
Jæja landar mínir, það er komið páskafrí þannig að þið hafið enga afsökun fyrir að koma ekki í þennan þráð.

Hvernig hafið þið það?

Attached: allra besti fáninn í heiminum.png (1000x720, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hey I live on an /island/ too
what's up guys I'm from Hawaii

What's the point of a general if you're the only one? :(

No bully
On a lucky day there's often a grand total of 2 (TWO) Icelanders in these threads

I've seen three once

at svimja er synd í íslandi

what the fuck is that language

How hard is it to immigrate to Iceland. I want to be able to walk down a street and not get shot or mugged.

1 you wont
2 no one wants you there
3 you cant
4 no point

>Historical and DNA records indicate that around 60 to 80 percent of the male settlers were of Norse origin (primarily from Western Norway) and a similar percentage of the women were of Celtic stock from Ireland and peripheral Scotland

Consider yourself very fortunate
Þetta er alla vega byrjun. Eruð þið þarna úti líka byrjaðir í páskafríi?


uh... Icelandic?

Hey, I like these bands.

Move to where lives, study volcanic shamanism and you might have a future in geothermal energy related jobs here

meira páskaniðurlukking.

t. heidningur

There are two?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (384x384, 30K)

Good taste
I'd check out Nýdönsk if you haven't already, they're not like the bands you mentioned but they've got some decent stuff nonetheless


Hvað merkir þetta?

Ekki segja mér að þú sért ÓKRISTILEGUR maður?

Eg vil bara taka bussin, keypa inn, spæla harðan tónleik og dansa eftir miðnátt. Alt hetta forðar j*Sus mær í.

>fullkomiliga ósekur og rættvísur
>tók alla synd heimsins á seg
>varð spottaður
>varð pínslaður
>brendi í helviti í 3 dagar
>frelsir hvonn mann sum trýr á hann
og tú vilt ikki eingongd minnast hansara uppreisn

gud er gay

Hey, I'm sorry I keep asking questions, but why are the two Faroese guys talking to each other in Icelandic?

Google Translate mistakes Faroese for Icelandic. Faroese orthography is Icelandic anyway.

So, they're practically mutually intelligible?

>Alt hetta forðar j*Sus mær í.
Yeah we can understand each other pretty well
You run into some weird words every now and then but otherwise we get the gist of what we're saying to each other

I guess everybody's just out doing shit in the countryside then

Hi Iceland...why is it that I can read old norse pretty well and understand a great deal, but Icelandic words are so unintelligible to me. They are usually longer than old norse words, mostly compounds it seems. Pretty upsetting uezs