I've taken some oxycodone, xanax and am about to rip the bong and watch a movie. inb4 weed lol

I've taken some oxycodone, xanax and am about to rip the bong and watch a movie. inb4 weed lol.


I hope you suppress your pulmonary system enough to where you die.

dude you HAVE to watch some cheech and chong xD

Watch a film called American ultra it sounds right up your alley




this wasn't even a DUDE WEED LMAO movie. It felt more like a made for tv spy movie. Don't recommend

I do have 0 tolerance and I just ate another quarter of the pill and am nodding out now.

Fucking pill popping junkie, I hope you stop breathing from taking benzos and opiates together. Go die you junkie piece of shit holy fuck just die and stop posting.

why would you literally want me to die for using some recreational drugs? You sound like a fun guy.

There is nothing recreational about drug use grow up. Maybe because you're such a selfish twat that you'd risk your life and risk getting addicted to chase a high. All drug abusers are selfish cunts that don't think for a moment about how hurt their family would be if they found out or found you dead. Keep being a selfish cunt getting high watching movies, maybe your family will find you dead

death note nbs

You got a lot of issues there bud, maybe pay someone to listen to them

Weed? Fine, whatever.
Popping xanax and oxy on top of it at the same time? He's right, you ought to OD.

>a junkie telling someone else they "have issues"

Kingdom of the spiders.

there's a huge difference between you're talking about and taking half an oxycodone on my day off. I literally never do this stuff, I just took some for fun.

1mg xanax
12mg oxycodone. I feel completely fine.

Fuck off Bill, go back to twitter

>I just took some for fun.
Said every junkie ever before they ended up in a morgue or a gutter. Go OD and stop posting.

impressive repeating digits, but I'm not a junkie.


More like fall asleep.

And never wake up.
That's what they all say junkie.

you are so retarded, you sound like a broken record. I have been familiar with drugs for the last 10 years. I've done em all. Everything in moderation. I have no drug habits except weed. fuck off.

>I've done em all
>I-I'm not a junkie!
Did I touch a nerve, junkie?

ITT people projecting hardcore.

t. drug addict

Damn dude I just feel sorry for you. Was your mom an alcoholic or a junkie or something?

Eh, my Mom was addicted to Oxycotin (or whatever) for a while. Would take one, forget she took it and take six more and the worst she ever got was passing out for hours at a time. I doubt the OP could possibly take enough to overdose in pill form without really trying too. You need to be injecting shit or snorting it to get to that level. OP's probably just going to be really sleepy for a while if not black out.

Pretty much every person that overdoses thinks that they're taking a proper amount. Not to mention that you're mixing uppers and downers. People have died from taking pain pills and having a few glasses of wine. You're obviously young, a know-it-all and you feel invincible. You keep doing the bullshit you're doing and someone will find you dead, don't think that's impossible.

Don't do drugs m8, but if you have to be fucked up to have fun stick to weed and beer.

kek what a cunt you are

no I actually do a lot of research before I do any drug and I'm 100% okay I am fine unless I am some medical outlier. I've had and will have no alcohol tonight. this is it. and I feel tired but great.

No, you're just a scummy faggot that feels the need to flaunt your drug use like an attention starved redditor and if you've "done em all" you are far from not being an addict. I highly fucking doubt weed is the only thing you've been addicted to and I think all addicts ought to take themselves out of the gene pool, especially you. I'm not that worried, anyone who combines downers has serious issues so you'll do yourself in eventually.

Mr. Nobody bro

you should write my autobiogrophy because you amazingly know so much about me.

this level of projection is honestly hilarious.

loved it. anything else?

>muh projection
I did touch a nerve.
Enjoy the inevitable fentanyl laced, pressed pill you get from your nigger dealer, junkie-user.

My sides.

