcity marxist utopia.

The federation is even more culturally chauvinistic than the romulans, they'd have no room for tolerating and respecting something like Islamic """"culture""""


Star Trek isn't marxist either, it's a generic form of socialism where everyone works for the betterment of themselves and society, and those who don't are seen as strange and childish (at best).

Us National Socialists love the sound of that.

Well there's a show that I probably will not watch.


Where's the class conflict in Star Trek? Any objective analysis will show Star Trek to be National Socialist.


William Shatner is spinning in his grave.

This looks like a Champions Online character where someone jammed the tone of everything up to shiny metal, including skin.

Culturally sure, but it was all about everything being free and everyone's needs being provided regardless of how much they worked. That's socialist as fuck. Also according to race realists, the Federation shouldn't exist because culture is intrinsically tied to race. You can't be mono-cultural AND multi-racial.

Instead of writing about current issues with allegory they should be writing broader, more applicable stories that are relatable to a number of situations. No one is going to give a shit about this Trump stuff in 10 years because they'll have their own problems to deal with. No one remembers 'why' George Orwell wrote 1984 but its message is so broad and relevant that we still read it to this day.

Don't tell me you actually believe Star Trek is in any way right wing. They literally live in a society without money. Race is rarely brought up because the idea was that humans have moved beyond it.

so does star trek retcon it's own canon with each series, or do they explain changes like this? Because the next star trek movie will have to decide between black klingons and mocha klingons now, right?

Why does a fictional sci fi TV show have to be about Trump?

Property rights have never been discussed in Star Trek, nobody knows how for example how people own property on earth.

All we know is that employees of the federation aren't paid, because there's no use for money within the federation

There's also no 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' seeing as nobody's under any obligation to work because everything you ever want is in abundance.

The entirety of human economics, including marxism, is based on scarcity. Trying to describe it as marxism is a category error, there's nothing to redistribute or produce because everything is infinite. You're obviously a literal brainlet.

But it doesn't work.
It never "trickledowned"
The disparity of wealth has exploded between the top and everyone below

Adventures of Inigo, AKA Inigo Gets Out, the first Hypercard stack game years before Myst and stuff.

"National socialism" is a hollow term with as much meaning as "Democratic people's republic"

Having socialism in the name doesn't make national socialists adherents of socialism. National Socialism refers to a specific form of fascist idoelogy.

>but it was all about everything being free and everyone's needs being provided regardless of how much they worked. That's socialist as fuck.

Everyone's needs are met because there was zero cost. There is >0 cost to providing things in real human society. Do you even understand the shit you're espousing? Oh, of course not, you're an american "socialist" who watched a couple bernie sanders speeches

>comparing Reagan to Trump

holy shit you trumpfags are retarded.

Right wing != capitalism and racism

yeah, National socialism aspires to directly that. All toil for the betterment of the volkskörper according to their (racial) station and money, the whip of the jew, is abolished. Sounds utopian

>there's no use for money within the federation
Which is inherently stupid because we still see them needing to barter and trade constantly, whether within the Federation or with species outside the Federation. Currency is just an efficient facilitator of trade, that's its whole purpose. Not having money when the practice of exchange is alive and well makes zero sense.


>according to race realists, the Federation shouldn't exist because culture is intrinsically tied to race
this isn't necessarily true. the niggers would just eat and breed endlessly (as they do), without impacting the culture or public life in any meaningful way (we're talking about the brainlets who never invented a written language or adopted the wheel, here). they would probably be less violent, but only because they'd be too fat to go anywhere.

It's socialism whether you want to admit it or not. Gene Roddenberry was vocally socialist.

He wrote 1984 because of WW2 you dumb fuck, everyone knows that

Klingons weren't confirmed to have actually changed in-universe until DS9: Trials and Trribleations when the characters go back in time and notice that the Klingons don't look like Worf, before then it was just a makeup decision. Enterprise decided it was because of a genetic virus thing.

And the movies and TV series are now unrelated and owned by different companies, they won't relate to each other.

There have been black Klingons before, what is the problem?

this. allegory is inevitably bland, preachy and dated. cheapening a story to the status of a political polemic is just lazy writing.

If that were true, we wouldn't have characters like Geordi or Sisko.

>Not having money when the practice of exchange is alive and well makes zero sense.
It does if you want to prevent the hoarding of wealth without contribution

A barter system for citizens means that if you want something, you need to personally produce value. Money allows people to start skimming and become wealthy being intermediates.

Simple barter works for the Federation because all needs are met. No one is going to starve because they have nothing to barter or fail to find someone to barter with. So the failings of a non-monetary based barter system is covered.

Keeping it topical is what keeps it relatable. Enterprise was full of 9/11 allegories for example and Sup Forums loves that show.

>How to lose viewers
God forbid we stop injecting politics into every fucking thing. I know Star trek is a political show that's supposed to make you think about shit but I always thought TNG had a bit more nuance then just saying "TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE BARBARIANS" even if it already had a left lean

Not an argument. Economics is the foundation of socialist political theory. Economics concerns itself with the distribution of scarce resources. Resources are not scarce in Star Trek (impossible and magical), ergo economics does not exist, ergo you can't describe their society socialist.

roddenberry's 'socialism' was made possible by a technological breakthrough, not a political revolution. that isn't marxism.

Go read about their politics from someone who believes in them rather than propagandists with echoes round their name.

Exactly, not even star trek understands star trek's economics, hence I mentioned property rights on earth

Why did Sisko's father have a restaurant? Why did Picard's family have a vineyard? Surely a lot of people want to live in New Orleans and rural France, were they under an obligation to produce something for their land? Who made the decision to give them the land? Does inheritance exist in Star Trek?

If you can't answer how land is distributed then you can't know what "economic" system exists.