What';d you think of this episode of Norm Sup Forums?

What';d you think of this episode of Norm Sup Forums?


Maybe this makes me a bad person but I just can't listen to him it makes me physically ill.

why didnt norm make xher tell jokes at the end

I had the same reaction, It's just revolting to me. I get trying to be tolerant, and I support their rights but even against my better judgement it's just instinctual for me to be repulsed. I don't know if that's genetic or whatever.

Regardless the interview was pretty interesting, I was surprised that Jenner was as good natured and humorous she was. Even more surprised to find out she was a conservative republican.

Anyone can be good natured and humorous for an hour. Everyone that has known him/her/it out of the spotlight has nothing but horrible things to say. She's supposed to be the worst father and completely awful to deal with.

almost as boring as the letterman episode

Mixed feelings. I really didn't think the episode was bad. I don't really give a fuck about Jenner or transgenderism, and the comedy did kind of take a hit this episode but I still just like anything out of norm's mouth.

Very boring, if they're not actually willing to talk about the real problems with transgender culture becoming mainstream in society there's no point.

The episode is literally a pleb filter. Their exchange was heartbreaking.

>almost as boring as the letterman episode
And here I was thinking the Letterman episode was one of the best.

Norm didn't try to fuck with her once. I don't know why he puts it on some guests but not others. It was ok as far as podcasts/interviews go, but their content was definitely not why I listen to Norm.

You niggers can't get your story straight. Stop saying "herp derp this season is so shit" and rewatch the other episodes. You're expecting too much. This podcast was never that full of jokes.

Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner aside, WHERE WERE THE JOKES?
That's the real issue. Nobody wants a podcast about the struggle of transgender identity. Not on a fucking comedy talk show.

just what you want on a comedy podcast
I'm sure it's great if you like letterman but letterman has never made me laugh a single time in all the years he'd been on air, it's like he mistook cynicism and sarcasm for comedy. so he's not a very interesting guest in my eyes. I love norms appearances on his show though but to be fair norm kills it on every late night show as a guest

But I didn't say that? Fuck you for lumping me in with your shitty generalization.

it was always full of funny though. Seems like Norm is trying to be more serious now. I mean Larry King's episode was hilarious for christ's sake so you can't tell me it wasn't originally just about norm and some guest shooting the shit and having some laughs

New season of Norm is absolutely awful.

You can tell Norm was contractually forced into that Caitlyn interview, he wants to mock the shit out of her the whole time

Did Bruce really runned someone over with a car and got awayed with it?


critics are calling it everything from shit to fucking shit!

because his Jew owners would fire him if he challenged it

She's a millionaire celebrity. Her opinions aren't any different than mouth-breathers at Target. We aren't missing much

That's even better though, make her look like an idiot and expose her

>She's supposed to be the worst father

Imagine living in a world where this sentence is not meant to induce confusion and ridicule

JASH may aswell be called leftist fucking garbage comedians who appeal to redditSH

Great episode, that it triggered so many magapedes and alt-lite is just gravy.

>If they hate us we win

Wouldnt you want people to warm or be neutral to your cause? hahaha

Because he couldn't get a fucking word in edgeways

She/he/it paid for this interview. I don't know why but that's what they do.

Norm needs the money so I have zero issues with this


yeah nothing against norm but she paid for what could be shown and talked about.

Does that also mean they get a free pass on any difficult questions?

If youre paying for a product youd be pretty retarded not to have the contract in your favour

>Questions approved list
>Questions not approved list
>Final edit rights goto Jenner
>Veto power on publishing the video goto Jenner
>Power to have the video removed at any time goto Jenner

>Does that also mean they get a free pass on any difficult questions?

asks a difficult question

fuck i don't know man

>caring about youtube votes

>can't even get through introducing """Caitlyn""" without giggling

This was as vapid as I'd feared. I'd hoped it'd either go hard on the ribbing OR go hard on the issues, but it was entirely just Jenner blabbering on about whatever shit is in the book being hawked. No revelations, nothing interesting, insightful or especially funny. Couldn't really even get the Egat hate train rolling.

The madbabbies in the comments are quality, at least.

>madbaby complains about madbabies


Ada Egat looks fucking weird in that picture.

ye seems like jenner didn't want to go into jokes at all. anytime norm tried to make one (s)he just kind of looked at him until he brought something else up or just fucking talked over him. I get that they're talking about heavy shit but andy dick talked about heavy shit too and he still mananged to joke around and have a good time. Have a sense of humor when you're going on a fucking comedian's podcast at least

when will people stop talking about gender and political correctness and start talking about things that matter like Twin Peaks?

I don't, I've actually enjoyed every episode this season. I just wanted to take the chance to use that quote.

I couldn't get my dad to watch Eddie Izzard with me because he couldn't handle the crossdressing. I know it's weird and all, but the jokes were funny. Couldn't get past 3 minutes.