Oh research is that it?? You have a PhD in recreational drug use? You've been published on the exact amount that will get you fucked up but won't kill you? Go ahead and put thousands of man hours researching the proper dosages and get all scientific about how to properly get high. Dude you're too smart to overdose or get addicted! LMAO

Oh I didn't realize you're some special human being that doesn't react to drugs or addiction the same as other humans... clearly I don't know you enough to know that if you keep doing drugs chances are you'll overdose or get addicted... if I had known a little more about you I would have known that you're an uebermensch intellectual that couldn't possibly form a drug habit or accidentally overdose. My bad!

>My engorged liver

Good riddance. It'll catch up to you eventually, child.

>it's an EMT can't stomach the job so he goes off on the type of people he treats all day

buck up faggot

dude I don't know who in your life was a drug addict and hurt you or let you down and I'm sorry for whatever it was, but I haven't done drugs in years, I got a couple pills to have a recreational evening, I go back to work on Saturday and that's it, just a fun night. no different than drinking a beer.

Classic junkie impatience. You'll realize you're too high too late and pass out dead from your redosing. Good riddance!

>it's a degenerate pill poppers and addicts think they are infallible only setting themselves up for an OD/addiction episode
My favorite.


nope, that was an hour ago and I'm feeling good but pretty awake and alert. no signs of anything bad. I love how even a responsible drug user is "100% gonna die you idiot haha fuck you junkie." Puritanical pussies cant have a good time.

>I haven't done drugs in years (but I'm addicted to weed)
>I got a couple pills to have a recreational evening

you will serve my dead corpse and enjoy it wagie slavie

Enjoy your relapse.

No different than drinking a beer... the fact that you don't see the difference makes it clear to me you have the maturity of a teenager.

You just admitted to mixing benzos and opiates and you're adding weed on top, and you probably base your dosage and mixture off some advice from some other junkie on some random 420 website. You are not very smart and you are minimizing your drug use.

Yea man it's no big deal! In fact i'm sure people who """occasionally""" do heroin and smoke meth also think its no big deal. I look at what you typed out and I think you have serious drug problems dude.

I'm not an EMT. Junkies are a waste of space akin to niggers.
Also the only one serving your dead corpse will be your cellmate.

Wow, anti-drug faggots are exceedingly cringe and annoying.

Stay stay stay

relapse of what? I've never been addicted to anything. projecting are you?

>Wow, anti-drug faggots are exceedingly cringe and annoying.

>haha I didn't die today! D.A.R.E was wrong!

Every time you successfully use drugs, it incorrectly reinforces the notion that its safe. It only takes a single night to fuck up one of your concoctions and die

>I-I'm not addicted! I've done em all and I stopped doing drugs until today but I'm not addicted and I'm not relapsing I can handle it bro!
Again, good riddance.

How can a man who does an opiate once every few years possibly have a drug problem. I am baffled. I have an alcohol problem I will freely admit, but you guys are just projecting everything else.

>I can stop doing drugs whenever I want I just don't want to!

The fact that you can't stay sober for the rest of your life proves you are an addict. Most people don't think about getting fucked up on pills that's serious druggie junkie behavior. If you aren't an addict you could stop for the rest of your life... but I'm betting you can't.

And here is the truth.
An alchy doing benzos and opiates.
You can handle it Sup Forumsro, ignore the haters!
Dude only once a year? You're smart enough to know you can do it every off-day and you won't become addicted because you know your shit man. Taking xanax will help you quit alcohol.

but I never do them. just once every 4 years or sometimes more. If that's addiction I guess I'm fine with it. not gonna kill me.

An addict isn't about how often you use (daily, etc.). You could be an addict that stops for months but if you pick up a drug again it's called RELAPSING. An addict is a person that loves drugs period. Someone that is willing to abuse pills and mix all sorts of pills to get high is an addict. Most people don't do that kind of bullshit.

Nah dude... just nah.

t. self-admitted alcoholic and weed addict who claims he's not a junkie
You're right about thing, you haven't relapsed. You've never stopped doing drugs.

take more you faggot

Enter the Void

so if I smoke a cigarette ONCE i am now am addict and smoking one cigarette 2 years later is a relapse? literally fuck off with that hippy shit.

You only take a mind altering substance once every 4 years? Who are you fooling junkie.... Someone that mixes pills and smokes weed and then brags about it on Sup Forums is not a once-ever-4-years drug user.

one thing*
You should try having a few beers with your oxy, xanax and weed on your next off day. You can handle it!


seen it. Liked it a lot.

shotgun blast to the face maybe?

shouldnt you be sleeping to be alert for your wage? someone your age.

I smoke and drink regularly. i posted here about the Oxy because it is out of the norm and just wanted a recommendation. instead I got a bunch of faggots with family history of drug use taking their frustrations out on me.

cool ill try it

You are gross as fuck dude.. do you always have to be shoveling shit in your mouth to get fucked up? Junkies are gross as fuck your mother must be proud of you.

watching black sitcoms high is pretty comfy.

>I smoke and drink regularly
>I-I'm not an addict! Alcohol doesn't count because it's legal!
This is just getting funnier and funnier desu. You're being called a junkie because people are just projecting, not because you're a poly-drug abuser. That's totally it.

What are you, some puritanical, wait till I'm married faggot? What are you, straight edge?

Rubber (2010)

I learned from my drug counciling group that drugs are an addiction once they cause problem for you in daily life.

t. 13 stepper

bro seriously don't take pills. i have friends who have ruined their lives behind that shit

You just admitted you smoke and drink REGULARLY on top of your poly-drug abuse. You are a junkie and it's fucking disgusting.

I'll have a glass of wine or a beer very rarely but I don't have a house stocked full of mind-altering substances or think about any drugs on a daily basis like you do because i'm not a disgusting junkie. You are a slave to substances and it's sad

Give the man some fucking movie recommendations, If he wants to o.d on opioids he has every right to so.

I'm an alcoholic. thats not what the threads about, its not relevant. im not proud that I drink too much, but yeah, thats my drug of choice and fuck off if you think anything about me because of it. tonight I got some oxy and I took it and I feel great and that will be it. sorry I couldnt give you the train wreck you were looking for. and also, I am under attack right now but I'd like to see your life. im guessing its not perfect. so lets just relax.

what poly drug abuse? Wjat substances in my home? You're not even talking about me.

Watch whatever. It's not like you will remember it anyway

damn, the propoganda has worked if all these faggots think one opiate pill will kill you or ruin your life.

Dude I just have a problem with you denying you're a drug addict. You clearly have problems with controlling yourself when it comes to drugs. If you are an alcoholic which is a pleb-tier addiction, you could easily become addicted to pills and graduate to hardcore drugs.

You feel like you're under attack because you're in denial. Get some help my man

No one's life is perfect but you are quite literally a junkie. The fact that you don't understand being an alcoholic literally makes you a junkie just shows how retarded you are. You're being attacked because you're an obnoxious faggot that is in denial and if anything you should see this as a wake up call to stop.
You got addicted to alcohol and weed why do you think you're immune to getting hooked on pills?
Btw benzos are the very last fucking thing an alcoholic needs to be taking, retard.

Do you seriously think people that are addicts didn't think just like you in the beginning? It's a gradual process

doing drugs is literally flushing money down the toilet, if you're rich go for it but i have spent 4k on drugs in the past year and i would be in a much better situation if i had never touched drugs in the first place. but there is no turning back desu, not like i squandered my potential or anything, if you're unattractive, poor, and autistic i say do all the drugs you want because dopamine is released when your needs are fulfilled, and for some people drugs are the
only way to achieve a dopamine release. if you go too long without a dopamine release or engaging in any meaningful activity you go insane and become suicidal. this is the nature of animals, we don't live in a just world and never will, so if your life is shit due to things out of your control who's to say what you can and cant put in your body?

dude lsd lmao

you know where you belong

>doing drugs is bad because you could die
>because of this I hope you overdose and die
just off yourself retard

dude like have u ever watched a movie on the drugs????

whats a good movie for that lol

He's not a pill-popping junkie so you're a lot more likely to off yourself than he is. Junkies are a scourge on society and their deaths should be rejoiced. You faggots never learn.